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Collection of Youth Posters Youth Documentation Centre Documentation and Archive Service Youth Secretariat Pilar París Pujol Service Head Mid-Term Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Collection of Youth Posters Youth Documentation Centre Documentation and Archive Service Youth Secretariat Pilar París Pujol Service Head Mid-Term Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collection of Youth Posters Youth Documentation Centre Documentation and Archive Service Youth Secretariat Pilar París Pujol Service Head Mid-Term Conference Government Libraries Section IFLA Barcelona, 22-23 de abril de 2010

2 Presentation outline  Context Organisation chart Mission and functions of the Youth Documentation Centre (CDJ) Cooperation agreement with the National Archive of Catalonia (ANC) and the National Youth Council of Catalonia (CNJC) Preservation of youth documentation  Collection of Youth Posters Digitalisation Cataloguing Dissemination  Web  DVD

3 Youth Documentation Centre Organisation chart  Department of Social Action and Citizenship Youth Secretariat  Documentation and Archive Service Youth Documentation Centre Administrative Archive

4 Youth Documentation Centre Mission  To obtain, select, classify and conserve documents relating to youth issues to ensure their preservation and dissemination and make them available to social, political and academic agents and to youth policy professionals

5 Youth Documentation Centre Functions  Under Decree 239/2005, 8 November, on the restructuring of the Youth Secretariat (SJ), the Documentation and Archive Service has the following functions: a) Managing the Youth Secretariat’s Youth Documentation Centre. b) Obtaining, classifying and conserving documentary material relating to youth issues. c) Driving the conservation and classification of documentary material of historical, cultural or social interest from youth organisations. d) Partnering research institutions where collections of documents about youth issues are held, and in particular the National Archive of Catalonia. e) Managing the Youth Secretariat’s Administrative Archive. f) Any others with which it is tasked by the head of the Sub- directorate General for Youth.

6 Cooperation agreement between institutions  In 2002, an agreement was signed by: Youth Secretariat National Archive of Catalonia (ANC) National Youth Council of Catalonia (CNJC)  Purpose To promote the conservation and preservation of historical collections through a variety of actions.

7 Preservation of documents relating to youth issues: Some actions carried out  Dealing with collections about: Catalan scouting movements – religious and lay National Youth Council of Catalonia (CNJC) Youth Activities Information and Promotion Service (SIPAJ) National Federation of Students of Catalonia (FNEC) Collection of Youth Posters

8 Publications

9 Collection of Youth Posters  Collection Created in the 1980s and 1990s About youth issues  The poster Means of communication to publicise actions and activities geared towards young people Specifications  Still image accompanied by messages  Multiple copies are made of it  Low cost  Seeing it is free, involuntary and individual  Put up in places frequented by young people  Project Digitalisation Cataloguing Dissemination

10 Collection of Youth Posters Description  Period: 1980 – 1994  Collection: 2,030 posters  Digitalisation: 1,273 posters Production:  Generalitat of Catalonia (303)  Youth organisations (916)  International (54)  Cataloguing

11 Collection of Youth Posters Digitalisation  Part of the collection (1,273/2,030)  Actual size  Format JPEG – consultation TIFF – preservation and reproduction

12 Collection of Youth Posters Cataloguing  Entering descriptive items in the Image Collection database at the National Archive of Catalonia Basic descriptive items:  Cataloguing unit  Author  Title  Description of the visual content of the poster  Subject descriptors, place names  Generating organisation  Legal deposit  Printing  Place of publication  Year of publication

13 Collection of Youth Posters Dissemination: web  c0e1a0/?vgnextoid=4344df425a8b2110VgnVCM1000008d0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextchannel =4344df425a8b2110VgnVCM1000008d0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default c0e1a0/?vgnextoid=4344df425a8b2110VgnVCM1000008d0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextchannel =4344df425a8b2110VgnVCM1000008d0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default 

14 Collection of Youth Posters Dissemination: DVD

15 Collection of Youth Posters DVD: presentation

16 Collection of Youth Posters Dissemination: DVD

17 Collection of Youth Posters DVD: overview

18 Collection of Youth Posters Dissemination: DVD

19 Collection of Youth Posters DVD: search

20 Collection of Youth Posters DVD: user’s manual

21 Collection of Youth Posters Dissemination: DVD

22 Collection of Youth Posters DVD: videos  Summer activities “Viu l’estiu” (Live the summer), 1985. TV de Catalunya.  Launch of the Carnet Jove (Youth Card), 1986. TV de Catalunya.

23 Collection of Youth Posters DVD: content sorting  Themed categories based on the Youth Documentation Centre’s classification scheme Youth policies Democratic participation Social cohesion Education Culture Work Health Values Environment Leisure Information and communication  Chronological

24 Collection of Youth Posters DVD: content  Impact on cultural and educational issues  Interdepartmental actions  Political priorities  Constant aspects of the lives of young people

25 Collection of Youth Posters Human resources  Interns selected by means of a call for applicants organised by the Youth Secretariat Inclusion of students Workplace training Tutoring

26 Collection of Youth Posters  Thanks Head of the Image Collection Department at the National Archive of Catalonia Project interns Team at the Youth Secretariat’s Documentation and Archive Service Managers and librarians at the Youth Documentation Centre since 1984

27 Where we are Youth Documentation Centre Calàbria 147 08015 Barcelona Phone +00 34 934 838 417 Email:

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