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Nano technology By: Eman youssif.

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Presentation on theme: "Nano technology By: Eman youssif."— Presentation transcript:

1 nano technology By: Eman youssif

2 Nano technology Definition of nano technology Nano shell
Nano particles Carbon nano tubes &its application. Application of nano technology

3 What’s Nano technology?
.. is a science that deals with the study, control, development and alteration of structures of less than 100 nanometers (one nanometer is a billionth of a meter; Nano technology may able to create many new materials with a vast range of applications such as in medicine,electronics,biomaterials& energy production. Nano scale** Making a material Nano scale change its melting point &physical properties Nano particles fgo

4 The perfix nano means one bilionth 1nm=10-9 meter .
nano particles in a raw are the width of a human hair


6 Formation of Nano shells


8 Preparation :coper,silver salts ,oxides put together &heated to 6000c
Deep Dish, Spain ZnO coated glass, TiO2 in paints.

9 scanning electron micrograph shows a carbon nanotube sheet pic2. /
scanning electron micrograph shows a carbon nanotube sheet pic2**/.An artificial muscle made from a sheet of these carbon

10 Application of nano technology 1- In medicine
a-binding 5-fu drug to the CU (drug delivery) Pill camera has video chip& lab system ship

11 1- in medicine B- nano material for making creams to treat skin
They use (ZnO) as a nano particle why? Block u.v light Appear clear

12 Nano tubes based sensor that detect bacteria in drinking water, then happen treatment

13 Future possibilities Artificial white blood cells
Encapsulation of transplanted islet cells protect them from external environment &rejection by the body -Encapsulate biologically active materials such as enzymes,peptides& hormones DNA repair Nano robot.

14 Mechanism of robotic white blood cells ( Artificial white blood cells)
Swim through circulatory system Ingesting ,destroying pathogens& converting them into non toxic substance

15 References transition elements book application of Nano tech workshop in faculty of science **


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