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Published byJessie Harper Modified over 9 years ago
SSET G RANT (S TUDENT S ERVICES E VERY T IME G RANT ) Tucson Unified School District
SSET G RANT What is it? U.S. Department of Education, Safe and Drug Free Schools Demonstration Grant to expand counseling programs in elementary schools $1.2 million for 3 years Funding period includes 2007-2010 Purpose Improve student behavior Increase parent involvement
I MPLEMENT The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs (ASCA, 2003) The Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS, 1999) The School, Family, and Community Partnerships (Epstein Model, 2001)
SSET G RANT O VERVIEW Student-to-Counselor Ratio Recognized ASCA Model Programs School Quality Survey Results Parent Involvement Attendance Results Academic Results Closing the Gap Guidance Curriculum Office Referrals Project Summary
S TUDENT - TO -C OUNSELOR R ATIO Original Ratio in Project Schools Ratio after 3rd year in the Project 754/1334.5/1
R ECOGNIZED ASCA M ODEL P ROGRAMS RAMP awards: Grijalva Reynolds Wright
S CHOOL Q UALITY S URVEY R ESULTS Percentage of respondents (students, parents & staff) in agreement with statements regarding student behavior, safety & respect. For example: Students behave in class. My classroom is a comfortable place to learn. Teachers treat students with respect. Students treat teachers with respect. 07-08 Baseline Year 09-10 7694.7
P ARENT I NVOLVEMENT Increase in family and parent activities Average school increase from 44 to 69 events per year Activities range from family movie night to educational programs for parents Increase in parent participation Average school increase from 1,948 to 2,246 parents participating in events Increase in parent volunteers
A TTENDANCE R ESULTS 07-0809-10 92.393 Results analysis Students who were at risk of failing, improved attendance over the three years of the project. Established Gap groups for at- risk students improved attendance. Recommendations Continue Gap groups Develop strategies for students in attendance most of the time and address absences for students who are ill in order to bring the schools’ attendance rate to 95%.
A CADEMIC R ESULTS 06-0709-10 4 th grade 42.9/46.748.5/42.9 5 th grade 46.9/43.431.9/34 Results analysis 4 th grade students improved significantly by 5.6% in reading. A change in the Math content areas and format resulted in new norms being created and a drop in math scores. Recommendations A complete analysis of reading scores in 5 th grade to look at content in the tests compared to performance objectives. Restructure math curriculum to include new content included in the tests. Reading/Math
C LOSING THE G AP G ROUP C RITERIA Selection process – Student selection based on attendance, academic scores listed as at-risk, and number of office referrals Interventions – Parents contacted, daily check-ins, weekly meetings, tutoring, increased teacher contacts
C LOSING THE G AP G ROUP R ESULTS * M=Meets the standard A=Approaching the standard F=Falls far below the standard Year# of students Attend. Academic- Terra Nova Reading/ Math Academic- AIMS Reading/ Math* At risk # # of Multiple Referrals 07-08 3 rd -4 th grade 4192.9%23.3/26.5%7M/6M 17A/13A 15F/20F 2311 09-10 5 th -6 th grade 2794.9%26.9/28.5%7M/4M 18A/9A 7F/19F 25
G UIDANCE C URRICULUM Results analysis Fully implemented ASCA National Model programs was utilized in classrooms and small groups. The program includes academic, personal/social, and career lessons. Recommendations Continue use of ASCA National Model program in classrooms and small groups. Year 1Year 3 44.6%50.2% Project counselors percentage of time in classrooms and small groups
A TTENDANCE All counselors worked with students who had excessive absences. As a result of their work, students normally attending school in the 70 th and 80 th percentiles now attend in the high 80 th and 90 th percentiles.
P ROJECT S UMMARY Fully Implemented ASCA program. Overall student attendance improved. Students, parents & staff in all schools agreed that student behavior, safety & respect had improved.
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