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Urology in Primary Care

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1 Urology in Primary Care
Mr Shiv Bhanot Consultant Urological Surgeon Shiv Bhanot February 2013

2 Advances in Urology Practice , a historical perspective
1995 TRUS biopsies and open radical prostatectomy 1996 Urodynamics 1997 Uro-Gynecology service 1997 Laser Prostatectomy (Neodymium Yag) 1998 Smiley Incision open radical prostatectomy 1999 TVT colposuspension 2000 PCNL service for kidney stones 2002 Model for Evaluation of Dynamics of Prostate Cancer 2003 Specialist MDT 2004 Laparoscopic Nephrectomy 2004 Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy 2005Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty 2006 Robotic Arm LRP 2007 Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy 2008 PCA3 Urine Test for early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer 2009 Holmium Laser for stones 2010 Single 1 cm technique of LRP 2011 Template prostatic biopsies 2011 Zero ischaemia partial nephrectomy 2011 HOLEP for BPH 2013 Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy( under evaluation)

3 Why Urology in primary care
Ageing population Dignity, aesthetics and quality of life Urological cancers Cost of pads and appliances Cost of falls and orthopaedics operations Shiv Bhanot

4 Urology Service at BHRT
Comprehensive Service Based at KGH, Cancer centre Clinics at Queens and in the community 6 Consultants 8 middle grade urologists 3 CNSs Acute Receiving Unit

5 What will be covered ? What is LUTS Assessment and treatment of LUTS
When to refer for LUTS When to do a PSA When to refer for raised PSA Early Prostate Cancer Treatment Kidney Stones Urinary Incontinence Shiv Bhanot

6 LUTS Lower urinary tract symptoms Frequency, urgency and nocturia
Hesitancy Weak or interrupted flow of urine Incomplete bladder emptying Post micturition dribbling * Dysuria and pain are not LUTS Shiv Bhanot

7 The urological basis of LUTS
Two special muscles of urinary tract Bladder Detrusor (always resting except) Prostate Sphincter Shiv Bhanot (always active except) Urethra

8 What can you do for LUTS Shiv Bhanot General medical history
Physical examination, DRE Urine test Frequency volume chart Reassurance, life style advice Offer serum creatinine Offer IPSS Offer PSA Offer drug treatment Offer specialist referal Shiv Bhanot

9 Shiv Bhanot

10 Drug Treatment Shiv Bhanot Indication Treatment Review LUTS
Alpha bocker at 4-6 weeks then 6-12 m OAB Anticholinergic >30gm, PSA>1.4 5 alpha reductase inhibitor at 3-6 m then 6-12 m High IPSS, >30gm, PSA>1.4 5 ARI + alpha blocker Symptoms despite treatment with alpha blocker Add anticholinergic Shiv Bhanot

11 LUTS Indications for referal to hospital
Bothersome symptoms UTIs Retention Renal impairment Suspected urological cancerhaematuria, sterile pyuria and raised PSA Stress urinary incontinence Shiv Bhanot

12 Who is fit for surgery (TURP) for LUTS
Good head Good legs The vast majority can tolerate TURP, selection is the key to success for surgery Shiv Bhanot

13 An alternative to surgery for Retention
Done under local anaesthetic, can be easily reversed Shiv Bhanot

14 PSA Test Very good tumour marker
No positive or negatives for diagnosis Marker of prostatic size in BPH Truly speaking not a test but a measure Measure of probability and not diagnostic of Ca Allows diagnosis of early prostate cancer 20% of all prostate cancers have normal PSA Shiv Bhanot

15 When to offer a PSA Test offer information, advice and time to decide ( Pre Test PSA info sheet )
Suspect benign prostatic enlargement or BPH Prostate feels abnormal Patient concern regarding prostate cancer Shiv Bhanot

16 Pre PSA Test Information
Shiv Bhanot

17 PSA Video Shiv Bhanot

18 Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
PSA Rectal Examination Free PSA* pCA3 gene test* MRI, MRI Spectroscopy and diffusion weighted imaging* Transrectal ultrasound guided biopsies Transperineal biopsies* * Not routinely available yet Shiv Bhanot

19 Early Prostate Cancer PSA <20, T1 and T2
Active surveillance Surgery Radiotherapy HIFU Brachytherapy Cryotherapy Hormonal treatment Shiv Bhanot

20 EPC Treatment, Patient Choice
Age and Life Expectancy Risks vs Certainty Possibilty of second and third treatment Intensity of follow up Shiv Bhanot

21 Surgery for Early Prostate Cancer
Open Radical Prostatectomy Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy (Pure or Robotically assisted) Shiv Bhanot

22 Single 1 cm port op Shiv Bhanot
British Journal of Urology International March 2011 Shiv Bhanot

23 Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy
Why ? High Prevalence of DM and HT Ageing population 5 and 10 yr survival becoming rather irrelevant( 20 to 50 yr life expectancy !) Nephron sparing cancer surgery Laparoscopy and combination of minimal or zero ischaemia surgery Shiv Bhanot

24 Kidney Stones Majority expel spontaneously
Tamsulosin helps in expulsion ESWL and ureteroscopic Laser/mechanical treatment for the reminder Very few PCNLs Open Surgery very rare Shiv Bhanot

25 Prevention of Kidney Stones
If overweight lose weight Decouple fluid intake and out put Aim for at least 2 litre out put every day Reduce meat and alcohol intake Reduce salt intake Do not reduce calcium intake Treat metabolic abnormality Shiv Bhanot

26 Female Urinary Incontinence
Prolapse does not cause urinary incontinence Stress or urge incontinence ? Oxybutynin or solfenicin Trickling down the thighs or flooding of floor Urethral mobility Pelvic floor tone and PFEs TVT is the standard surgical treatment for SUI Shiv Bhanot

27 Surgical Experience, 20 years
> major cases of kidney, bladder and prostate cancer Other interests, Female Urology, TVT, Stones Since 2004 all kidney and prostate cancer operations done laparoscopically Shiv Bhanot

28 Shiv Bhanot

29 Urology, when to refer ? Follow the guidelines When in doubt please call or NHS Private Shiv Bhanot

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