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Internal Thermoelectric Effects and Scanning Probe Techniques for

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1 Internal Thermoelectric Effects and Scanning Probe Techniques for
Inorganic and Organic Devices Kevin Pipe Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan Collaborators Rajeev Ram (MIT) Ali Shakouri (UCSC) Li Shi (UT) Max Shtein (UM)

2 Outline Heating in Electronic Devices
Thermoelectric Effects in Devices Thermoelectric cooling background Microscale thermoelectric coolers Internal cooling / integrated energy harvesting Scanning Probe Techniques for Energy Transfer Scanning probes with active organic heterostructures OLED probes Exciton injection probes

3 Intel Pentium® III Processor Intel Itanium® Processor
Heating in Electronics Increasing transistor density and increasing clock speed have led to rapidly increasing chip temperature. CMOS chips can have microscale hot spots with heat fluxes greater than 300 W/cm2. Heating in power electronics and optoelectronics can be >1000 W/cm2. Traditional thermoelectric coolers cool only ~ 10 W/cm2. Nuclear reactor Hot plate Intel Pentium® III Processor M. J. Ellsworth, (IBM), ITHERM 2004 Intel Itanium® Processor Hot spots Is it possible to generate targeted cooling or harvest waste heat energy? C.-P. Chiu (Intel), “Cooling challenges for silicon integrated circuits”, SRC/SEMATECH Top. Res. Conf. on Reliability, Oct. 2004

4 Device-Internal Temperature Gradients
Large variation in carrier temperature (DT≈1000K) and lattice temperature (DT≈100K) can arise within active devices during operation. SOI MOSFET (lattice temperature) MOSFET channel (carrier temperature) GaAs/AlGaAs high-power laser (facet temperature) Can energy from hot electrons in transistors or lasers (Auger) be harvested in an analogous manner to techniques in solar cells? P. B. M. Wolbert et al, IEEE Trans. Comp.-Aid. Des. Int. Circ. Sys. 13, 293 (1994) Teng, H.-F. and S.-L. Jang, Solid-State Elect. 47, 815 (2003) S. J. Sweeney et al., IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Elect. 9, 1325 (2003)

5 Device-Internal Temperature Gradients
Predicted temperature distribution Transistor Intel 90nm MOSFET 5W/mm3 heat source over a radius of 20nm S. Sinha and K. E. Goodson, "Thermal conduction in sub-100 nm transistors," THERMINIC 2004 Bulk heating Facet temperature cross-section Semiconductor Laser Facet heating Can microscale hot spots be cooled efficiently? P. K. L. Chan et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, (2006)

6 Large heat sinks inefficient at cooling microscale hot spots
Cooling Methods for Devices Integrated thermoelectric cooler Large heat sinks inefficient at cooling microscale hot spots Device Device Heat sink Junction-down mounting (better device performance and lifetime but has practical difficulties with electrical contacts, etc.) Substrate Substrate Heat sink Heat sink Junction-up mounting (difficult to remove heat) Monolithic integration with TE cooler (complicated processing) p-i-n diode Electronic structure of device optimized for internal thermoelectric cooling HIT cooler C. LaBounty, Ph.D. thesis, UC Santa Barbara (2001). Junction-up mounting with device-internal thermoelectric cooling (microscale cooling source with minimal processing impact)

7 Cooling Methods for Devices
The operating current of a device causes thermoelectric heating/cooling at every internal device layer junction Internal thermoelectric effects in active devices can be used for both: Targeted cooling of a critical region of the device, moving heat sources to the edge of the device where they are more easily conducted away Energy harvesting using large gradients in lattice and carrier temperatures to reclaim electrical power Electronic structure of device optimized for internal thermoelectric cooling Junction-up mounting with device-internal thermoelectric cooling (microscale cooling source with minimal processing impact)

8 Thermoelectric / Device Materials
Recent Convergence of Thermoelectric / Device Materials Thermoelectric Coolers m(m*)3/2 l Active Devices (bulk thermoelectric figure-of-merit) 12x larger figure-of-merit GaAs/AlAs Superlattice T. Koga et al., J. Comp.-Aid. Mat. Des. 4 (1997) Transistors, lasers 4x larger figure-of-merit HgCdTe Superlattice R. Radtke et al., J. Appl. Phys. 86 (1999) Detectors, Mid-IR lasers 300 W/cm2 cooling at 300K InGaAs/InGaAsP SL C. LaBounty et al., J. Appl. Phys. 89 (2002) InGaAs/InGaAsP Barrier A. Shakouri et al., Appl. Phys. Lett 74 (1999) High-speed transistors, lasers High-speed, high- power transistors 680 W/cm2 at 345K SiGe/Si SL A. Shakouri et al., IPRM (2002) 750 W/cm2 at 300K BiTe/SbTe SL R. Venkatasubramanian et al., Nature 413 (2001) A. Shakouri and C. LaBounty, ICT, Baltimore, 1999. High-performance semiconductors have recently been used to create superior thermoelectric devices

9 Thermoelectric figure-of-merit (sometimes written as ZT)
Conventional TE Cooler _ EC EF Heat absorbed EV EF Heat absorbed + Tcold I Holes Electrons p n _ EC EF Heat released Thot EV EF Heat released + I I Thermoelectric figure-of-merit (sometimes written as ZT) Z = s P2 lT2 (Thot-Tcold)max= ZT2 1 2 Electrical Conductivity s (maximize current) Thermal Conductivity l (minimize thermal conduction) Peltier Coefficient P (maximize energy difference at contacts) Optimum p,n doping

10 Thermoelectric Cooling Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
Internal Cooling of Devices cool heat n p EC EV EFn EFp P-N Diode _ EC EV EF metal n-type cool Thermoelectric Cooling emitter base collector n p Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor cool EC EV heat EC heat cool EC EF cool HFET Channel p n EFn EFp n+ heat EV cool heat Semiconductor Laser Diode The operating current of a device causes thermoelectric heating/cooling at every internal device junction.

11 (transistors, lasers, amplifiers, etc.)
Diode Thermoelectric Effects Conventional TE Cooler P-N Diode Thot Tcold Thot Tcold electrons holes p n electrons p n I I I holes I I Thot cool EC heat EC cool p p cool heat EFn EF n EFp n heat cool cool EV cool heat EV The diode is the fundamental building block of most electronic and optoelectronic devices (transistors, lasers, amplifiers, etc.) K. P. Pipe, R. J. Ram, and A. Shakouri, "Bias-dependent Peltier coefficient and internal cooling in bipolar devices", Phys. Rev. B 66, (2002).

12 p n Measurement of Bipolar Thermoelectric Effect
Unbiased GaAs diode: ND = 5×1018 cm-3, NA = 1×1019 cm-3 p n Measurement EF 4x bulk value Theory Energy (eV) EC EV Built-in potential Thermoelectric Voltage (mV) 10x bulk value Position (nm) holes Voltage measured using SThEM, an STM-based technique P>0 for holes P<0 for electrons Carrier Concentration (cm-3) Position (nm) electrons First observation of enhanced thermoelectric effect due to minority carriers Most active devices use minority carriers for operation Position (nm) Carrier transport calculated with self-consistent drift-diffusion / Poisson equation software H.-K. Lyeo, A.A. Khajetoorians, L. Shi, K.P. Pipe, R.J. Ram, A. Shakouri, and C.K. Shih. Science 303, 816 (2004)

13 Quantum well temperature is critical to laser operation
Alloys in Devices n p EC EV electrons holes Semiconductor Laser Alloys with different bandgaps are added between the p-type and n-type regions: One alloy traps electrons and holes so that they overlap and recombine to emit light. Another alloy provides refractive index contrast so that light is confined. Lasers are typically biased to “flat-band” Quantum well temperature is critical to laser operation Electron leakage Electron injection EC P N EFn QW radiation EFp N+ (substrate) EV Hole injection Hole leakage Electron/hole injection current Thermoelectric heating Electron/hole leakage current Thermoelectric cooling

14 Injection Current Internally Cooled Light Emitter
Optimizing Thermoelectric Heat Exchange Distribution Conventional Design Injection Current Internally Cooled Light Emitter EC EV EFn EFp P N N+ heat cool EC EV EFn EFp P N N+ cool heat less cool x Thermoelectric heat exchange Thermoelectric heat exchange QW x Active region cooling K. P. Pipe, R. J. Ram, and A. Shakouri, “Internal cooling in a semiconductor laser diode”, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 14, 453 (2002).

15 Optimizing Thermoelectric Heat Exchange Distribution
Injection Current Internally Cooled Light Emitter EC EV EFn EFp P N N+ cool heat less cool Thermoelectric heat exchange GaInAsSb-based laser simulation x Active region cooling QW 18% reduction in operating temperature K. P. Pipe, R. J. Ram, and A. Shakouri, “Internal cooling in a semiconductor laser diode”, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 14, 453 (2002).

16 by thermionic emission Boltzmann transport simulation
Internal Cooling of Transistors Remove hot electrons by thermionic emission Optimizing for thermoelectric/thermionic cooling could reduce device heating. EC Boltzmann transport simulation of AlGaAs/GaAs HBT EF HFET Channel emitter base collector n p Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor cool EC EV cooling (heatsink at collector) (heatsink at emitter) Could energy from microscale device waste heat be harvested? W. Y. Zhou, Y. B. Liou and C. Huang, Solid-State Electron. 38, 1118 (1995) E. Pop, S. Sinha, and K. E. Goodson, IMECE 2002

17 Thermoelectric Power Generation
Induced voltage measured from cold to hot end T+DT T+DT + n p A temperature difference applied across a material causes a net motion of charge and hence an open-circuit voltage to develop. electrons V = SnDT holes V = SpDT + T T S = “Seebeck coefficient” [V/K] n-type material: electrons are majority carriers, Sn < 0 p-type material: holes are majority carriers, Sp > 0 P = “Peltier coefficient” = TS [V] Attaching a load to a thermoelectric generator causes current to flow. THot TCold a = # of n / p pairs Vtot = a×(Vn+Vp) _ + Rtot = a×(Rn+Rp) RLoad RLoad

18 Thermoelectric figure
Thermoelectric Power Generator Efficiency For an optimized TE device with a matched load (Rload = RTE), TH - TC TH M - 1 hopt = QH TH TC TH M + Carnot efficiency I where TC M = 1 + Z TH + TC 2 h = I2RLoad QH RLoad Thermoelectric figure of merit ZT averaged over the operating temperature range Z = S2s k

19 Efficiency Curves ZT = 1 ZT = 2 ZT = 3 ZT = 4 Efficiency (%)
TCold (K) THot - TCold (K) Efficiency (%) ZT = 1 ZT = 2 ZT = 3 ZT = 4 Increasing Carnot efficiency In order to generate significant power density, device must maintain a large DT (high h) or have a high heat flux. These two effects are linked.

20 Efficiency Increase with Increasing Heat Flux
As heat flux Q/A increases, DT = Thot -Tcold increases, and therefore the efficiency increases. ZT = 2 Assuming 1D heat flow, DT = LQ kA Increasing heat flux L: Thickness of TE generator Q: Heat source k: Thermal conductivity A: Cross-sectional area For most devices made from (nanostructured) TE materials with high ZT, L k 10-5 to 10-2 cm 10-2 to 10-1 W/cmK

21 Increased Efficiency for Energy Conversion from Small Hot Spots Using Small TE Generators
TCold RL1 One-leg generator QH Area A1 Net area reduced to A2 Same QH I2RL1 I2RL2 QH 3 RL2 Wasted heat Wasted heat Larger TH-TC (each) TCold Small one-leg generator for each heat source In systems with micro/nanoscale heat sources, efficiency can be improved by employing targeted micro/nanoscale thermoelectric generators which only enclose the individual heat sources, reducing the total cross-sectional area and therefore increasing the heat flux QH/A. Intel Itanium® Processor What systems have micro/nanoscale heat sources with high heat flux?

22 Thermoelectric Generator
Device-Level Thermoelectric Generation Methods Substrate Thermoelectric Generator Device VDevice + - RLoad QH Heat sink Device-External Microscale thermoelectric energy harvester monolithically integrated with device High performance chips typically have strong heat sinking which could maintain a significant temperature gradient across the TE generator. Increase in device temperature could be outweighed by energy savings. QD lasers can have small temperature dependence VDevice (data from P. Bhattacharya) - + Device-Internal C. LaBounty, Ph.D. thesis, UC Santa Barbara (2001) Devices can have large internal heat fluxes and temperature gradients due to high-power operation, low thermal conductivity regions, etc. Is it possible to perform energy harvesting directly at heat sources by integrating thermoelectric structures into the device design (band structure) itself? Device RLoad

23 Until now we have examined energy conversion within active devices.
Now we will look at scanning probe techniques for energy transfer from an active device to a sample.

24 Energy Outcoupling from Active Organic Devices
520nm spectrum Radiation Wave guided Surface Plasmon Leaky mode (Radiation) Decay rate (a.u.) kx V Cathode ETL SPP + - Waveguided HTL Waveguided Anode Leaky mode Si Substrate w/(2pc) 520nm Cathode: 18nm Ag ETL: 60nm Alq3 HTL: 50nm a-NPD Anode: 100nm Al / 13nm Ni Substrate: Silicon Surface plasmon-polariton kx / 2p The amount of dipole energy that goes to a specific mode can be tailored by changing layer materials and thicknesses By placing an active device on a scanning probe, we can couple this energy to a sample.

25 K. H. An et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 111117 (2006)
OLED on an AFM Cantilever Cathode Tipless Cantilever Active Layers + - Insulator Si Cantilever Anode K. H. An et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, (2006)

26 Summary Recent advances in thermoelectrics have produced large cooling powers over micron-scale regions. Every junction in a device has thermoelectric heating or cooling. The bipolar nature of active devices can lead to enhanced thermoelectric effects. The optimization of internal thermoelectric effects can lead to targeted cooling inside a device. Large temperature gradients in devices can potentially be used for thermoelectric conversion of waste heat into electricity. Active devices placed on cantilevers can be used to couple energy to a sample.

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