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Use the Computer to Draft Your Poems Objective: –To use the fundamental features of a word processing program to type a complete draft of your four poems.

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Presentation on theme: "Use the Computer to Draft Your Poems Objective: –To use the fundamental features of a word processing program to type a complete draft of your four poems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use the Computer to Draft Your Poems Objective: –To use the fundamental features of a word processing program to type a complete draft of your four poems. Focusing Question: –How can the computer help you with real world writing? Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary

2 Mini Lesson Writers often use computers to draft pieces that will be published. After typing your poems, they will be easy to revise and publish online. DD’s e-tutorial: File Saving DD’s e-tutorial: Spelling and Grammar Check DD’s e-tutorial: Cutting and Pasting Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary

3 Writer’s Work Time 1.Open a Microsoft Word document. 2.Save your document on the computer. The title should include your name, the date and the word poetry. Example: Elizabeth_poems_4_12 3.Type your poems. Don’t forget to save your document every few minutes. 4.When you finish typing your poems, go to Step 2 of the Online Classroom. 5.Submit your document to the activity Submit Your First Draft Poems. Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary

4 How can the computer help you with real world writing? How can you use the Online Classroom to store your writing? Focusing QuestionFocusing Question | Mini Lesson | Writer’s Work Time | Lesson SummaryMini LessonWriter’s Work TimeLesson Summary

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