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United States Power Squadrons Strategic Plan Guiding the Way for USPS.

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Presentation on theme: "United States Power Squadrons Strategic Plan Guiding the Way for USPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Power Squadrons Strategic Plan Guiding the Way for USPS

2 Elements of the Plan Mission Vision Beliefs Issues

3 Elements of the Plan Strategic Goals Guiding Statements Strategies

4 Elements of the Plan Organizational Goals Measurements

5 Process to Develop the Plan March 2000 - The National Bridge and the Operating Committee committed to an 18- month process to develop a plan “All members of USPS must have the opportunity for input into the plan.” Operating Committee

6 Member Feedback and Input Opportunities Fall and Spring District Conferences Squadron Commanders and Executive Committees National Committees Web site Articles in the Ensign

7 Chief Commander Lance J. Jensen, SN “USPS needs a strategic plan to help direct our efforts and to keep our focus.” “We need tools to help us choose which projects best fit our mission and vision.”

8 Mission USPS Mission is ….. to promote recreational boating safety through education and civic activities while providing fellowship for our members.

9 Vision USPS will be ….. recognized as the leader for improving boating safety through outstanding educational programs and civic activities; and strong, with a growing membership and increased member satisfaction.

10 Organizational Beliefs: Educated boaters are safer boaters USPS must maintain a quality educational program Membership in USPS enhances boating enjoyment

11 Organizational Beliefs: Participation fosters creativity, accomplishment, and member satisfaction Together everyone accomplishes more Change is necessary for continuing success

12 Organizational Beliefs: Members need to be recognized for their contributions and accomplishments Civic activities provide substantial benefits to the boating public

13 Organizational Beliefs: USPS social activities enrich members’ lives and foster lifelong friendships

14 Strategic Issues Awareness Education Communications Leadership

15 Strategic Issues Member Involvement/Retention Membership Government

16 Awareness Strategic Goal …. Expand awareness of USPS through increased public relations and marketing

17 Awareness Guiding Statements Focus on awareness activities with special emphasis at the squadron level Activities need to target the general public and recreational boating interests

18 Awareness Organizational Goal…. Increase public awareness of USPS

19 Education Strategic Goal…. Address the diverse educational needs of members and potential members

20 Education Guiding Statements Develop materials and programs that address the individuals’ styles of learning (visual, auditory, hands-on) Publish the materials in a variety of modes (print, video, electronic, Internet, etc.)

21 Education Organizational Goals…. More than 22% of members complete an internal education course per year Teach one public boating student per active member per year

22 Communications Strategic Goal…. Improve, simplify and expedite two-way communications throughout the organization

23 Communications Guiding Statement Focus on…. dissemination of information consolidation and simplifications of forms develop and expand electronic information (forms, educational materials, etc.)

24 Communications Organizational Goals…. Maximize the use of information technology Simplify USPS procedures

25 Leadership Strategic Goal…. Better prepare officers and encourage leadership skills

26 Leadership Guiding Statement Focus on improving on going leadership development especially at the squadron level

27 Leadership Organizational Goal… To foster leadership interest throughout the organization

28 Member Involvement Strategic Goal…. Evaluate member activities and benefits to promote member satisfaction

29 Member Involvement Guiding Statement Focus on the areas of…. social and on-the-water activities educational opportunities civic involvement family participation committee involvement member services

30 Member Involvement Organizational Goals…. Maximize the involvement of families in USPS activities Expand fellowship opportunities

31 Membership Strategic Goal…. Evaluate the definition of membership to promote growth and retention

32 Membership Guiding Statements Examine to simplify membership classifications Evaluate our membership prerequisites for relevance Look to promote a broader demographic membership mix.

33 Membership Organizational Goals…. Net active membership growth greater than 3% per year

34 Government Strategic Goal…. Be proactive on governmental issues and regulations that affect USPS and the boating public

35 Government Guiding Statement Taking a leading role in monitoring and responding to proposed recreational boating legislation and memorandums of understanding.

36 Strategic Planning Task Force 20 members representing all aspects of USPS Met at the Fall GB in Baltimore to produce the first draft Produced 4 drafts in 7 months

37 Strategic Planning Task Force Members Stf/C Darrell Allison, APD/C Steven Johnson, AP R/C John Alter, SNP/D/C Scott Keeney, AP D/C William Bellinger, SNP/C/C Richard Miner, SN Mary Catherine BerubeP/D/C Alta Mullins, SN R/C Frank Dvorak, SNR/C Currie Munce, SN Stf/C Ronald Friedman, APP/V/C Lorin Myers, JN D/C Robert Fries, JNStf/C Robert Rayburn, SN Stf/C Patricia Governale, SND/Lt/C Marilyn Rose, P P/D/C David Hinders, SNP/D/C Donald Stark, SN D/C William Husted, SNP/R/C Warren Stevens, SN Facilitator P/D/C Roby Schottke, SN

38 USPS Strategic Plan What do we stand for as an organization? Where do we want USPS to be in the future? How do we get there from here?

39 Strategic Planning Phases Phase I – Development (2000 - April 2001) Phase II – Implementation ( Spring 2001) Phase III – Monitor and Adjustment (Spring 2002) Phase IV – Renewal (Spring 2005)

40 USPS Strategic Plan Guiding the Way into the Future

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