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RNA Protein DNA Replication TranscriptionTranslation Polymerase Monomers DNA Pol III (and I) dNTPs Direction of synthesis 5’ to 3’ TemplatessDNA Product.

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Presentation on theme: "RNA Protein DNA Replication TranscriptionTranslation Polymerase Monomers DNA Pol III (and I) dNTPs Direction of synthesis 5’ to 3’ TemplatessDNA Product."— Presentation transcript:

1 RNA Protein DNA Replication TranscriptionTranslation Polymerase Monomers DNA Pol III (and I) dNTPs Direction of synthesis 5’ to 3’ TemplatessDNA Product polynucleotid e

2 RNA Protein DNA Replication TranscriptionTranslation Polymerase Monomers DNA Pol III (and I) RNA Pol dNTPsNTPs Direction of synthesis 5’ to 3’ TemplatessDNA Product polynucleotid e

3 Fig. 17-7a-1 Promoter Transcription unit DNA Start point RNA polymerase 5 5 3 3

4 Fig. 17-7a-2 Promoter Transcription unit DNA Start point RNA polymerase 5 5 3 3 Initiation 3 3 1 RNA transcript 5 5 Unwound DNA Template strand of DNA

5 Fig. 17-7a-3 Promoter Transcription unit DNA Start point RNA polymerase 5 5 3 3 Initiation 3 3 1 RNA transcript 5 5 Unwound DNA Template strand of DNA 2 Elongation Rewound DNA 5 5 5 3 3 3 RNA transcript

6 Fig. 17-7a-4 Promoter Transcription unit DNA Start point RNA polymerase 5 5 3 3 Initiation 3 3 1 RNA transcript 5 5 Unwound DNA Template strand of DNA 2 Elongation Rewound DNA 5 5 5 3 3 3 RNA transcript 3 Termination 5 5 5 3 3 3 Completed RNA transcript

7 Fig. 17-7b Elongation RNA polymerase Nontemplate strand of DNA RNA nucleotides 3' end Direction of transcription (“downstream”) Template strand of DNA Newly made RNA 3' 5'

8 RNA Protein DNA Replication TranscriptionTranslation Polymerase Monomers DNA Pol III (and I) RNA Pol dNTPsNTPs Direction of synthesis 5’ to 3’ TemplatessDNA Product polynucleotid e

9 Fig. 17-5 Second mRNA base First mRNA base (5 end of codon) Third mRNA base (3 end of codon)

10 Polypeptide Ribosome Amino acids tRNA with amino acid attached tRNA Anticodon Trp Phe Gly Codons 3 5 mRNA the mechanism of translation

11 Fig. 17-14 Amino acid attachment site 3 5 Hydrogen bonds Anticodon (a) Two-dimensional structure Amino acid attachment site 5 3 Hydrogen bonds 3 5 Anticodon (c) Symbol used in this book (b) Three-dimensional structure

12 Amino acid Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (enzyme) ATP Adenosine PPP P P P i P P i i tRNA Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase Computer model AMP Adenosine P Aminoacyl-tRNA (“charged tRNA”) Attaching amino acids to tRNAs: Amino-acyl tRNA synthases -20 different synthases -Require ATP -Each must be specific to the right amino acid and tRNA(s)

13 tRNA GLN Aminoacyl-tRNA synthase (ATS GLN ) Adenylated Glutamine

14 Fig. 17-16b P site (Peptidyl-tRNA binding site) A site (Aminoacyl- tRNA binding site) E site (Exit site) mRNA binding site Large subunit Small subunit (b) Schematic model showing binding sites Next amino acid to be added to polypeptide chain Amino end Growing polypeptide mRNA tRNA EP A E Codons (c) Schematic model with mRNA and tRNA 5 3

15 The Ribosome LSU SSU

16 Fig. 17-18-1 Amino end of polypeptide mRNA 5 3 E P site A site

17 Fig. 17-18-2 Amino end of polypeptide mRNA 5 3 E P site A site GTP GDP E P A

18 Fig. 17-18-3 Amino end of polypeptide mRNA 5 3 E P site A site GTP GDP E P A E PA

19 Peptide bond formation - Transfer of growing chain from tRNA in P site to tRNA in A site

20 Fig. 17-18-3 Amino end of polypeptide mRNA 5 3 E P site A site GTP GDP E P A E PA

21 Fig. 17-18-4 Amino end of polypeptide mRNA 5 3 E P site A site GTP GDP E P A E PA GTP Ribosome ready for next aminoacyl tRNA E P A

22 Fig. 17-17 3 3 5 5 U U A A C G Met GTP GDP Initiator tRNA mRNA 5 3 Start codon mRNA binding site Small ribosomal subunit 5 P site Translation initiation complex 3 EA Met Large ribosomal subunit Initiating translation

23 Fig. 17-19-1 Release factor 3 5 Stop codon (UAG, UAA, or UGA) Terminating translation

24 Fig. 17-19-2 Release factor 3 5 Stop codon (UAG, UAA, or UGA) 5 3 2 Free polypeptide 2 GDP GTP Terminating translation

25 Fig. 17-19-3 Release factor 3 5 Stop codon (UAG, UAA, or UGA) 5 3 2 Free polypeptide 2 GDP GTP 5 3 Terminating translation

26 Fig. 17-20 Growing polypeptides Completed polypeptide Incoming ribosomal subunits Start of mRNA (5 end) Polyribosome End of mRNA (3 end) (a) Ribosomes mRNA (b) 0.1 µm

27 Fig. 17-24 RNA polymerase DNA Polyribosome mRNA 0.25 µm Direction of transcription DNA RNA polymerase Polyribosome Polypeptide (amino end) Ribosome mRNA (5 end) In bacteria: Translation can happen while transcription is still ocurring

28 Fig. 18-3a Polypeptide subunits that make up enzymes for tryptophan synthesis mRNA 5 Promoter trp operon Genes of operon Stop codon Start codon trpAtrpE trpD trpCtrpB AB CD E In bacteria: Many genes are organized in operons Operon = group of genes sharing one promoter, expressed as 1 mRNAs containing multiple ORFs

29 RNA Protein DNA Replication TranscriptionTranslation Polymerase Monomers DNA Pol III (and I) RNA Pol dNTPsNTPs Direction of synthesis 5’ to 3’ TemplatessDNA Product polynucleotid e ribosome Aminoacyl-tRNAs mRNA N to C polypeptide

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