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Sustainable Development of Port Safety, Health and Environmental Management System by Port Authority of Thailand.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Development of Port Safety, Health and Environmental Management System by Port Authority of Thailand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Development of Port Safety, Health and Environmental Management System by Port Authority of Thailand

2 Port Authority of Thailand - PAT
PAT was established as an autonomous body by the Port Authority of Thailand Act. 1951 Public utility state enterprise under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport Management and development of the Port in the interest of the State and the public Administrative and operational policies are laid down by the Board of Commissioners

3 Management (Administration and Operator)
Port Authority of Thailand - PAT Management (Administration and Operator) Manages two major international ports : Bangkok Port and Laem Chabang Port Supervises two regional ports : a multi-purpose Ranong Port and Chiang Saen Port Bangkok Port - PAT takes full charge of the management and terminal operation Laem Chabang Port - PAT takes charge in the port development and provision of common services. Terminal operation are undertaken by private operators.

4 Ports under Port Authority of Thailand
Chiang Khong Port Chiang Saen Port Ranong Port 3 Regional Ports Bangkok Port Laem Chabang Port 2 Major Ports 4 4

5 Bangkok Port On 2 March 1991 an explosion, caused by unidentified chemical substance, occurred in the Dangerous Goods Warehouse

6 Sustainable Development of PSHE-MS
Such incident prompted PAT to emphasize the importance of proper handling of DG and implement program to improve the safe handling of DG in BKK Port PAT requested for assistance from the Swedish Rescue Service Agency in developing a long term plan to promote safe handling of dangerous goods in Bangkok Port The project “Safe Handling of DG” started in September 1991 till 1997

7 Sustainable Development of PSHE-MS
The objective: Implementation of applicable international codes and guidelines Long term capacity development program for port personnel concerned Development of daily routines work Accident prevention and emergency response plan

8 Sustainable Development of PSHE-MS
PAT joined in Port Safety Health and Environmental Management System Project under the supporting of Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) in March 2003 To implement the Port Safety and Environmental Management System by choosing the area that has the highest risk which is the dangerous goods service in Bangkok Port

9 Sustainable Development of PSHE-MS
The Recognition certificate for the Dangerous Goods Service in Bangkok Port was given by Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) in 2006 Extension of PSHE-MS to Laem Chabang Port in 2007 and expected to get recognition certificate in 2009 For the ongoing of development Bangkok Port also plan to expand PSHE-MS to cover all activities of Bangkok Port start from 2008 and expected for such recognition certificate in 2011

10 Sustainable Development of PSHE-MS
In July 2008, PAT and GTZ signed the Agreed Minutes On the Support for the ASEAN-German Technical Cooperation Project “Sustainable Port Development in ASEAN Region, the Regional Office was established in PAT Head Office Building. PAT propose of Bangkok Port and Laem Chabang Port to join this project.

11 Issue to be addressed by this project:
Environmental Impact assessment Environmental management Risk assessment and management Air Quality Dust Noises Soil/Water quality Handling of Dangerous Goods Bunkering

12 Issue to be addressed by this project:
Ballast water treatment External and internal port traffic management Safety and health management Accident prevention and investigation Waste management Dredging Port development Emergency plan and management Good housekeeping

13 Sustainable Development of PSHE-MS
PSHE-MS : an integrated management system - ISO 9001-Quality Management System - ISO Environmental Management System - OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Management System - PSHEM Code - National rules,regulations and standards - International conventions, codes, guidelines, recommendations and standards applicable to port operations

14 Structure of PSHE-MS Director General of PAT
report to report to Director General of PAT PSHE-MS Steering Committee Managing Director of Bangkok Port PSHE-MS Working Team PSHE-MS Internal Audit Team

15 PSHE-MS Documentation Structure
Policy Main Manual PSHE-MS Process manual Supporting Document Policies Who, what, when, where ? How ? A typical documentation structure for an integrated management system consists of four levels.

16 PSHE-MS Policy The policy confirm that Bangkok Port will give the best service to our customer as well as to protect the safety, health of people and port environment. improve and develop the system in order to reduce the risk to minimum. -communicate this policy to public in order to make a good understanding to people concerned. -monitor and provide all resources needed.

17 Facilitating IMO Requirements
Compliance with national and international requirement by establish procures and maintain to identify and make available all apllicable international, national and local laws, regulations and standards applicable to PSHE-MS International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as amended by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) 1990 and its Protocol on Hazardous and Noxious Substance (OPRC/HNS protocol) 2006 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code Recommendations on the Safe Transport of Dangerous Cargoes and Related Activities in Port Area ETC.

18 Expected Benefits Improvement of the safety consciousness of personnel
High motivation of the port personnel Reduction of accident Reduction of complaints Reduction of environmental impacts and risks Building an environmental culture Port actively contribute to prevent marine pollution

19 Expected Benefits Improving the port image
Better working conditions and welfare for port personnel Improve quality of life in urban areas surrounding port Port contribute to “clean and green” maritime transport service Opening new potential commercial opportunities

Top management commitment and support. A working team should comprise of representative from all concerned units. Scope of work:- start with small area but with the greatest risk.



23 Conclusion Improve the safe handling of Dangerous Goods PSHE-MS for DG service in Bangkok Port PSHE-MS for Laem Chabang Port PSHE-MS for Bangkok Port ASEAN-GTZ Sustainable Port Development in ASEAN Region

24 We ensured that Sustainable Port Development concerning SHE could help PAT PROVIDE SERVICES WITH QUALITY,SAFETY AND CLEAN ENVIRONMENT

25 Thank you

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