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Development of Thin Film and Nanorod ZnO-Based LEDs and Sensors

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1 Development of Thin Film and Nanorod ZnO-Based LEDs and Sensors
S. J. Pearton(1), W. T. Lim(1), J. S. Wright(1), R. Khanna(1), L. Voss(1), L. Stafford(1), L. C. Tien(1), H. S. Kim(1), D.P. Norton(1), J.-J. Chen(2), H.T. Wang(2), B.S. Kang(2), F. Ren(2), J. Jun (3), J. Lin(3), A.Osinsky(4) and A.Dabiran(4) (1) MSE, (2) Chem. Engin., (3) ECE, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (4) SVT Associates, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Supported in part by NSF DMR (Verne Hess) and DOE DE-FC26-04NT42271 (Ryan Egidi)

2 Potential Applications UV/Blue optoelectronics Transparent transistors
Introduction Direct, wide bandgap Bulk ZnO (n-type) commercially available Grown on inexpensive (glass) substrates at low temperatures High exciton binding energy Heterojunction by substitution in Zn-site Cd ~ 3.0 eV Mg ~ 4.0 eV Ease of synthesis of nanowires Obstacle: good quality, reproducible p-type GaN ZnO Bandgap (eV) µe (cm2/V-sec) µh (cm2/V-sec) me mo 0.24mo mh mo 0.59mo Exciton binding 28 60 energy (meV) Potential Applications UV/Blue optoelectronics Transparent transistors Nanoscale detectors Spintronic devices

3 Zn(Mg,Cd)O alloys The ternary system CdO-ZnO-MgO covers a large bandgap range < Single quantum wells >

4 Zn0.95Cd0.05O/ZnO Heterojunction Band Offsets by XPS (samples grown by SVT-Andrei Osinsky)
Samples grown by rf plasma assisted MBE 2.9 eV bandgap for ZnCdO XPS performed at UF, Charles Evans and Associates Conduction band offset 0.30 eV Valence band offset 0.17 eV

5 Energy Band Diagram of Zn0.95Cd0.05O/ZnO Heterojunction
EZn 2p3ZnCdO ECZnCdO EVZnCdO ECZnO EVZnO EC=0.30eV EV=0.17eV ZnCdO ZnO EZn 2p3ZnO (EV – EZn 2p3)ZnO = eV EgZnO =3.37 eV EgZnCdO=2.90 eV (EV – EZn 2p3)ZnCdO = eV ΔEv = (EZn-2p-EV)thick ZnCdO-( EZn-2p-EV)ZnO- (EZn-2p-EZn-2p)ZnCdO/ZnO ZnCdO is an attractive option as the narrow bandgap active region in ZnO-based heterojunction LEDs (ZnMgO band offset almost all in VB)

6 Ohmic Contacts to ZnCdO
The minimum contact resistivity Ti/Au  2.3x10-4Ωcm2 at 450oC anneal Ti/Al/Pt/Au1.6x10-4Ωcm2 at 500oC anneal Severe degradation after 600oC anneal

7 Optical Microscopy Images of Metal on ZnCdO
As annealing temperature increases, metals start to form intermetallic compounds. Ti/Au to ZnCdO Ti/Al/Pt/Au to ZnCdO Reference 600oC 450oC 350oC 10 µm Reference 450oC 600oC 350oC Smoother morphology after annealing even at 600oC Reacted appearance after 350oC Ti/Au more thermally stable than Ti/Al/Pt/Au More information: AES Depth profile

8 AES Depth Profile of Ti/Au to ZnCdO
Zn and Ti outdiffusion to the surface by 450oC The formation of the TiOx interfacial region is evident after annealing  improved contact resistance

9 AES Depth Profile of Ti/Al/Pt/Au to ZnCdO
Al outdiffusion to the surface by oC in the metallization scheme Outdiffusion of Pt, Al, and Ti at higher anneal temperatures and oxidation of the Ti

10 TI/Au Ohmic Contact to Al-doped n-ZnO
The as-deposited contacts are ohmic with excellent specific contact resistivity of x10-7 Ω cm2 Subsequent annealing produces a minimum value of 6x10-8 Ω cm2 after processing at 300oC Carrier tunneling and additional annealing further reduces the specific contact resistance

11 Tunneling of Ti/Au Contact to Al-doped n-ZnO
1 μm ZnO:Al Ti Au 800 Å 200 Å Temperature range: 25~225oC Independence of temperature tunneling is the dominant current transport mechanism The relation between the specific resistivity and doping concentration:

12 Wet Chemical Etching High selectivity Isotropic etch profile
Process involves either oxidation or reduction of semiconductor surface followed by removal of the soluble reaction product High selectivity Isotropic etch profile Ability to remove undesirable ions and contaminants from the wafer surface Ohmic ring substrate n+-ZnO n-ZnMgO ZnO p-ZnMgO p-ZnO Photoresist Film to be etched Underlying Film Isotropic etch profile ZnO LED cross section structure

13 Etching of ZnCdO (samples grown at SVT )
Using dilute HCl and H3PO4 mixtures Controllable etch rates in the range (<100 nm min-1) for mesa formation Solution temperature in the range of oC The etch rate is diffusion-limited

14 Selective Etching of ZnCdO over ZnO
100μm Optical microscopy minimum undercut Etch rate is independent of orientation The selectivity with HCl/H2O was over The maximum selectivity with H3PO /H2O was ~15

15 Etching of ZnMgO Solution temperature in the range of 25-75oC
The etch rate is diffusion-limited

16 Selective Etching of ZnMgO over ZnO
The selectivity with HCl/H2O was over 250 The maximum selectivity with H3PO4/H2O was ~30

17 Site-selective growth of ZnO nanorods possible using a catalysis-driven molecular beam epitaxy method. EFFUSION CELL SUBSTRATE HEATER RHEED SCREEN ION GAUGE e-GUN Zn Mg O3/O2 OZONE GENERATOR RF PLASMA OXYGEN Zn flux O2/O3 flux Ag catalyst particles Growth of ZnO on Ag-coated Si via MBE. Nominal Ag film thickness: 20 ~ 200 Å. (Coalesce into islands at growth temp.) Oxygen source: ozone/oxygen mixture Growth Temperature: 300°C ~ 600 °C.

18 Nanowires vs Zn, Mg pressures
ZnO Radial heterostructured (Zn,Mg)O (Mg,Zn)O I II hexagonal core / sheath core / sheath cubic wurtzite st. (Zn1-xMgx)O/(Zn1-xMgx)O (Zn1-xMgx)O / (Mg,Zn)O rock salt st. hexa. / hexa. hexa. / cubic wurtzite / wurtzite wurtzite / rock salt st.  Zn = 3 × 10-6  O3/O2 = 5 × 10-4  Mg = none  Zn = 3 × 10-6  O3/O2 = 5 × 10-4  Mg = 2 × 10-7  Zn = 3 × 10-6  O3/O2 = 5 × 10-4  Mg = 4 × 10-7  Zn = 3 × 10-6  O3/O2 = 5 × 10-4  Mg = 8 × 10-7 Tg= 400C [unit: mbar]

19 Fabrication of ZnO nanowire device
Electrode (Al/Pt/Au)  Motivation Al/Pt/Au -. Fundamental understanding of transport -. Nano sensors (UV, chemical, bio.) -. Nanoelectronics Insulator  Structure of Nanodevice -. Electrode : Al/Pt/Au by sputtering -. Diameter of ZnO nanowire : 130 nm -. Channel Length : 3.5 m

20 ZnO Nanorod MOS FET Source Drain Gate Oxide Nanowire Si Insulator (SiO2) Source (Al/Pt/Au) Drain Gate(Al/Pt/Au) Nanowire Gate oxide ((Ce,Tb)MgAl11O19) Apply the stable oxide((Ce, Tb)MgAl11O19 ) for each device Can be used as passive layer in gas, humidity, chemical sensor

21 pH sensor with gateless nanorod FET
Nanowire Microchannel electrode (Al/Pt/Au) Insulator Si Insulator (SiO2) 8.5 nS/ pH in the dark 20 nS/ pH under UV(365nm) Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, (2005)

22 ZnO Nano-Rods for Hydogen Sensing
ZnO currently used for detection of humidity, UV light and gas detection Easy to synthesize on a plethora of substrates Bio-safe characteristics Large chemically sensitive surface to volume ratio If coated with Pt or Pd, can increase device’s sensitivity to hydrogen High compatibility to microelectronic devices Schematic of Multiple ZnO Nano-Rods Close-Up of Packaged ZnO Nano-Rod Sensor

23 Single nanorod hydrogen gas sensor
Insulator Pt-ZnO Nanorod Electrode (Al/Pt/Au) Al/Pt/Au

24 Current status of ZnO LED research
1. Nitrogen doping [ Tsukazaki et al. Nat. Mater. 4, 42 (2005) ] Growth method : L-MBE (repeated-temperature-modulation epitaxy) Structure : p-ZnO:N / i-ZnO / n-ZnO:Ga LED on a ScAlMgO4 substrate (a) Structure (b) Current-voltage (c) Electroluminescence

25 Current status of ZnO LED research
2. Phosphorus doping [ Lim et al. Adv. Mater. 18, 2720 (2006) ] Growth method : Sputtering system Structure : p-ZnO:P / n-ZnO:Ga LED on a sapphire substrate : Mg0.1Zn0.9O energy barrier layer (a) Current-voltage (b) Electroluminescence

26 Current status of ZnO LED research
3. Arsenic doping [ Ryu et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, (2006) ] Growth method : Hybrid beam deposition (HBD) Structure : p-ZnO:As / active layer / ZnO substrate : BeZnO/ZnO active layer (seven quantum wells) (b) Current-voltage (a) Structure (c) Electroluminescence

27 Device Fabrication Cermet: (0001) undoped, I grade
n0=1017 cm-3; μe=190 cm2/V·s Proc. of SPIE, Vol.5941, 59410D-1(2005) Implantation dose 1: 10keV, 2×1013 cm-2 dose 2: 30keV, 5×1013 cm-2 dose 3: 65keV, 9×1013 cm-2 dose 4: 140keV, 2.4×1014 cm-2 Thermal activation (RTA, furnace; T=600~1000°C) Backside metal: Ti/Au(20/200nm) Front-side metal: Ni/Au(20/80nm) ZnO substrate N+ implanted ZnO (300nm) Au (80nm) Ni (20nm) Au (200nm) Ti (20nm) This picture is a device wire-bonded for EL test. The size is 2 by 4 mm. These circles are the contact metal for implanted ZnO. Rectangular gray area is the back contact metal for ZnO substrate. We use a commercialized ZnO substrate from Cermet. It’s undoped, I grade with electron concentration of 1017, the mobility is ~190cm2/V.s. This company also achieved pn LED in Dr. Pan will give us a nice talk today, too! The substrate was implanted by the four doses, following by thermal activation using either RTA or furnace. The annealing temperature is from 600C to 1000C. After N activation, the back contact metal is Ti/Au and the front contact metal is Ni/Au using e-beam evaporation.

28 Diode I-V Characteristics
Leakage -6V Ideality factor~11

29 Light emission from ZnO pn homojunction device
Device fabrication Light emission from ZnO pn homojunction device

30 Electroluminescence at 120K

31 Vertical ZnO NWs/PEDOT LED Nanowire Array
The cross section schematic of ZnO nanowires LED

32 Summary Valence and conduction band offsets of the Zn0.95Cd0.05O/ZnO material system are 0.17 eV and 0.30 eV, respectively. In the ZnMgO, the band offset is mainly in the valence band Ohmic contacts fairly simple on n-and p-ZnO, but Schottky contacts are difficult (low barrier height, leaky). The etch selectivity of ZnCdO/ ZnO with HCl/H2O >30 Some rudimentary LEDs demonstrated by groups worldwide-need to show robust bandedge EL on cheap, large area substrates if there is any chance of finding a niche relative to the nitrides Functional nanowires with excellent structural and optical quality-many types of sensors demonstrated-Electrical transport properties of single ZnO nanowires, Pt/ZnO nanowire Schottky Diode, depletion-mode ZnO nanowire field-effect transistor, UV, pH, & gas sensor Lots of room to study transport/functionality in radial and longitudinal wires

33 Conclusions Site-selective growth of ZnO nanowires using catalyst, Ag, by molecular Beam Epitaxy Bimodal growth of cored ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O heterostructured nanowires. Type I Core : Zn1-xMgxO (x < 0.02) , Hexagonal wurtzite structure -. Sheath : Zn1-xMgxO (x >> 0.02), Hexagonal wurtzite structure Type II -. Core : Zn1-xMgxO (x < 0.02), Hexagonal wurtzite structure -. Sheath : (Mg,Zn)O, Cubic rock salt structure (Mg,Zn)O nanowires having cubic rock salt structure Nano-devices using ZnO nanowires Electrical transport properties of single ZnO nanowire Pt/ZnO nanowire Schottky Diode Depletion-mode ZnO nanowire field-effect transistor UV, pH, & gas sensor

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