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Agenda Introduction Mission Goal IFITT Knowledge Bank

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2 Agenda Introduction Mission Goal IFITT Knowledge Bank
IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum IFITT e-Tourism Wikipedia IFITT e-Tourism Digital Library Conclusion & Outlook References

3 Introduction IFITT – Int. Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism  World Leading e-Tourism Knowledge Hub Mission Enlarge global e-Tourism community and knowledge network  researchers/universities  practitioners/public/private organizations Exploration and promotion of innovations in the e-Tourism domain Creation and dissemination of e-Tourism knowledge Social Corporate Responsibility Enabling learning individuals to develop career opportunities in today’s multicultural and technology-driven working society Stakeholder encompassing benefits (lecturers, students, managers)

4 Introduction Goal Generation and dissemination of knowledge on Tourism and Technology Insights into tourism domain as important application field of ICTS Overview of ICT applications along tourism value chain Knowledge on usage scenarios of modern ICTS in tourism domain The IFITT Digital Knowledge Bank supports this challenge around life-long learning by IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum IFITT e-Tourism Wikipedia IFITT e-Tourism Digital Library

5 IFITT Knowledge Bank e-Tourism
Theory of knowledge-constitutive interests (Habermas, 1978) Emancipation from status quo tourism curriculum (Tribe, 2001) Integration of relevant participants  self-forming, recognizing knowledge needs Transmission of professional, technical and intellectual skills and concepts  variety of learning experiences e-Tourism Digitalization of all processes and value chains in the tourism industry by bundling together three disciplines (Buhalis, 2003) Business Management (strategy, marketing, finance, HRM…) Tourism (transport, heritage, hotel, leisure, travel…) Computer & Media Science (information systems and management, Internet, mobile, social media…)

6 The IFITT Knowledge Bank
E-Tourism curriculum Sources for curriculum adjustment and knowledge needs Text-books and curricula at 52 universities worldwide Expert-based evaluation by 15 e-Tourism scholars (EU) 69 students (Management Centre Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria) DMO: 250 DMO managers Hotel sector: 98 hotel managers; 118 hotel employees Fuchs, M., Höpken, W., Mirski, P., Ainedter, B. & Lembacher, A. (2006): e-Tourism Curricula Development in Tyrol - A Preliminary Report. In: 3rd China Tourism Forum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong: Fuchs, M., Höpken, W., Mirski, P., Ainedter, B. & Lembacher, A. (2007): e-Tourism Curriculum Development - A Destination Management Organisation Perspective. In: Sigala, M., Mich, L. & Murphy, J. (eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007, Springer, New York:

7 The IFITT Knowledge Bank
Fig. 1: Expert weighting scheme for e-Tourism curriculum topics Fig. 2: e-Tourism Education Needs Hotel and DMO Sector

8 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum
Comprehensive base of unique lecturing material > 800 Power Point slides (reference-based) Scripts and reference lists for further readings Up-to date case studies Open Resource Up-dated and extended according to technological developments Major content areas ICT and Tourism - Introduction  Basic ICT usage scenarios and technologies in the tourism domain ICT Usage in Tourism – Overview and Case Studies  Interfaces, suppliers, intermediaries, destination management organisations Trends and Technical Applications  Social media, Semantic web, Software Agents, Recommender Systems, Dynamic Packaging, Mobile, Online auctions, BI

9 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum
1. ICT and Tourism – Introduction Types of tourism/tourism markets Information flows in tourism systems Definition and history of e-Tourism, facts & trends Reasons, advantages and implications of ICT use in tourism 2. ICT Usage in Tourism – Overview and Case Studies 2.1 Tourism stakeholders & interfaces Electronic tourism Market Use of hard-/soft- & net-ware in tourism Tourism specific technologies (e.g. CRS, GDS, Switches, mobile technologies

10 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum
2.2. Tourism Suppliers and e-Tourism Applications 2.2.1 Airline industry Yield Management CRS/GDS Case studies: Lufthansa, 2.2.2 Hospitality CRS, PMS, GDS-Switches (THISCO) MS and distribution channels Proprietary operated (GastroDat, Micros Fidelio) DMS ( Platforms (, Online travel agencies ( Switch companies (WizCom Switch) 2.2.3 Intermediaries CRS/GDS (Amadeus & Start) Tour Operators (,, Travel Agencies (, TravelTainment)

11 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum
2.2. Tourism Suppliers and e-Tourism Applications (cont.) 2.2.4 Destination Organisations Destination Management Systems Case studies: ETS portal,… 2.2.5 Tourism Management Management Information Systems (MIS) and Decision Support Systems (DSS), e-CRM Case Studies: T-Mona/Manova, X-Queue… 3. E-tourism Trends & Technical Applications 3.0 Social Media & Web 2.0 in Tourism Travel Blog Cycle Web 2.0 Revolution in tourism/trends & facts Web 2.0 induced challenges for DMOS Case studies: Trip…

12 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum
3.1. Interoperability and Semantic Web Heterogeneous info presentation in tourism Standardisation initiatives Ontology & semantic web Case studies: IFITT RMSIG (Reference Model Special Interest Group), Harmonise, Harmo-Net 3.2. Website Optimisation Web-site evaluation customer-based expert-based supplier-based performance-based Application tracking & search engine analysis/optimization Case studies: Swarovsky Cristal WebAward, Check Effect for search term efficiency 3.3. Intelligent software agents in tourism Intelligent systems in tourism Smart Business networks Case studies: Heracles, agents for mining online sources

13 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum
3. E-tourism Trends & Technical Applications (cont.) 3.4 Mobile services in tourism M-tourism: m-pull/push technologies Context-based adaptation Usage rates & acceptance Building and instantiating mobile guides Case studies: 3.5 Recommender systems Definition & classification Examples:, Trip, Techniques Collaborative filtering Content-based filtering Case-based reasoning Search interfaces & collaborative browsing Case studies: Virtual Adviser,…

14 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum
3.6 Dynamic packaging in tourism Components, requirements & mechanisms Architectures: agent-based network, multiple bundling strategies Case study: Flex 3.7 Online auctions in tourism Opportunities of online auctions Price determinants A software agent by Tiscover for selling accommodation packages at eBay Case study: e-Bay (market size & structure, success rate, revenue forecast) 3.8 Complexity & network science in tourism Tourism as a complex adaptive system Methods for CAS analysis Basics of network science Applications in tourism 3.9 Business Intelligence in tourism Knowledge destination framework architecture Data Mining, OLAP & Data Warehousing BI-based Destination Management Information System (DMIS)

15 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum
What is NEW by November 2013? New open education resources in form of Power Point slides and scripts Complexity & Network Science in Tourism (Prof. R. Baggio) Social Media Marketing in Tourism (Prof. U. Gretzel) Business Intelligence Applications at Tourism Destinations (Prof. M. Fuchs) > 60 up-to date industry case studies E-business applications for CRS/GDS, OTA, DMO, Airline, and Hotel industry Social Media Mobile applications

16 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum

17 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum

18 IFITT e-Tourism Curriculum

19 IFITT e-Tourism Wiki Theme-specific Wikipedia on 40 core topics of e-Tourism E-Tourism scholars deliver Wiki contributions in their field of expertise

20 IFITT e-Tourism Wiki Wikis available

21 IFITT e-Tourism Wiki Scholars who agreed to submit Wikis Dr. D. Wan
Smart Phone Applications and Travel Experiences Prof. Wöber K. Management Information Systems in Tourism Dr. Zhen, X. Travel Planning Search Engines Prof. L. Cantoni Education and E-Learning in Tourism Augmentation Analysis of User Generated Content Online Reputation in Tourism Prof. M. Fuchs Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence in Tourism Acceptance and Usage of Mobile Technologies in Tourism Prof. W. Höpken Standardization and Semantic Web in Tourism Adaptation of Ubiquitous Websites in Tourism Building Mobile Tourist Guides QR-Codes in Tourism Prof. Sigala, M. ICTs induced Efficiency Gains in Tourism Gaining superior Competitiveness through ICTs in Tourism ICT supported Consumer Relationship Management in Tourism

22 IFITT e-Tourism Digital Library
Parameterized search mechanism at IFITT portal for abstracts and bibliographical data from research resources in field of e-tourism ENTER proceedings Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Springer: Journal of Information Technology & Tourism Cognizant/Springer:

23 IFITT e-Tourism Digital Library
Parameterized search mechanism at IFITT portal for abstracts and bibliographical data from research resources in field of e-tourism

24 IFITT e-Tourism Digital Library

25 Conclusion and Outlook
Continuous further development of advanced open educational resources Up-date of OER, like PPT slides (e.g. QR-Codes, e-Cards, AI, etc.), scripts, industry case studies Web-based e-learning environment Course modules (training needs  learning goals) Interactive learning tools Certification IFITT Digital Knowledge Bank Access on full papers (IFITT members) ENTER Proceedings 1998-ongoing JITT Wikis and topical-hierarchies continuously extended by e-Tourism scholars all over the world

26 …we hope that these improvements along with free IFITT services will be of great help to global e-Tourism community… Thank you!

27 References Buhalis, D. (2003). E-Tourism: Information Technology for strategic tourism management. Essex: Prentice Hall-Pearson. Collins, C. & Buhalis, D. (2004). Enhancing SMTEs Business Performance through the Internet and Online Learning Platforms. In A. Frew, (Ed.), ENTER Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, (pp ). New York: Springer. Fuchs, M., Höpken, W., Mirski, P., Ainedter, B. & Lembacher, A. (2006): e-Tourism Curricula Development in Tyrol - A Preliminary Report. In: 3rd China Tourism Forum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong: Fuchs, M., Höpken, W., Mirski, P., Ainedter, B. & Lembacher, A. (2007): e-Tourism Curriculum Development - A Destination Management Organisation Perspective. In: Sigala, M., Mich, L. & Murphy, J. (eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007, Springer, New York: Grundy, S. (1987). Curriculum: Product or Praxis. Sussex, UK: Falmer. Habermas, J. (1978). Knowledge and Human Interests. London, Heinemann. Kyoo, Y.-Ch. (2000). Hotel Management Curriculum Reform based on Required Competencies of Hotel Employees and Career Success in the Hotel Industry. Tourism Management, 21, Pechlaner, H. & Fuchs, M. (2002). Towards new skill requirements for destination organisations – an exploratory study. Tourism Analysis, 7(1): Tribe, J. (2001). Research Paradigms and Tourism Curriculum. Journal of Travel Research, 39, Werthner, H. & Klein, S. (1999). Information Technology and Tourism - A Challenging Relationship. Wien – New York: Springer. Young, R. (1989). A Critical Theory of Education. Hemel Hempstead, UK: Harvester, Wheatsheaf.

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