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New electronic services of the Tax Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "New electronic services of the Tax Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 New electronic services of the Tax Administration

2 Tax Administration  The Tax Administration is the administrative organization within the Ministry of Finance whose basic duty is to implement tax regulations and regulations concerning the payment of obligatory contributions.

3 Duties of the Tax Administration  The Tax Administration performs administrative and other professional duties relating to the following:  Receiving tax returns, entering tax liabilities in tax accounting, collecting and refunding taxes  Establishing tax base and tax liability  Carrying out inspection supervision  Conducting the seizure of assets in order to collect taxes etc.

4 Vocabulary  Tax return – porezna prijava  Tax refund – povrat poreza  Tax accounts – porezno knjigovodstvo  Tax liability – porezna obveza  Seizure of assets - ovrha

5 The e-VAT project  e-VAT service: the first electronic service of the Tax Administration within the e-Taxes project  It provides all taxpayers in Croatia with simple and secure distribution of the data on periodic calculation of VAT for a specific cost accounting period

6 VAT  In 2012 the Croatian Parliament has enacted amendments to the tax legislation, amongst which were amendments to the Value Added Tax (VAT) Law.  Amendments to the VAT Law increased the standard VAT rate from 23% to 25% as of 1 March 2012.

7 New intermediate VAT rate  Translate the text 2014: New intermediate VAT rate, new laws on consumer credits, lenders (handout)

8 Vocabulary  To usher – uvesti  Intermediate rate – međustopa  State subsidy – državna subvencija  Water supply – isporuka vode  Periodicals - časopisi  Consumer Credit Act – Zakon o potrošačkom kreditiranju  Incentive – poticaj  Installment – ulog, rata, obrok

9 The e-Taxes project  Two new electronic services (apart from e-VAT):  The Electronic Tax Book Keeping Card  e-ID (enables the users to submit electronically their records of receipts from dependent labour)

10 Purpose  To modernise the operation of the Tax Administration  To enable costumers to submit tax registration via the Internet

11 Advantages  Time-saving  Reduced expenses  Services are free of charge

12 Requirements for usage  In order to use the services, individuals must acquire a digital FINA certificate (digital signature) or a Smart Card (e-Card) and an e- Taxes package which is available at all Tax Administration offices for free

13 The e-Croatia programme  One of the main tasks is to create favourable conditions for the development of electronic business  The Law on Electronic Signatures was passed in January 2002  The Law on Electronic Commerce in November 2003

14 What is e-Government?  e-Government is the use of information and communication technologies, particularly the Internet, as a tool to achieve a better government  It enables better policy outcomes, higher quality services and greater engagement with citizens

15 New Electronic Services of the Tax Administration  Read the text on p. 19 and answer the following questions:  What are main tasks of the e- Croatia programme?  Which services are available?  What is necessary in order to use e- VAT services?

16 Find English translations of the following:  evidencija primitaka od nesamostalnog rada  predati poreznu prijavu preko interneta  elektroničko poslovanje  dostava podataka o periodičnom obračunu PDV-a  određeno obračunsko razdoblje  službeno potvrđeni elektronički potpis

17 Answer key  evidencija primitaka od nesamostalnog rada – records of receipts from dependent labour  predati poreznu prijavu preko interneta – to submit tax registration via the Internet  Razvoj elektroničkog poslovanja – development of electronic business  dostava podataka o periodičnom obračunu PDV-a – distribution of the data on periodic calculation of VAT  određeno obračunsko razdoblje – specific cost accounting period  službeno potvrđeni elektronički potpis – certified electronic signature

18 Word formation  Complete the table on p. 20!

19 VERBNOUNADJECTIVE submit submissionsubmissible receive receipt receivable utilise utilization useful suceed successsuccessful distribute distribution distributional

20 Thank you for your attention!

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