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1 Tourism in Flanders Belgium is a federal state made up of three communities Policy matters regarding tourism are handled by the Communities The complete.

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1 1 Tourism in Flanders Belgium is a federal state made up of three communities Policy matters regarding tourism are handled by the Communities The complete tourism policy for the Flemish Community is implemented by the Tourism Board of Flanders Belgium is probably not one of the countries immediately associated with thoughts of holiday and summertime leisure. Yet it is visited extensively by foreign holidaymakers esp ‘Art cities’ In 2012 the National Institute for Statistics in Belgium recorded 35, 5 million overnight stays. The Flemish coast represents 31% of the overnight stays, followed by the art cities, 37%. The domestic market is the largest market in Belgium, with 53% of all overnight stays.

2 2 Toerisme Vlaanderen and sustainable development  Toerisme Vlaanderen is civil service implementing the tourism policy and regulations of the Flemish Government  High quality tourism implies sustainable tourism  Sustainable development of tourism is a proces to achieve the right balance between the economic, socio-cultural and ecological aspects.  Toerisme Vlaanderen stimulates the sector to integrate sustainability  Flanders profiles itself as a sustainable tourism destination  Follow guidelines of UNWTO and EU Commission

3 Policy tools used for ecotourism by Visit Flanders (1) Measurement instruments Sustainability indicators and monitoring List of indicators Command and Controle instruments Legislation, regulation and licensing attribute and controle LEEDS criteria for sustainable buildings Land use planning and development control Advice on land use planning Provide infrastructure Economic instruments Financial incentives and agreements Incentives to adopt environmental friendly inprovements at accommodations 3

4 Policy tools used for ecotourism by Visit Flanders (2) Voluntary instruments Voluntary certification Label bike friendly - accessibility Green key Voluntary contributions Visitor payback system CO2 compensation for air travel Supporting instruments Capacity building Courses, methodology, Campaigns to sensitize tourists, 4

5 What is the Green Key/Groene Sleutel?  Ecolabel  Certification for a company that scores better than the environmental legal requirements  Communication & promotion tool for the tourist +  Training program  Helpdesk  Onsite visits, develop action plan,  Workshops, company visit

6 Green Key in Flanders A partnership between BBL and Tourism Flanders  Tourism Flanders developed a training program and a helpdesk for new candidates, organises workshops, info sessions and good practices.  BBL is responsible for the control visits, the jury, the press conference and the program itself (including the contact with the International Coordination and FEE international). Contract annual base: tasks & responsibilities Annual budget: Toerisme Vlaanderen finances

7 Green Key in Flanders History  February 2007 launch of Groene Sleutel for campsites  July 2007 first 9 campsites receive label  December 2007 launch of Groene Sleutel for youth accommodations  April 2008 press conference Groene Sleutel  November 2008 launch of Groene Sleutel for hotels, guest rooms and holiday centers  April 2009 press conference Groene Sleutel  2010 Groene Sleutel for tourist attractions  Investigation possibilities of Groene Sleutel for conference centers (March 09- Oktober 10)

8 Criteria ecolabel: obligatory & optional Environmental management Staff involvement Guest information Water Energy Waste Washing & cleaning Food & beverages Nature maintenance Mobility Green activities Quality of life For renovation or new building

9 9 Advantages of The Green Key in Flanders Green Key can: provide an effective alternative or complement to direct regulation, which may prove more difficult and time-consuming to implement facilitate the adoption of a flexible approach to monitoring the tourism industry, permitting organisations to proceed at the pace they feel most comfortable with, while encouraging them to develop innovative approaches enhance recognition of tourism in the country, national competitiveness and improve the country’s image in international markets provide consumers and tourists with a sustainable product offer an instrument that supplements existing classification of the accommodation sector to increase quality even further

10 No tourism without transport Flanders is located in the heart of Europe, accessible by road, train (good connection with Thalys and Eurostarr) and air. International tourist attractions can be reached easily by train, short distances Most of our ‘art cities’ have done lot of efforts to stimulate sustainable transport modes Road congestion is however a big problem in Flanders 10

11 Flanders, a sustainable tourism destination? Yes! Because Flanders … can be reached and explored without a car due to her outstanding public transport facilities has environmentally friendly accommodations and attractions ( has Green meeting locations has a variety of soft recreational products sophisticated network of cycling and hiking routes electric water trips has a well preserved cultural heritage patrimonium has a top quality gastronomy based on local products 11

12 Thanks and enjoy your stay in Flanders 12

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