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Published byDiana Holland Modified over 9 years ago
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 1 Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [MC WPAN Trademark Report] Date Submitted: [8Mar00] Source: [Ian Gifford] Company [M/A-COM, Inc.] Address [1011 Pawtucket Boulevard Lowell, MA USA 01853-3295] Voice:[+1 978 442 4650], FAX: [+1 978 442 5442], E-Mail:[] Re: [] Abstract:[The term WPAN™ is being trademarked by the IEEE and the following is a Trademark Report and/or usage description] Purpose:[The TG1 chair wants to clarify the term WPAN™ for the TG1 Editor-in-Chief and his Technical Editors. Additionally, the 802.15 may want to review WPAN-HR as a TM. Finally, the MC might want to host a joint IEEE 802 Wireless Meeting in Jul00. Discuss 802 Wireless branding planning status, how to work at the 802 level, joint brands, etc.] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by 802.15.
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 2 IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks Marketing Committee WPAN™ Trademark Report May 2000 Seattle, WA USA
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 3 Contents Summary What is a trademark? Background IEEE Status WPAN™ Definition & Usage Contacts Next Steps
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 4 Summary “Bluetooth™” is the codename used for the Bluetooth™ Special Interest Group’s technology specification for a small form factor, low- cost, short range radio links between mobile PCs, mobile phones and other portable devices. The IEEE has been granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license from Bluetooth™ SIG to adopt or adapt and copy a portion of the Bluetooth™ Specification Version 1.0 Foundation to be used as base material in the IEEE Standards Project P802.15.1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Derivative Work"). The fact that the Bluetooth™ SIG used a codename has prompted the IEEE Editors to “coin” the WPAN term as a way to distinguish their derivative work. The IEEE has applied for a trademark for WPAN. The IEEE Editors of the derivative work consider the WPAN™ 802.15.1 Standard and Bluetooth™ Specification Version 1.0 Foundation terms to be synonymous. This contribution is offered to help the TG1 Editors correctly use the WPAN™ term. This is a work in progress. Input requested.
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 5 What is a trademark? A trademark includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from goods manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods. In short, a trademark is a brand name.
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 6 Background IEEE is Trade Marking These Terms WPAN™ Wireless Personal Area Network™ WPANs™ Wireless Personal Area Networks™
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 7 Background IEEE 802.15 Request – 11Nov99 During the IEEE Nov99 Plenary Meeting – 10Nov99 the WG approved the following Motion: –Motion that 802.15 request the IEEE to immediately proceed with trademark registration of WPAN and WPANs –Bruce Kraemer moved this motion, Ian Gifford seconded. Bruce moved to amend the previous motion to include wording “and to release this trademarking for general use without fees”, Ivan seconded this motion. Tom Siep commented that he was against this motion to amend. Todor Cooklev commented that this motion to amend might be illegal due to trademark laws. The motion to amend failed, 1/11/9. Bruce Kraemer agreed to a friendly amendment to add the term “ExCom” after IEEE. Following no discussion the motion was voted. The motion carried by 15/2/4. ExCom Approved the motion too. An e-mail was sent on 11Nov99 to IEEE requesting a trademark on WPAN (see notes section of this slide).
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 8 Background IEEE 802.15 Follow Up – 21Dec99 Excerpt: “The first time IEEE wrote down the term "WPAN or Wireless Personal Area Network" was during the second meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee for "Wearables" Standards in Cleveland, OH on Tuesday, December 2, 1997. During this meeting we (Dick Braley, Bob Heile, & I) generated a matrix: The title we used was "Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) APPLICATION MATRIX"; it is my contention that this meeting was the first time Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) was written and used in this context - this was an IEEE Meeting. Here is the excerpt: Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) APPLICATION MATRIX... Source: IEEE Ad-Hoc WPAN Committee, Cleveland, 12/2/97 Source: -Ian
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 9 IEEE Status – 7Apr00 From: Susan Tatiner [] Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 4:43 PM To: Gifford, Ian C. Subject: Re: WPAN(TM) Status? Ian: The WPAN (TM) terms have been filed with the Trademark office. I believe things move sort of slowly there, so we'll have to be patient. In the meantime, it's OK and a good idea to use TM with the terms, just as you did in this e-mail. In addition, I encourage you to use the terms as adjectives, not as nouns or verbs. Trademarks are adjectives (Kleenex brand tissues, e.g.). When the Trademark office sees them used as nouns (Give me a Kleenex, e.g.) or verbs (Xerox these contracts), they don't like it. It is harder to get a trademark if you use or allow others to use your term in those ways. 802.16 requested trademarking of Wireless MAN and Wireless HUMAN (the H and U stood for something that I've forgotten right now). Coordination would be fine with us; perhaps Jim Carlo could work with all of you on that. Have a good weekend, Ian. Best, Susan
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 10 WPAN™ Definition WPAN™ is the IEEE banding name for their 802.15.1-xxxx standard WPAN™ is a small form factor, low-cost, short range radio links between mobile PCs, mobile phones and other portable devices. The 802.15.1-xxxx standard has been derived from the Bluetooth Specification Version 1.0 Foundation (see notes section of this slide). The “802.15.1-xxxx” and WPAN™ are 1:1; where xxxx is the year of publication.
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 11 WPAN™ vs. 802.15.1 vs. Bluetooth™ Usage The IEEE will use the “802.15.1-xxxx” term to designate the TG1 Draft Std. The following terms are interchangeable: –WPAN™ –WPAN™-Bluetooth™ –Bluetooth™ The 802.15.1-xxxx Draft needs to coordinate on a definition of terms. Note: Bluetooth™ = Bluetooth™ Foundation
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 12 Next Steps The TG1 asks the MC to help provide feedback on a single usage and definition of terms. The Author of this contribution will consolidate inputs and work with the Editor-in-Chief and IEEE-SA to apply terms.
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 13 Next Steps (cont.) TG1 Action Items/IanG: –TG1 is monitoring Application for trade marking WPAN™ –TG1 is promoting usage of WPAN™ –TG1 is monitor usage of WPAN™ –TG1 is discussing the creation of an IEEE Graphic based on WPAN™ MC to discuss new IEEE 802.15 Projects and their branding needs: –TG2 - WPAN to WLAN Coexistence™ –TG3 - WPAN-HR™ (High Rate)
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 14 Next Steps (cont.) The IEEE 802 “Wireless WG’s” might want to coordinate their branding planning at the Sponsor level vs. at the WG level: –802.16 WirelessMAN™ WirelessHUMAN™ –802.11? MC to discuss hosting a joint IEEE 802 Wireless Meeting in Jul00. Discuss branding planning status, how to work at the 802 level, joint brands, wireless positioning, etc.
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 15 Contacts Susan K. Tatiner Director, Standards Publishing Programs IEEE Standards Activities 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855- 1331 USA TEL: +1 732 562 3830 FAX: +1 732 562 1571 E-M: Ian C. Gifford Director of Standards M/A-COM, Inc. M/S-106 1011 Pawtucket Boulevard Lowell, MA 01853-3295, USA TEL +1 978 442 4650 FAX +1 978 442 5442 E-M
doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/125r1 Submission May 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.Slide 16 More Info IEEE Info URLs: – t/polilink.htm – – – html USA USPTO – Trademark Info URLs: – – mats.html –
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