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Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. PolyMLib 2.0 An interactive modular geometry processing toolkit.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. PolyMLib 2.0 An interactive modular geometry processing toolkit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. PolyMLib 2.0 An interactive modular geometry processing toolkit

2 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. PolyMLib 2.0 Triangle mesh processing Repairing Optimization Quality control Plugin mechanism Flexible & extendable Consistent look & feel

3 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. PolyMLib GUI Menus Flap dialogs Message area Status bar

4 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Plugin API Input GUI elements (flap dialogs, menus) Interaction Mouse pick modes Key press events Output Output dialogs, message area Render arbitrary geometry

5 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Topology Fixing Degeneracy Removal Hole Filling Mesh Repair Smoothing Decimation Remeshing Optimization Overview Input Mesh Compare Inspect Output Mesh Quality Control

6 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Inspect Plugin Evaluate mesh smoothness Curvature analysis Reflection lines High quality visualization Phong shading Up to 70M triangles/sec

7 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Inspect Plugin Flat ShadingGouraud ShadingPhong Shading

8 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Inspect Plugin Mean Curvature

9 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Inspect Plugin Gaussian Curvature

10 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Inspect Plugin Reflection Lines

11 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Inspect Plugin Realistic Material

12 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Inspect Plugin

13 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Manual Topology Fixing Delete / add / split triangles Flip / split edges

14 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Degeneracy Removal Detect / remove degeneracies Short edges, caps, valence-3-vertices

15 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Hole Filling Detect / zoom to / fill holes

16 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Selection Metaphors Types of selection Select screen region Select surface region Select vertices Select conn. components Paint selection Actions can be restricted to selection

17 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Selection Metaphors

18 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Mesh Smoothing

19 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Tangential vs. Normal Smoothing Mesh Smoothing

20 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Mesh Decimation Input Mesh

21 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Mesh Decimation Unconstrained Decimation

22 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Mesh Decimation Restrict Normal Deviation

23 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Mesh Decimation Normal deviation & roundness

24 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Mesh Decimation Normal deviation, roundness, edge length

25 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Mesh Decimation 264k faces 54k faces 3 o normal deviation

26 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. 54k faces 3 o normal deviation 3mm approx. error Mesh Compare 264k faces

27 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Isotropic Remeshing

28 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Isotropic Remeshing

29 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. Topology Fixing Degeneracy Removal Hole Filling Mesh Repair Smoothing Decimation Remeshing Optimization Overview Input Mesh Compare Inspect Output Mesh Quality Control

30 Copyright © 2008 PolyMLib is a trademark of Solid Modeling Solutions, Inc. PolyMLib 2.0 Efficient geometry processing Repairing Optimization Quality control Customizable Modular plugin mechanism

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