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Innovations in Bangladesh December 18, 2008 Shyam Lama & Sylvia Ness.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovations in Bangladesh December 18, 2008 Shyam Lama & Sylvia Ness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovations in Bangladesh December 18, 2008 Shyam Lama & Sylvia Ness

2 GENERAL SYSTEM INFORMATION Central Warehouse (1) Regional Warehouses (21) Upazila Stores (483) Family Welfare Centers (7000) Family Welfare assistants (23,500)


4 CWH(1) RWH (21) Upazila FP Store F-7B FWC (7000) FWA 23,500 Upazila Store (483) Warehouse F-7 Report DGFP (MIS & LMIS Units) Monthly LMIS & Pipeline Report LOGISTICS INFORMATION FLOWLOGISTICS SUPPLY FLOW Family Welfare Centre (FWC and NGOs)-MIS-3 Family Welfare Assistant (FWA)-MIS-1 Millions of users (approx. 18 million) Family Planning Inspector (FPI)-MIS-2

5 Innovations in Bangladesh WIMS at Warehouses Pipeline Report Procurement Tracking System Stockout Projection Tool DDS/MSR Kits UIMS at Upazila Level Logistics Support Officers LSO e-forum LSO Handbook Barcoding Procurement Primer Bidders Manual Commercial Transport LIMS at Department of Livestock Partnership with Dhaka U Partner to Conduct Training Web-based LMIS

6 Innovation: UIMS at Upazila Level Upazila Inventory Management System Upazila (sub-district) Piloted in 40 Upazilas LMIS report automatically generated Auto generated Supply Plan

7 Innovation: Logistics Support Officers Ensure Supplies to the Last Mile

8 Innovation: Logistics Support Officers  Field based project staff  Product availability ensured at last mile  TA to GOB and NGOs  Facilitators/problem solvers  Capacity building  Supply Hotline

9 LSO Handbook Comprehensive Handbook -monitoring checklists -job aids -contact information of various facilities -periodically reviewed

10 LSO e-forum  Share field experiences  Lessons learned  Interactive forum  Provide guidance from central level

11 LSO e-forum

12 Innovation: Commercial Transport  Study and evaluation completed  Timely delivery at lower cost  50% of transport outsourced  Further increase planned

13 Innovation: Barcoding for the Warehouses Barcoding introduced at the CWH, on a trial basis Hand-held barcode reader Batch numbers, manufacturing/expiry dates, unit/quantity, product names and locations Bar code label generated Inventory updated when product is scanned

14 Barcoding System in WIMS

15 Innovation: Barcoding for the Warehouses On hold, pending fulfillment of pre-requisites: - Staff assignment -Minor re-configuration of warehouse layout -Commitment from leadership

16 Innovation: LIMS at Department of Livestock Livestock Inventory Management System  Rapid Assessment conducted  Introduced automated system to keep track of: -receipts -issues -balance

17 Innovation: Partnership with Dhaka University 1.Master’s Population Studies internship -Contraceptive Security focus -participate in field work -final paper 2.Contraceptive Security Included in Curriculum -Developed and taught by project staff -Course a program requirement

18 Innovation: Partner to Conduct Training  Center for Development Studies  NIPORT  Institute of Pharmacology

19 Innovation: Job Aids for Procurement  Procurement Manuals  Procurement Primer  Bidders Guide

20 Web-based LMIS

21 MOHFW DGFP MIS Unit L & S Unit MCH Unit Finance Unit Audit unit Planning Unit CCSDP Unit DGHS Web-based LMIS – maintained by DGFP MIS unit

22 What is the Web-based LMIS? Web application Data from all levels of the system National data consolidated in central server Reports generated automatically

23 DGFP MIS Information Flow (prior to introduction of Web-based LMIS)

24 Before vs After Web-based LMIS Before Web-based LMISAfter Web-based LMIS 2 months to generate LMIS report MIS unit of DGFP had to enter 483 upazila + 21 RWH reports 2 months to generate supply plan Follow-up actions dependant on full report

25 DGFP MIS Information Flow (after introduction of Web-based LMIS)

26 Before vs After Web-based LMIS Before Web-based LMISAfter Web-based LMIS 2 months to generate LMIS report20 days to generate LMIS report MIS unit of DGFP had to enter 483 upazila + 21 RWH reports Each RWH enters approx. 23 upazilas + 1 RWH reports 2 months to generate supply planNo wait to generate supply plan Follow-up actions dependant on full report Data available immediately upon uploading to database

27 Web-based LMIS – How did we implement it? Design reviewed with MOHFW Local Software Company Software installed in 22 RWHs 6 month pilot Web-based LMIS officially launched

28 Web-based LMIS – Implementation (continued) User feedback incorporated Project initially produced National LMIS Report DGFP MIS unit currently producing report Core group to be trained to manage web- based LMIS

29 Web-based LMIS Home Page URL: http://www.dgfplmis.org

30 Reports available in Web-based LMIS Contraceptive Summary Report Stock Status at the Upazila and Field Non Contraceptive Item Summary Report Stock Status at the RWHs Non Reporting Upazila Report RWH Reporting Rate Status of Stock outs at Upazila Consumption Trend

31 Manuals, FAQ Sheet The project has developed: User Manual Technical Manual Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

32 Challenges 1.Timely and accurate data entry 2. Stable and speedy internet connection 3. Data use 4. Quality Assurance

33 Future Scope Incorporate Pipeline Report Web-based LMIS at upazila level Online Forum Image store FAQ sheet Search Engine Helpline

34 Thanks

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