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Lecture Notes A PowerPoint Presentation

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1 Lecture Notes A PowerPoint Presentation
13 Lecture Notes A PowerPoint Presentation Male Reproductive System Classroom Activity to Accompany Medical Terminology Systems, Seventh Edition Barbara A. Gylys ∙ Mary Ellen Wedding

2 Structure and Function
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function Testes Epididymis Vas deferens Seminal vesicles Ejaculatory duct Bulbourethral gland Prostate gland Penis 2 2

3 Structure and Function (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function (continued) Testes Located in the scrotum Production of sperm, the male sex cell Secretion of testosterone, the hormone that develops and maintains maleness Epididymis Located on top of the testes Storage place for sperm before ejaculation 3 3

4 Structure and Function (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function (continued) Vas deferens Transportation of sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct Seminal vesicle Nutrients to support sperm Production of approximately 60% of the seminal fluid ejaculated during intercourse 4 4

5 Structure and Function (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function (continued) Ejaculatory duct Duct through which semen enters the urethra Bulbourethral glands (Cowper glands) Production of alkaline fluid necessary for sperm viability Prostate gland Triple-lobed organ situated at base of the bladder Production of an alkaline substance that protects sperm against the acid environment of the vagina 5 5

6 Structure and Function (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function (continued) Penis Organ of copulation composed of erectile tissue Enclosing the urethra, the structure that expels urine and semen from the body 6 6

7 Structure and Function (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function (continued) Production of male sex cells (called sperm) Transportation of sperm to sites of fertilization Secretion of hormones vital to development and maintenance of sexual characteristics Pedagogical Note: For instructors who do not need extensive anatomy and physiology coverage, please delete and replace some of the slides to suite your individual classroom needs. For additional illustrations, the image bank is available from the DavisPlus web site or other web sites that offer medical information. 7 7

8 Structure and Function Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function Exercise What is the purpose of the male reproductive system? What are the sperm-transporting organs? Pedagogical Note: Questions only are presented on the first slide. Questions with answers (in red) are presented on the following slide. For testing purposes, you may wish to use only the question slides. 8 8

9 Structure and Function Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function Exercise What is the purpose of the male reproductive system? To produce and deliver sperm to the female reproductive tract so fertilization can occur What are the sperm-transporting organs? The epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra Pedagogical Note: Questions only are presented on the first slide. Questions with answers (in red) are presented on the following slide. For testing purposes, you may wish to use only the question slides. 9 9

10 Structure and Function Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function Exercise What are the accessory glands of the male reproductive system? What is the copulatory organ of the male reproductive system? 10 10

11 Structure and Function Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Structure and Function Exercise What are the accessory glands of the male reproductive system? The seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands What is the copulatory organ of the male reproductive system? The penis, which contains erectile tissue 11 11

12 Combining Forms Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Combining Forms Exercise List the CF(s) for: glans penis: epididymis: vessel; vas deferens; duct: prostate gland: Pedagogical Methods: To tailor the slide presentation to your individual needs, simply delete or add slides and textual material. Numerous sources are available for illustrations and information on various web sites.

13 Combining Forms Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Combining Forms Exercise List the CF(s) for: glans penis: balan/o epididymis: epididym/o vessel; vas deferens; duct: vas/o prostate gland: prostat/o Pedagogical Methods: To tailor the slide presentation to your individual needs, simply delete or add slides and textual material. Numerous sources are available for illustrations and information on various web sites.

14 Combining Forms Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Combining Forms Exercise seminal vesicle: male: perineum (area between scrotum [or vulva in the female] and anus): testis (plural, testes): Pedagogical Methods: To tailor the slide presentation to your individual needs, simply delete or add slides and textual material. Numerous sources are available for illustrations and information on various web sites.

15 Combining Forms Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Combining Forms Exercise seminal vesicle: vesicul/o male: andr/o perineum (area between scrotum [or vulva in the female] and anus): perine/o testis (plural, testes): orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, test/o Pedagogical Methods: To tailor the slide presentation to your individual needs, simply delete or add slides and textual material. Numerous sources are available for illustrations and information on various web sites.

16 Combining Forms Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Combining Forms Exercise hidden: spermatozoa, sperm cells: dilated vein: gonads, sex glands:

17 Combining Forms Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Combining Forms Exercise hidden: crypt/o spermatozoa, sperm cells: spermat/o, sperm/o dilated vein: varic/o gonads, sex glands: gonad/o

18 Complete the Medical Word Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Complete the Medical Word Exercise pertaining to male origin: /o/gen/ condition of hidden testes: crypt/ / condition of scanty sperm (production): /o/ /ia 18

19 Complete the Medical Word Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Complete the Medical Word Exercise pertaining to male origin: andr/o/gen/ic condition of hidden testes: crypt/orchid/ism condition of scanty sperm (production): olig/o/sperm/ia 19

20 Complete the Medical Word Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Complete the Medical Word Exercise discharge from the glans penis: /o/ inflammation of the prostate: / condition of urine (containing) spermatozoa: /uria 20

21 Complete the Medical Word Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Complete the Medical Word Exercise discharge from the glans penis: balan/o/rrhea inflammation of the prostate: prostat/itis condition of urine (containing) spermatozoa: spermat/uria 21

22 Build Medical Words Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build Medical Words Exercise enlargement of the prostate: inflammation of the epididymis: destruction of spermatozoa: excision of (part of) the vas deferens: Pedagogical Note: To reinforce the word building technique, encourage students to break the words down into their component parts. 22 22

23 Build Medical Words Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build Medical Words Exercise enlargement of the prostate: prostat/o/megaly inflammation of the epididymis: epididym/itis destruction of spermatozoa: spermat/o/lysis excision of (part of) the vas deferens: vas/ectomy Pedagogical Note: To reinforce the word building technique, encourage students to break the words down into their component parts. 23 23

24 Build Medical Words Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build Medical Words Exercise resembling a male: hernia of the glans penis: disease of the gonads: stone (calculus) of the prostate: Pedagogical Note: To reinforce the word building technique, encourage students to break the words down into their component parts. 24 24

25 Build Medical Words Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build Medical Words Exercise resembling a male: andr/oid hernia of the glans penis: balan/o/cele disease of the gonads: gonad/o/pathy stone (calculus) of the prostate: prostat/o/lith Pedagogical Note: To reinforce the word building technique, encourage students to break the words down into their component parts. 25 25

26 Build Medical Words Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build Medical Words Exercise pertaining to producing male(ness): pertaining to sperm: Pedagogical Note: To reinforce the word building technique, encourage students to break the words down into their component parts. 26 26

27 Build Medical Words Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build Medical Words Exercise pertaining to producing male(ness): andr/o/genic pertaining to sperm: sperm/ic Pedagogical Note: To reinforce the word building technique, encourage students to break the words down into their component parts. 27 27

28 Diseases and Conditions
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions Prostate Cancer Malignant neoplasm of prostatic tissue Most commonly an adenocarcinoma Risk factors Advanced age (usually over age 50) Genetic predisposition Commonly metastasizing to pelvic and spinal bones

29 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) Prostate Cancer (continued) Signs and symptoms Dysuria, hematuria, nocturia, and hesitancy Sometimes erectile dysfunction and painful ejaculation Symptoms (if present) typically associated with the urinary tract

30 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) Prostate Cancer (continued) Signs and symptoms (continued) Hip or back pain possibly present in advanced stages Presymptomatic tests Blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) Periodic digital rectal examination (DRE) Most commonly asymptomatic at diagnosis

31 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) Prostate Cancer (continued) Treatment Depending on stage, grade, and physical condition and age of the patient Prostatectomy and removal of adjacent affected tissues Hormone therapy to limit prostatic growth, including orchidectomy and estrogen therapy Chemotherapy in advanced stages of the disease Radiation therapy to relieve metastatic bone pain

32 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. C. is a 50-year-old male who arrives for his annual physical. He is concerned about his risk of prostate cancer. How should the physician explain the symptoms of this disease? Pedagogical Note: You may wish to add other clinical scenarios from actual medical reports or web site resources to tailor these sections to suit your course objectives. 32 32

33 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. C. is a 50-year-old male who arrives for his annual physical. He is concerned about his risk of prostate cancer. How should the physician explain the symptoms of this disease? Early stages are commonly asymptomatic. When symptoms occur, they include dysuria, hematuria, hesitancy, nocturia, and, sometimes, sexual dysfunction. Pedagogical Note: You may wish to add other clinical scenarios from actual medical reports or web site resources to tailor these sections to suit your course objectives. 33 33

34 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. K. is a 45-year-old patient with a history of benign prostatic hyperplasia. He now complains of frequent urination at night. The physician documents this finding as . Mr. J. reports that he has been unable to urinate for 16 hours. The physician notes a distended bladder. Based on this finding, the physician suspects an enlarged prostate, known as Pedagogical Note: You may wish to add other clinical scenarios from actual medical reports or web site resources to tailor these sections to suit your course objectives. 34 34

35 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. K. is a 45-year-old patient with a history of benign prostatic hyperplasia. He now complains of frequent urination at night. The physician documents this finding as nocturia. Mr. J. reports that he has been unable to urinate for 16 hours. The physician notes a distended bladder. Based on this finding, the physician suspects an enlarged prostate, known as prostatomegaly. Pedagogical Note: You may wish to add other clinical scenarios from actual medical reports or web site resources to tailor these sections to suit your course objectives. 35 35

36 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. Q. has a 3-year history of prostate cancer and wants to avoid surgery. The physician recommends hormone therapy to limit prostatic cell growth. The physician prescribes a female hormone for this treatment known as a(n) (antidiuretic, estrogen, progesterone). 36 36

37 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. Q. has a 3-year history of prostate cancer and wants to avoid surgery. The physician recommends hormone therapy to limit prostatic cell growth. The physician prescribes a female hormone for this treatment known as a(n) (antidiuretic, estrogen, progesterone). 37 37

38 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Nonmalignant enlarged prostate that may affect urine flow (See illustration.) Pedagogical Note: To tailor the slide presentation to your individual needs, simply delete or add slides and textual material. Numerous sources are available for illustrations and information on various web sites.

39 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) BPH (continued) Signs and symptoms Clinically significant if the enlarging, hyperplastic portion of the prostate obstructs urine flow Urinary obstruction, including hesitancy and urine retention Dysuria, nocturia, dribbling, urinary frequency, weak urine stream, or urinary or fecal incontinence

40 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) BPH (continued) Signs and symptoms (continued) Hydronephrosis or pyelonephritis in severe cases of BPH (See illustration: hydronephrosis and progressive thickening of the bladder wall and dilation of the ureters and kidneys)

41 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) BPH (continued) Treatment Depends on severity of symptoms in the urinary system Symptomatic treatment may include prostatic massage, catheterization, and avoidance of caffeine and alcohol Various medications to shrink the prostate or relax the muscles in the prostate

42 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) BPH (continued) Treatment (continued) Nonsurgical options to shrink or destroy excess prostate tissue Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT), using microwave heat Transurethral vaporization of the prostate (TUVP), using a high-frequency electrical current Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA), using radio waves Pedagogical Note: To tailor the slide presentation to your individual needs, simply delete or add slides and textual material. Numerous sources are available for illustrations and information on various web sites.

43 Diseases and Conditions (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diseases and Conditions (continued) BPH (continued) Treatment (continued) Surgical interventions to remove obstructing tissue Laser surgery Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

44 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. S. complains of fever, chills, and urinary frequency and urgency. On examination, the physician finds the prostate is soft, swollen, and tender. The physician suspects an inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder, and charts a diagnosis of 44 44

45 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. S. complains of fever, chills, and urinary frequency and urgency. On examination, the physician finds the prostate is soft, swollen, and tender. The physician suspects an inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder, and charts a diagnosis of prostatocystitis. 45 45

46 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. H. is diagnosed with a benign tumor of the prostate. The physician explains that benign tumors are not cancerous or life- threatening. However, severe cases may lead to infection of the renal pelvis and kidney, a condition known as (nephrosis, nephritis, pyelonephritis). 46 46

47 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. H. is diagnosed with a benign tumor of the prostate. The physician explains that benign tumors are not cancerous or life- threatening. However, severe cases may lead to infection of the renal pelvis and kidney, a condition known as (nephrosis, nephritis, pyelonephritis). 47 47

48 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. B. is diagnosed with BPH and asks for an explanation of what BPH is. How should the nurse explain BPH? 48 48

49 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. B. is diagnosed with BPH and asks for an explanation of what BPH is. How should the nurse explain BPH? BPH refers to a benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is a nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate gland caused by excessive growth of prostatic tissue. 49 49

50 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Results of Mr. F.’s pyelography indicate urine retention and obstruction of urine flow due to prostate enlargement. The medical term for an accumulation of urine in the renal pelvis is (hydrocele, hydromyoma, hydronephrosis). 50 50

51 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Results of Mr. F.’s pyelography indicate urine retention and obstruction of urine flow due to prostate enlargement. The medical term for an accumulation of urine in the renal pelvis is (hydrocele, hydromyoma, hydronephrosis). 51 51

52 Vocabulary Challenge Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Vocabulary Challenge Exercise circumcision: epispadias: erectile dysfunction: Pedagogical Note: To customize the medical vocabulary, simply add or delete the terms on the slide. Also, numerous images are available from the image bank or other resources if you want to add illustrations. You may also wish to use this slide in a group project activity during class. 52 52

53 Vocabulary Challenge Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Vocabulary Challenge Exercise circumcision: removal of all or part of the foreskin, or prepuce, of the penis epispadias: malformation in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis erectile dysfunction: inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse Pedagogical Note: To customize the medical vocabulary, simply add or delete the terms on the slide. Also, numerous images are available from the image bank or other resources if you want to add illustrations. You may also wish to use this slide in a group project activity during class. 53 53

54 Vocabulary Challenge Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Vocabulary Challenge Exercise hydrocele: hypospadias: sterility: 54 54

55 Vocabulary Challenge Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Vocabulary Challenge Exercise hydrocele: painless accumulation of serous fluid in the sac that contains the testes, usually due to malabsorption of the serous fluid hypospadias: malformation in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis sterility: inability to produce offspring, usually due to a deficiency in semen 55 55

56 Medical and Surgical Procedures
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Medical and Surgical Procedures Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) Removal of the prostate using a resectoscope or electrocautery (See illustration.) 56

57 Medical and Surgical Procedures (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Medical and Surgical Procedures (continued) Vasectomy and its reversal Surgical procedure that cuts the vas deferens and sutures each end to prevent sperm from entering the epididymis, thus preventing fertilization Reversal sometimes possible using microsurgical techniques to reattach the ends of the severed vas deferens (See illustration.) 57

58 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. D. arrives at the urologist’s office for a consultation. After the birth of their third child, he and his wife decided that he should undergo a method of male contraception in which the vas deferens is excised. This surgical procedure is called 58 58

59 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. D. arrives at the urologist’s office for a consultation. After the birth of their third child, he and his wife decided that he should undergo a method of male contraception in which the vas deferens is excised. This surgical procedure is called vasectomy. 59 59

60 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. S. sustains a severe laceration of the left testicle in a construction accident. The urologist advises a surgical repair of the testicle, a medical procedure called 60 60

61 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. S. sustains a severe laceration of the left testicle in a construction accident. The urologist advises a surgical repair of the testicle, a medical procedure called orchidoplasty or orchioplasty. 61 61

62 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. K. is diagnosed with BPH. He is scheduled for a surgical procedure that uses a resectoscope inserted through the urethra to chip away at the prostate. The abbreviation for this procedure is 62 62

63 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. K. is diagnosed with BPH. He is scheduled for a surgical procedure that uses a resectoscope inserted through the urethra to chip away at the prostate. The abbreviation for this procedure is TURP. 63 63

64 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. Z. is scheduled for TURP. He asks the physician how the procedure is performed. How should the physician explain the procedure? 64 64

65 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. Z. is scheduled for TURP. He asks the physician how the procedure is performed. How should the physician explain the procedure? The surgeon inserts an instrument called a resectoscope through the urethra and uses a small loop on the end of the resectoscope to “chip away” at the obstructing tissue. 65 65

66 Diagnostic Procedures
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diagnostic Procedures Ultrasound of the prostate Insertion of an ultrasound probe via the rectum to reveal the size and other features of the prostate Sometimes used to monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment Pedagogical Note: You may want to bring a few diagnostic instruments or laboratory set-ups for students to examine. Various images of medical instruments are available on the web if you do not have the actual instruments. In addition, you can include other diagnostic procedures to suit your classroom needs. 66

67 Diagnostic Procedures (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diagnostic Procedures (continued) Retrograde urethrography Radiological test performed in males to assess the urethra Introduction of a contrast medium into the bladder using a catheter Evaluation of radiographs of the urethra for abnormalities, outpouchings, fissures, and strictures Pedagogical Note: You may want to bring a few diagnostic instruments or laboratory set-ups for students to examine. Various images of medical instruments are available on the web if you do not have the actual instruments. In addition, you can include other diagnostic procedures to suit your classroom needs. 67

68 Diagnostic Procedures (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diagnostic Procedures (continued) Vasography Radiological test used to diagnose or treat male infertility Injection of contrast medium into the vas deferens and ejaculatory ducts with subsequent x-ray examination of these structures Pedagogical Note: You may want to bring a few diagnostic instruments or laboratory set-ups for students to examine. Various images of medical instruments are available on the web if you do not have the actual instruments. In addition, you can include other diagnostic procedures to suit your classroom needs. 68

69 Diagnostic Procedures (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diagnostic Procedures (continued) Biopsy of the prostate Collection of several samples of prostate tissue for microscopic evaluation Samples reviewed by a pathologist trained to identify malignant tissue Greater cellular abnormalities shown by more aggressive malignancies No cancer present or incorrect biopsy site indicated by a negative biopsy result 69

70 Diagnostic Procedures (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diagnostic Procedures (continued) Biopsy of the prostate (continued) Three types of procedures Transrectal — Ultrasound probe inserted into the rectum to guide the biopsy device to the proper site Transurethral — Lighted cystoscope inserted through the urethra to allow a direct view of the prostate for biopsy Transperineal — Direct incision of the perineum to reveal the prostate for biopsy 70

71 Diagnostic Procedures (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diagnostic Procedures (continued) Digital rectal examination (DRE) Physical examination of the prostate to check the consistency and size of the prostate as well as lumps or other signs of pathology (See illustration.) 71

72 Diagnostic Procedures (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diagnostic Procedures (continued) Semen analysis Laboratory test that determines the quantity of semen produced by the male Evaluation of the quantity and quality of sperm Usually performed as one of the first tests to assess infertility 72

73 Diagnostic Procedures (continued)
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Diagnostic Procedures (continued) Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test Blood test used to determine the level of PSA, a substance produced by the prostate Elevated levels used to determine the need for further investigation to determine the cause PSA levels elevated in cancer of the prostate, prostatomegaly, and prostatitis 73

74 Build a Medical Word Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build a Medical Word Exercise examination of the kidney(s): endoscope used to examine the urethra: Record(ing) of sound: process of recording excess sound: 74 74

75 Build a Medical Word Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build a Medical Word Exercise examination of the kidney(s): nephr/o/scopy endoscope used to examine the urethra: urethr/o/scope Record(ing) of sound: son/o/gram process of recording excess sound: ultra/son/o/graphy 75 75

76 Build a Medical Word Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build a Medical Word Exercise pertaining to across the urethra: pertaining to across the rectum: pertaining to across the perineum: Record(ing) of the urethra: 76 76

77 Build a Medical Word Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Build a Medical Word Exercise pertaining to across the urethra: trans/urethr/al pertaining to across the rectum: trans/rect/al pertaining to across the perineum: trans/perine/al Record(ing) of the urethra: urethr/o/gram 77 77

78 Pharmacology Gonadotropins Spermicides 13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
Pedagogical Note: You may want to bring a few diagnostic instruments or laboratory set-ups for students to examine. Various images of medical instruments are available on the web if you do not have the actual instruments. In addition, you can include other diagnostic procedures to suit your classroom needs. 78

79 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. and Mrs. M. have been trying to conceive for over 3 years. The physician prescribes a hormone preparation used to increase sperm count, known as (estrogen, gonadotropin, testosterone). 79 79

80 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. and Mrs. M. have been trying to conceive for over 3 years. The physician prescribes a hormone preparation used to increase sperm count, known as (estrogen, gonadotropin, testosterone). 80 80

81 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. G.’s wife uses a method of birth control that destroys sperm by creating a highly acidic environment in the vagina. The name of this agent that kills sperm is a(n) 81 81

82 Clinically Related Exercise
13 MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Clinically Related Exercise Mr. G.’s wife uses a method of birth control that destroys sperm by creating a highly acidic environment in the vagina. The name of this agent that kills sperm is a spermicide. 82 82

83 Copyright © 2013 by F. A. Davis Company. All rights reserved
Copyright © 2013 by F.A. Davis Company. All rights reserved. This product is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without written permission from the publisher.

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