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High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
PHC 213
Classification according to the technique used.
Columnar: In this type the stationary phase is packed in a column, e.g. GC, LC and conventional column. 2.Planar: In this type the stationary phase is spreaded as a thin layer on glass, plastic or aluminum plates; it is held in the network structure of paper (paper chromatography)
HPLC Separation Modes:
Classified according to: Polarity Electrical charge Molecular size
Separations based on polarity:
To design a chromatographic separation system, we create competition for the various compounds contained in the sample by choosing a mobile phase and a stationary phase with different polarities.
Compounds in the sample that are similar in polarity to the stationary phase will be delayed because they are more strongly attracted to it. Compounds whose polarity is similar to that of the mobile phase will be attracted to it and move faster. Based upon differences in the relative attraction of each compound for each phase, a separation is created by changing the speeds of the analytes.
Normal Phase HPLC. This is the same as in thin layer chromatography or column chromatography Although it is described as "normal", it isn't the most commonly used in HPLC. Polar stationary phase and non-polar solvent .The column is filled with tiny silica particles, and the solvent is non-polar e.g. hexane. - “Like dissolves like”. In Normal Phase the analyte will be partitioned preferentially in the mobile phase and provide little interaction with the stationary phase. This is not desirable since selective retention on the column will be very hard to control. It can be controlled by modifying the stationary phase, a very time consuming and expensive proposition even if feasible. In Reverse Phase the opposite is true. The analyte will be partitioned preferentially in the stationary phase (“Like dissolves like”). and by simply modifying the mobile phase, by adjusting the polarity, ionic strength or pH, selectivity can be virtually fully controlled. Polar compounds in the mixture being passed through the column will stick longer to the polar silica than non-polar compounds will. The non-polar ones will therefore pass more quickly through the column.
• Reverse Phase. Non-polar stationary phase and a polar mobile phase
The same column size , but the silica is modified to be non-polar by attaching long hydrocarbon chains to its surface - typically with either C8 or C18 atoms . A polar solvent is used e.g. a mixture of water and methanol or acetonitril. Polar molecules in the mixture having strong attraction with the polar solvent (mobile phase) than hydrocarbon chains attached to the silica (the stationary phase) therefore pass more quickly through the column. Non-polar compounds in the mixture will tend to form attractions with the hydrocarbon groups (stationary phase) and be less soluble in the solvent (mobile phase) therefore pass slow down through the column. Reversed phase HPLC is the most commonly used form of HPLC.
Reversed phase HPLC is the most commonly used form of HPLC.
- “Like dissolves like”. In Normal Phase the analyte will be partitioned preferentially in the mobile phase and provide little interaction with the stationary phase. This is not desirable since selective retention on the column will be very hard to control. It can be controlled by modifying the stationary phase, a very time consuming and expensive proposition even if feasible. In Reverse Phase the opposite is true. The analyte will be partitioned preferentially in the stationary phase (“Like dissolves like”). and by simply modifying the mobile phase, by adjusting the polarity, ionic strength or pH, selectivity can be virtually fully controlled.
Separations based on charge:
Ion-exchange chromatography: In ion-exchange chromatography, Likes repel, while opposites attract each other. Stationary phases for ion-exchange separations are characterized by the nature and strength of the acidic or basic functions on their surfaces and the types of ions that they attract and retain.
Cation exchange is used to retain and separate positively charged ions on a negative surface.
anion exchange is used to retain and separate negatively charged ions on a positive surface.
Types of Ion-Exchanger
Selecting an operating mode
Sample type LC Mode Moderate polarity molecules LSC or LLC Compounds with similar functionality LSC or LLC Ionizable species IEC Compounds with differing solubility LLC Mixture of varying sized molecules GPC
Retention parameters 1. Retention volume (VR)
The retention volume is the volume of mobile phase passed through the column between the injection point and the peak maximum
2- Retention time (tR) = the distance from the injection point to the peak maxima in time units. It is used as an identifier for a given analyte. It depends on mobile phase flow rate. VR = F x tR
3. Void volume (V0) The volume of liquid phase in the column
3. Void volume (V0) The volume of liquid phase in the column. V0 = F x t0 Also called retention volume of unretained component.
4. Retention factor (k\) Sometimes called capacity factor k\ = VR – V0 / V0 = tR – t0 / t0 Independent on mobile phase flow rate and column dimensions.
K\ The optimum values for k\ are in the range 1-10; very little can be gained by increasing k\ further. High values of k\ also mean long analysis times. The capacity factor is controlled largely by adjustment of the mobile phase composition. Increasing k\ improves resolution by causing the solutes to spend more time in the stationary phase( increase anal. Time), increasing selectivity moves one or both peaks relative to the other.
5. Selectivity () The ability of the chromatographic system to discriminate different analytes (distance between the peak maxima). = k2 /k1 = tR2 – t0 / tR1 – t0 It is always greater than unity. It depends primarily on the nature of the analyte and the difference in its interaction with the stationary phase. It is not affected by the mobile phase composition unless this parameter modifies the analyte nature (ionization).
for a desired degree of resolution, three conditions have to be met:
a- The peak must be separated from each other (α > 1 ) b- The peak must be retained on the column (k\ > 0 ) c- The column must develop some minimum number of plates.
6. Efficiency It is a property of the column. The degree of band broadening (width of the chromatographic peak). Tow terms are used as quantitative measures of column efficiency: Plate height(H) and Plate number(N). N = L / H .
The Theoretical Plate Model of Chromatography
The plate model supposes that the chromatographic column is contains a large number of separate layers, called theoretical plates. Separate equilibrations of the sample between the stationary and mobile phase occur in these "plates". The analyte moves down the column by transfer of equilibrated mobile phase from one plate to the next. It is important to remember that the plates do not really exist; they are a figment of the imagination that helps us understand the processes at work in the column. They also serve as a way of measuring column efficiency, either by stating the number of theoretical plates in a column, N (the more plates the better), or by stating the plate height; the Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate (the smaller the better). If the length of the column is L, then the HETP is HETP = L / N
The number of theoretical plates that a real column possesses can be
found by examining a chromatographic peak after elution; N = 16 (tR / W )2 where w is the peak width tR is the retention time N is the plate hight As can be seen from this equation, columns behave as if they have different numbers of plates for different solutes in a mixture
At each plate of the stationary phase , continuous partitioning and equilibration of solutes (components molecules) occurs as the mobile phase moves down the column. Thus the movement of solutes and solvent is regarded as a series of stepwise transfer from one plate to the next. The efficiency of the column is increased as the number of theoretical plates (N) is increased,
Efficiency and selectivity are complementary chromatographic descriptors.
R = 2 (tR2 –tR1) /w2 +w1 6. Resolution (R)
The resolution of a column provides a quantitative measure of its ability to separate two analytes. The ratio of the distance between two peaks to the average width of these peaks (at baseline). R = 2 (tR2 –tR1) /w2 +w1 1.5 is sufficient for the baseline separation of closely eluted peaks.
Condition for good separation
2. Parameters used in HPLC Condition for good separation A larger Rs value means a better separation. 4 1 - 1 k’2 Rs = N 1 + k’2 1 + k’2 k’2 : Capacity term increases the retention time - 1 : Selectivity term increases the time interval between peaks N : Column efficiency term produce narrow peaks
Comparison of the variation of selectivity and efficiency necessary to increase resolution from 1 to 1.5 Selectivity Efficiency Resolution 1.04 10000 1 22500 1.5 1.06
1-Change the composition of mobile phase and /or its flow rate
Optimization of column performance. To optimize the column performance we have to change α and َK' to obtain Rs value of 1.5. This can be achieved by: 1-Change the composition of mobile phase and /or its flow rate 2-The column must be perfectly packed with small regular spherical particles, without any cracks, gabs or spaces to minimize zone broadening and to maximize N. 3-If resolution is still less than 1, the stationary phase must be changed
In regular gravity column the particle size of the stationary phase ranges from μm. Decreasing the particle size leads to increase in surface area and consequently better separation is achieved. In HPLC the particle size used is ranging from 3-20 μm. Particle of ≤ 5 μm would yield more than theoretical plates / meter. The capacity of HPLC column are usually low less than 20 μ g of sample so detector must be very sensitive. Pump is necessary to push mobile phase through the finely divided stationary phase.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Instrumentation: 1- Solvent reservoir (S). 2- High pressure pump.
3- Injection. 4- Column. 5- Detector. 6- Recorder.
1- Solvent reservoirs: May be one container in which the required solvent system is added or may be two or more each containing one solvent and mixing is done in a solvent mixing unite. The HPLC solvents must be of: -High purity as HPLC grade solvents -Low viscosity -limited flammability and toxicity -low reactivity to avoid chemical interaction with solutes -Compatibility with the detector
Degassing is very important for the following reasons:
The solvents must be filtered and degassed. Degassing is very important for the following reasons: a- To get ride of dissolved gases especially oxygen that may react with stationary or mobile phase. b- Bubbles formation will disturb the detectors. Degassing can be done by: 1- Sonicator Passing helium in the solvents The mobile phase may be, organic solvents-water-buffers.
2- Pumps: Pumps should be able to
They are necessary to enable the flow of mobile phase through the finely divided stationary phase. Pumps should be able to -deliver up to 7000 psi (Pound/square inch). -Have flow rates ranging from 0.1 to 10ml/min -have high resistance to corrosion by a variety of solvents.
Types of elution Isocratic elution (Simple elution)
-In this type of elution a mobile phase is either single solvent or mixture of solvents without change of its composition. -The flow of one and the same mobile phase is continued until the analysed mixture is completely separated to its components. 2-Gradient elution In this type of elution the composition of the mobile phase is changed during chromatographic separation either stepwise or continuously.
-Stepwise elution means the use of several eluting agents of gradually increasing strength for successive desorption of the separated components. -Continuous change of the desorption power of the mobile phase is achieved by adding stronger eluting agent (more polar solvent) gradually to less polar one which is currently used i.e. we start with the less polar solvent then the more polar is added and mixed gradually according to a definite program.
3- Injection. In order to introduce a sample onto
Injectors mostly are 6-port rotary valves In order to introduce a sample onto the column for analysis, a special valve called the injector must be used to transfer the sample into the pressurized system..
Guard (or pre-) Column :
They are placed between injector and analytical columnIt -The job of the guard column is to to remove or retain sample and solvent impurities that could be irreversibly adsorbed onto the analytical column ,thus prevent contamination of the analytical column which decrease its performance. -A precolumn is used to protect the column against high-pH mobile phases -They are very short columns about 3 cm , packed with material similar to that contained in the analytical column, for example C18.
4- Analytical Columns: Analytical column are typically cm long and 5-10 mm internal diameter (id). Columns are made of stainless steel lined with glass to prevent metal interaction with solvent or solutes. Particle size from 3-20 μm. Particles ≤ 5 μm yield >10,000 theoretical plates/ meter. Recently high speed and high performance microcolumns with 1-4mm(id) and length of 3 to 7.5 cm having the advantages of speed and minimal solvent consumption.
Column Packing Materials:
Porous micro particles have diameter ranging from 3 to 10m, they are composed of silica, alumina, porous polymer or ion exchange resin. Silica particles may be coated with thin organic film, which is physically or chemically bonded to the surface.
Preparation of bonded phase
Si---oH + RoH → Si---oR Thermaly un stable and easy hydrolysis. Si---oH + Cl-Si-(CH3)2 R →
Doactlvated Silanol "inactive"
endcapping In chromatography, the replacement of accessible silanol groups in a bonded stationary phase by trimethylsilyl groups is referred to as endcapping Si OH O CH3 Silanol "Active" Doactlvated Silanol "inactive" Example of deactivated Silanol a tnimethylsily (TMS)
Bonded phase must be used within pH 2-8
Endcapping technology prevents the tailing of a polar compound's peak adsorp polar silinol gp Bonded phase must be used within pH 2-8 PH <2 bonded moity will be removed. Ph > 8 silica will dissolve
Examples of the commonly used detectors:
They are placed at the column exit and used to detect a specific property of solute materials in the column effluent. Examples of the commonly used detectors: 1- UV Detectors: They detect solutes that can absorb UV light due to the presence of conjugated system. These are the most commonly used detectors. 2- Fluorescence Detectors: Limited number of compounds can be detected by such detectors.
3- Infrared Detectors: It is more general. The solvent use must not absorb IR at the chosen wavelength for solute detection. 4- Radioactivity Detectors: Very specific for radioactive materials. 5- Refractive Index Detectors: Measure the change in the Refractive Index of the mobile phase. 6. Mass Spectroscopy Detectors.
That means that conditions have to be carefully controlled
For a particular compound, the retention time will vary depending on: -the pressure used (because that affects the flow rate of the solvent) -the nature of the stationary phase (not only what material it is made of, but also particle size) -the exact composition of the solvent -the temperature of the column That means that conditions have to be carefully controlled
HPLC Column & efficiency
*If a column bed is stable and uniformly packed, its mechanical separation power is determined by the column length and the particle size. *Mechanical separation power, also called efficiency, is often measured and compared by a plate number [symbol = N]. *Smaller-particle chromatographic beds have higher efficiency and higher backpressure. More mechanical separation power is gained by increasing column length. *However, the trade-offs are longer chromatographic run times, greater solvent consumption, and higher backpressure Shorter column lengths minimize all these variables but also reduce mechanical separation power.
Effect of column length
Effect of particle size
Effect of Increasing Efficiency (N)
The efficiency N can be doubled by halving the particle size (i.e. 10µm to 5µm). In the above example, resolution, Rs increased from 2.0 to 2.8. Column length can then be halved to decrease analysis time
Importance of Peak Asymmetry (As)
These chromatograms illustrate the negative effect of increased peak asymmetry, As, on resolution, Rs. When investigating the effect of bonded phase chain length on retention, it is important to maintain the use of a high purity silica so that peak asymmetry is minimized
1. Increase column length 2. Decrease column diameter 3. Decrease flow-rate 4. Pack column uniformly 5. Use uniform stationary phase (packing material) 6. Decrease sample size 7. Select proper stationary phase 8. Select proper mobile phase 9. Use proper pressure 10. Use gradient elution
Quiz Nitrobenzene, benzene & hexane Nitrobenzene, hexane & benzene.
Atest mixture consisting of phenylmethyl ketone , nitrobenzene,benzene & hexane is separated on a C18 column with a mobile phase of CH3OH: H2O (60:40) . With these conditions, the ketone is eluted first.The order of the elution of the other solutes is Nitrobenzene, benzene & hexane Nitrobenzene, hexane & benzene. Benzene , hexane & nitrobenzene. Hexane, benzene& nitrobenzene.
In the above question, If the mobile phase used is CH3OH: H2O (40:60) ,
the retention time of the other solutes will: Increase Decrease. Not changed.
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