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Published byBenjamin Skinner Modified over 9 years ago
1 Pauline Stockins Statistics and Economic Projections Division, ECLAC 2011 International Conference on MDGs Statistics 19-21 October 2011 Monitoring and disseminating MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and complementary indicators
ECLACs WORK IN THE LAC REGION MDG STATISTICAL PROGRAMME Strengthening monitoring capacities – Improve MDG monitoring and inter institutional cooperation, regional workshops and seminars Statistical development - proposal on supplementary regional indicators Statistical conciliation - Data analysis (gaps/ discrepancies), lines of action to reach data conciliation: general framework and selected topics: Poverty, Education, Child mortality, Environmental indicators. Regional monitoring – Regional Interagency MDG Reports, MDG Website, MDG database, ECLAC Flagships. 3 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators October, 2011
NATIONAL MONITORNGREGIONAL MONITORING GLOBAL MONITORING Interagency reports under the coordination of ECLAC Imposes the need to include targets and indicators relevant for the region Complements the global and national analysis trough a regional outlook October, 2011
COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR THE LAC REGION ECLAC has been conducting several studies to provide complementary indicators to better track the progress towards de MDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Existing MDG targets and indicators may not adequately capture the progress that countries are making towards improving gender equality and addressing the disparities among social groups and sub- national regions in reaping the benefits of actions taken by national governments towards achieving the MDGs. 5 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators October, 2011
COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR THE LAC REGION Poverty 6 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators Employment Education (2007) Environment (2007) ICT (2010) Gender (2007 Hunger October, 2011
COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR THE LAC REGION COMMON CRITERIAS FOR THE DIFFERENT PROPOSALS Reduced number of indicators. Regional relevance and national priorities. Need to measure and quantify disparities among social groups and inequalities - Social inclusion. In line with other United Nations Commitments or International agencies developments. Capacity of countries to produce the information. 7 October, 2011 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators
PROPOSAL OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR MONITORING MDG 2 8 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators October, 2011
This proposal was developed by ECLAC and UNESCOs regional office for the LAC region, it was validated by an expert group on education and it was disseminated in the countries of the region trough different capacity building activities. 9 October 2011 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators PROPOSAL OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR MONITORING MDG 2 Challenges of the national educational systems of the countries of the region Achievement of the educational targets Poverty reduction and promotion of equity and social inclusion
MDG2 Target 2.A: Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. 2.1 Net enrolment ratio in primary education. 2.2 Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary. 2.3 Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds, women and men. 10 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators PROPOSAL OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR MONITORING MDG 2 October, 2011
THE PROPOSAL 3 ADDITIONAL TARGETS 1.Gradual universal access to pre-primary education by 2015 2.Universal completion of lower secondary and increased access to upper secondary 3.Gradual reduction of adult illiteracy by 2015 11 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators PROPOSAL OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR MONITORING MDG 2 October, 2011
12 Gradual universal access to pre-primary education by 2015 Percentage of school attendance in last grade of pre-primary education of the population at the official pre-primary entrance age Net enrolment ratio in last grade of pre-primary education Universal completion of lower secondary and increased access to upper secondary. Adults aged 20-24 who completed secondary education Net enrolment ratio in upper secondary education Percentage of attendance to upper secondary education of pupils at the corresponding school age Gradual reduction of adult illiteracy by 2015 Literacy rate of population aged 25 and over Percentage of primary conclusion of population aged 25 and over Septiembre 2011 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators PROPOSAL OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR MONITORING MDG 2 October, 2011
13 Septiembre 2011 PROPOSAL OF COMPLEMENTARY INDICATORS FOR MONITORING MDG 2 Pre-primarySecondary Argentina x Bolivia Brazil x Chilexx Colombia x Costa Rica x Cubaxx Ecuadorxx El Salvador Guatemalaxx Haiti Honduras Mexicoxx Nicaragua Panama Paraguayx Peru Dominican Republic Uruguayxx Venezuela
PROPOSAL OF COMPLEMENTARY AND ADDITIONAL MDG INDICATORS FOR A TRANSVERSAL GENDER APPROACH 14 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators October, 2011
This proposal was elaborated by the Division of Gender Affairs of ECLAC based on the work undertaken by this unit and the joint work produced with UNIFEM (UN WOMEN). In LAC region progress has been made in pinpointing critical areas not captured in the official indicators. Seek to show how gender inequality affects poverty, its incidence by gender and unequal access to monetary and productive resources. Need to measure and quantify gender disparities in different in line with - Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995). 15 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators PROPOSAL OF ADDITIONAL MDG INDICATORS FOR A TRANSVERSAL GENDER APPROACH October, 2011
MDG3 Target 3.A: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015 3.1 Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education 3.2 Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector 3.3 Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament 16 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators PROPOSAL OF ADDITIONAL MDG INDICATORS FOR A TRANSVERSAL GENDER APPROACH October, 2011
THREE PILLARS OF GENDER EQUALITY Economic autonomy: the ability of women to generate their own income and control assets and resources. Physical autonomy: control over their bodies Decision-making autonomy: full participation in decisions that affect their lives and their community. 17 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators PROPOSAL OF ADDITIONAL MDG INDICATORS FOR A TRANSVERSAL GENDER APPROACH October, 2011
This proposal includes complementary and additional indicators for monitoring MDG 1and 3 18 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators PROPOSAL OF ADDITIONAL MDG INDICATORS FOR A TRANSVERSAL GENDER APPROACH Complementary Indicators Deepen the analysis of gender equality in some Goals Additional Indicators Include thematic areas not considered in the official MDG framework October, 2011
19 Official indicators Complementary indicators Additional indicators Goal 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Target 1.A : To halve, between 1990 and 2915, the proportion of people whose income is less than $1 a day 1.1. Proportion of population below $1 (PPP) per day. 1.1C. Population without incomes of their own (by sex). 1.A1. Poverty femininity index. 1.A2. Proportion of poor female-headed households. 1.2. Poverty gap ratio. 1.2C. Poverty gap ratio by sex of head of household. 1.3. Share of poorest quintile in national consumption. 1.3C. Share of poorest quintile in national consumption, men and women PROPOSAL OF ADDITIONAL MDG INDICATORS FOR A TRANSVERSAL GENDER APPROACH
20 Official indicatorsComplementary indicatorsAdditional indicators Goal 3: promote gender equality and empower women Target 3.A: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education by no later than 2015 3.1. Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education. 3.A1. Female and male unemployment rates, population 15 years and over. 3.A2. Wage income of women as a proportion of men’s. 3.A3. Percentage of males and females population aged 12 and over who participate in household tasks. 3.A.4. Average daily hours spent on household tasks, by sex and according to length of workday. 3.A.5. Unmet need for family planning. 3.A.6. Percentage of unwanted fertility. 3.A.7. Percentage of women that are currently or were formerly engaged in a relationship, that have suffered from physical, sexual or psychological violence. 3.2. Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector. 3.2C. Percentage of population employed in low productivity sectors of the labor market, by sex 3.2. Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector. 3.3C. Indicator on whether a country has a quota law at parliamentary level PROPOSAL OF ADDITIONAL MDG INDICATORS FOR A TRANSVERSAL GENDER APPROACH
ADDITIONAL INDICATORS FOR MEASURING ICT 21 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators October, 2011
ADDITIONAL INDICATORS FOR MEASURING ICT 22 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators This proposal was developed by the Statistics and Economic Projections Division and the Division on Production, Productivity and Management of ECLAC based on the work undertaken by the Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSILAC). The proposal was presented and discussed with country representatives at the Sixth Regional Workshop on Information Society Measurement in Latin America and the Caribbean (Montevideo, September 2010). Observations were also received from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). October, 2011
MDG8 Target 8.F: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications 8.14 Telephone lines per 100 population 8.15 Cellular subscribers per 100 population 8.16 Internet users per 100 population 23 October, 2011 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators ADDITIONAL INDICATORS FOR MEASURING ICT
The development of capabilities for monitoring the ICT statistics in the region is pretty advanced - many measurement scopes are being incorporated to the regular data monitoring mechanisms of the countries. This allows relying on a greater set of ICT indicators that can be regularly monitored and reported. The proposal considers the principle of target 8F -extend the access to new ICT-, the recommendations formulated in the Ministerial Declaration of 2000 of the Economic and Social Council, and the work undertaken by the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, ITU and OSILAC. 24 October, 2011 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators ADDITIONAL INDICATORS FOR MEASURING ICT
5 dimensions and indicators - some of them within the target 8F, and others as a complement to other Millennium Targets. CRITERIA: Thematic relevance Data availability Existence of common methodologies for their calculation. This proposal has just been released as a working paper, so previous reports have not include the analysis of this indicators. 25 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators ADDITIONAL INDICATORS FOR MEASURING ICT October, 2011
26 Monitoring the MDG indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean: official and supplementary indicators ADDITIONAL INDICATORS FOR MEASURING ICT DimensionsProposed indicators Access and Infrastructure a.Proportion of households with access to the Internet by type of access (Narrowband/ Fixed broadband) b.Fixed broadband Internet access tariffs per month (In US$ and as a percentage of monthly per capita income) e-Governmenta.Percentage of Internet users that have interacted with government organizations in the last 12 months Businessa.Proportion of businesses using the Internet by type of access Educationa.Percentage of schools with Internet by type of access. October, 2011
List of official and supplementary MDG indicators linked to MDG database
MONITORING THE MDGs IN THE LAC REGION REGIONAL MDG DATABASE Time series data for 33 regional member countries of ECLAC. 60 official indicators + additional MDG indicators for LAC countries. Selection of time periods, countries and desegregations; download excel file or html, generate charts. Metadata.
MONITORING MDGS IN THE LAC REGION MDG COUNTRY PROFILES New graphic interface of data, figures and social, economic and environmental indicators which shows the progress towards achieving MDG for each country in the region.
NEXT STEPS Review of the proposals produced in the past, considering the new challenges and developments: 1. Accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals: options for sustained and inclusive growth and issues for advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015 2. ECLACs report: Time for equality. Closing gaps, opening trails (2010). 3. ECLACs vision of the MDGs beyond 2015 (Regional Report to be released in 2013 evaluation and outlines of a new development agenda). 31
32 Thank you!! October, 2011
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