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Published byOphelia Hubbard Modified over 9 years ago
Ichikawa City IT Policy Ichikawa City Information Policy Department
May 2008 Ichikawa City Information Policy Department
Content • Schematic Diagram of the Information Policy
• Management and Operation of the Information System • Information Security Measures • Official Web Site • Structure of the Ichikawa City Electronic Local Government
Schematic Diagram of the Information Policy
Materials – 1 Schematic Diagram of the Information Policy Direct services to residents Two-way communication with residents ① To the resident-oriented web site ④ Residents’ use of geographic information system (GIS) ① Residents’ requests ⑤ 1% activity support scheme ② Information transmission via as required ⑤ Disaster and survivor information during natural disasters ② Analysis of residents’ requests ⑥ Collection of public comments from the web site Information distribution • magazine • Assurance e-net (cellular phone) • Earthquake and weather information Collect and utilize residents’ opinions ⑥ Creation of comprehensive IT desk ③ e-monitor ⑦ Electronic residents’ association (Web page) ③ Internet broadcasting ⑦ Call center ④ Web surveys ⑧ Chiba University of Commerce The Function of the Ichikawa City Electronic City Hall (Simple, Convenient, Fast) From the web My Page Web (basic) Web page Administrative business Public information Marketing Joint efforts Global Automatic issuing machine and display The required information just for you Easy to read Easy to understand Easy to search Electronic application Electronic issuing Active, powerful, realistic public information Administrative operations in cooperation with residents Creating a safe, reassuring urban environment for all residents Comfortable living environment for non-Japanese for mutual learning Electronic application Electronic issuing Create an electronic post box Automatic certificate issuing service Internet broadcasting Collection and analysis of residents’ requests Electronic residents’ associations, volunteers, NPOs Enhancement of English-language web pages Automatic issuing Internal Administration Information System Management (uninterrupted, accurate, highly secure) IT Education Information Plaza Appropriate System Operation System Procurement Legacy System Revolution Fundamental System Work flow, visibility through ABC analysis Internet service Year-round, 24 hour/day support • Compliance with procurement guidelines • Investigation by specialist procurement officers • Simplification and rationalization of work • Enhanced scope for improvements • Cost reduction • Competitiveness • Capacity for future expansion 責 • IT Seminars • Revitalization of local communities Internal LAN Speeding up of response to disruptions, more efficient maintenance System environment Unsolicited mail blocking Consolidated management through file sharing 務 • Right price • Right system Re-creation of 43 fundamental service systems • Certification obtained by all departments • Roll-out to all schools this fiscal year • Enhanced training Information Security Measures ISO27001
Management and Operation of the Information System
Materials – 2 Management and Operation of the Information System [Objective] Provision of an uninterrupted, error-free, highly secure system to support Ichikawa City Provision of an Error-free Host System ○ Creation of a system to completely prevent errors at all stages ⇒ Thorough verification of work flow and strengthening of checking system Create a system to prevent all errors associated with information processing by developing work flow and clarifying the role of personnel in charge of information systems, businesses and departments responsible to strengthen the checking system. Provision of a Highly Reliable Internet System ○ Create a support system that can respond to the desires of residents ⇒ System enhancement to achieve year-round, 24 hour/day full support Boost the disruption recovery support system for systems directly used by the residents, such as the automatic issuing machine, facility reservations, web, etc., through automatic server monitoring, extended disruption response hours, and compilation of a staff response manual. Strengthening of Information System Management ○ Establishment of a system to catch even the smallest errors ○ Ensure operations that prevent repeats of the same disruption Provision of an Uninterrupted Internal LAN System ○ Creation of a system to provide uninterrupted operation to the greatest extent possible ⇒ Implementation of thorough verification and response measures for system disruption causes Re-verify the operation of the internal LAN which is the core system for all agency business, including financial accounting, electronic settlement and internal mail, to ensure faster disruption response and efficient maintenance and to realize operations free from system interruptions. Provision of a Highly Secure System ○ Creation of a system the does not allow unauthorized external access ⇒ Emplacement of a security environment utilizing the capacity of the new network Enhance server monitoring, complete blocking of unsolicited mail, etc. ○ Creation of an environment from which information is not removed to external locations ⇒ Creation of a file sharing system Creation of a system which allows consolidated management of important information within the organization
Information Security Measures
Materials – 3 Information Security Measures Secure management of information held by the City Prevention of information leakage from internal sources due to staff actions, or due to unauthorized access from the outside. Objectives Gain the trust of residents Secure and assured continuation of business by the City Consistent secure operation of the information system with no effect on residents’ lives In order to build a solid information security system, all departments within the organization have received information security management system (ISMS) certification under international standard ISO27001, and we are currently preparing for certification of all municipal elementary, junior high and schools for special needs children. ISMS raises information security through continuous improvement based on the PDCA cycle. In 2008, in addition to enhancing training to encourage even greater awareness among staff, a variety of security measures will be implemented to actually promote effectiveness in the work of each department for more effective information security measures. • First regional public body to obtain ISMS certification • Although there are currently 13 regional public bodies across Japan that are certified, Ichikawa City is the only one in which all departments have gained certification. Flow of ISMS endeavors based on the PDCA cycle Plan Do Check Act 《Aims for FY2008》 • formulation of basic policy • formulation of training plan • implement policy prescribed in the plan • implement security measures prescribed in the ISMS standard • internal audit • deliberation by security committee • actual examination by certifying body • implement improvement measures based on inspection results 1 《2008 Projects》 Maintenance by all departments of ISMS certification and obtaining of ISMS certification by all schools ① Maintenance of certification by all internal departments ② Obtaining of certification by all 56 elementary, junior high and special needs schools Creation and Emplacement of Security System FY2006: Obtained by all internal departments Since FY2007: Maintenance of certification by all departments Breakdown of schools: elementary – 39; junior high – 16; special needs – 1 FY2007: Obtained by 20 schools FY2008: Obtaining of certification by remaining 36 schools 2 ① Training of new staff (by HR Development Group) For: newly employed staff Importance of security, Ichikawa City’s ISMS initiatives, etc. ② Practical administrative work training (by HR Development Section) For: staff who applied for training ③ Training by external instructors For: Information security managers (section managers) ④ Risk assessment training For: Information security managers and information security promoters Regarding assessment procedures for level of risk of information assets outflow ⑤ Internal auditor training For: Internal auditors (section managers) Regarding internal auditing procedures ⑥ Ensuring examples of information security incidents and prevention measures are widely known (distribution by ) Year-round as required For: all staff Raise staff awareness Enhancement of Individual Responses to Security 3 Implement truly effective security measures ① Confirmation of work flow in relation to the transfer of media Create a work flow for each activity based on media transfer surveys and ensure wide knowledge of actions in accordance with that flow. ③ Confirmation of standard of information security measures implemented by outside organizations Comprehensive explanation to organization in question, individual confirmation and instruction for rectification ⑤ Improvement of security incident responses In the unlikely event of an incident, formulation of improvement measures following investigation of the cause and readjustment of work flow. ② Ensuring knowledge of precautions for removing USB memory sticks and other external media from the premises Ensure wide knowledge that external use is, in principle, prohibited, and of precautions when external use is unavoidable ④ Confirmation of implementation of information security measures by sub-contractors in consignment contracts Confirmation by check list for sub-contractors with large contract values ⑥ Continued implementation of patrols of actual office buildings Implemented year-round (spot checks)
Official Web Site + + + + Materials – 4 From the web 電子私書箱の設置
Expansion of web functions Automatic issuing machine and display Webから Web Page Administrative Business Public information Marketing Joint Efforts Global My Page Automatic certificate issuing The required information just for you + + Easy to read Easy to understand Easy to search Electronic application Electronic issuing Active, powerful, realistic public information Administrative operations in cooperation with residents Creating a safe, reassuring urban environment for all residents Comfortable living environment for non-Japanese for mutual learning + + Information distribution through animation Create an electronic post box 電子私書箱の設置 Page composition from residents’ perspective Digitalization of Municipal Office Business Establishment of an Internet Broadcasting Station –– From still images to animated pictures The Realization of Electronic Democracy –– Participation in administration through IT Realization of Regional Computerization Globally-conscious Information Distribution ○ Category composition from residents’ perspective Lifestyle information; business information; cultural, tourist and international information; municipal administrative information; FAQ ○ Lifestyle information – category composition more aligned with life events Pregnancy and childbirth; child raising; starting kindergarten/school; starting work and retiring; marriage and divorce; moving and residences; senior citizens; bereavement ○ Creating pages for one-stop service ○ Hits • FY2004 Top page 3,223,188 Overall access no. 23,564,655 • FY2005 Top page 2,988,687 Overall access no. 19,092,700 • FY2006 Top page 3,004,548 Overall access no. 23,959,674 • FY2007 Top page 2,675,988 Overall access no. 23,538,096 • FY2008 (April) Top page 222,333 Overall access no. 1,798,149 ○ Electronic application 36 services, 62 procedures Request for release of public documents, certificate of residence, tax-related certificates, etc. ○ Electronic issuing (12 types) Issue of items applied for electronically from automatic issuing machines · Copies of family register labels · Certificates for light vehicles (5 types) · Certificate of payment of national health insurance tax · Change of address certificate · Certificates for changes to town names and lot numbers · Vaccination certificate · Chest x-ray examination certificate · Certificate of disaster victim status ○ Basic resident registration card automatic issuing service • ¥50 discount on certificate issuing • Certificate types · Copies of certificate of residence · Personal seal registration certificate · Tax certificates (6 types) · Welfare service vouchers (no fee) Acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, taxi vouchers • 29 automatic issuing machines installed in 27 locations 23 machines in 21 municipal facilities including all community centers, 4 machines in 4 stations, 2 machines in 2 locations in commercial facilities * Issue of basic resident registration cards 51,322 cards (11.2% of the population) ○ Implementation of IT seminars Cooperate with resident IT supporters and NPOs in actively conducting IT seminars to eliminate the IT gap with residents who play a leading role in electronic local government IT Seminars (FY2001–2007) 1903 seminars, 33,306 attendees ○ Electronic residents’ associations Active information distribution in conjunction with the residents’ association web pages Status of residents’ association web pages 41 associations of a total of 222 residents’ associations have web pages • distribution from residents’ association web pages of residents’ association information and regionally-specific municipal government information • Inclusion in residents’ association web pages of circulating information ○ information service • Weather information • Emergency information • Earthquake information • Tsunami information • Local observation information • Safety information for children/students • Crime prevention information • magazine ○ Active information distribution of policy, keeping in mind access from overseas 1% Activity Support Scheme, etc. ○ Creation of pages from a non-Japanese perspective Creation and enhancement of pages from a non-Japanese perspective in required foreign languages by specialists Overview of Ichikawa City and culture, Japanese culture, customs and manners, etc. ○ Foreign national residency (as of April 30, 2008) Foreign nationals 13, 301 Main nationalities Chinese 5,442 Korean and North Korean 1,772 Philippino 1,557 Indian 990 ○ Current foreign language pages English, Chinese and Korean language versions of 12 publications including the Handbook for Living in Ichikawa, extracts from public information “Ichikawa” and garbage disposal details. ○ Internet broadcasting Active public information provision utilizing animation and sound. • My Town Ichikawa 156 clips publically available 52 clips scheduled for release in FY2008 • Other internet broadcasts 40 clips publically available 20 clips scheduled for release in FY2008 ○ Active collection of residents’ requests Active collection of residents’ requests by creating feedback boxes on all pages (not just the top page) for residents to fill in ○ Incorporation of residents’ requests into policy Establishment of a specialist organization Needs Marketing Research Team –– for the analysis of the collected opinions and desires and incorporation into policy • Residents’ requests (FY2001–2007) 21,056 • Web surveys (FY2003–2007) 2,169 over 22 occasions • Public comments (FY2005–2007) 943 over 26 occasions • e-monitor (FY2004–2007) 64,682 over 66 occasions
Structure of the Ichikawa City Electronic Local Government
Materials – 5 Resident Participation Direct Services Infrastructure Collection and utilization of residents’ opinions Residents’ requests 21,056 (FY2001–2007) Web surveys 2169 over 22 occasions (FY2003–2007) Public comments 943 over 26 occasions (FY2005–2007) e-monitor 64,682 over 66 occasions (FY2004–2007) • No. of basic resident’s registration cards: 51,322 (11.2%) • service information distribution (8 types) • Information distribution in conjunction with residents’ association web sites • Use of geographical information system (GIS) by residents • Creation of comprehensive IT desk, call center Regional infrastructure Minimum of 90% fiber optic environment within Ichikawa City Area-wide broadband communications service Internet infrastructure Error-free host system Uninterrupted internal LAN system Highly reliable internet system Electronic Local Government Simple, Convenient, Fast Security IT Education Using IT to create a local government that makes residents feel their lives have truly become more convenient • IT Seminars 1903 seminars, 33,306 attendees • Promotion of cooperation with universities and NPOs Conclusion of agreement with Chiba University of Commerce • Creation of web pages for residents’ associations 41 of 222 residents’ associations Securing residents’ trust Secure information management and continuation of secure and assured services All departments obtained ISO27001 certification ISMS certification for all schools (56) Official Web Site Electronic municipal office functions Administrative Services Public Information Marketing Joint Efforts Global Electronic applications and issuing, automatic issuing Internet broadcasting Collection and analysis of residents’ requests Electronic residents’ associations, volunteers, NPOs Creation of foreign language pages
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