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Excellence for All Grant Opportunity August 23, 2012 Jean Massey Associate State Superintendent Career and Technical Education 1 Kim S. Benton, Ed. D.

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Presentation on theme: "Excellence for All Grant Opportunity August 23, 2012 Jean Massey Associate State Superintendent Career and Technical Education 1 Kim S. Benton, Ed. D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Excellence for All Grant Opportunity August 23, 2012 Jean Massey Associate State Superintendent Career and Technical Education 1 Kim S. Benton, Ed. D. Interim Deputy State Superintendent Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations

2 2 2

3 Overview General information about Excellence for All Grant Review Process Application Rubric 3

4 Excellence for All The National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) has identified the best instructional systems in the world available in English for use in the United States. Called Board Examination Systems, they are high school instructional programs that consist of a coherent core curriculum; well-designed courses described in detailed syllabi; high-quality examinations that assess the extent to which students have mastered the subjects they have studies and can apply what they have learned to unfamiliar problems; and first-class professional development that enhances teachers’ skills and experience and helps them to reach the course to students with diverse abilities and backgrounds. 4

5 Pillars of Excellence for All A sound core program of courses defining what it means to be an educated person High quality exams derived from the curriculum using multiple assessment methods Thoughtfully constructed course designs captured in a syllabus Quality teacher training matched to the course syllabi 5

6 Why Excellence for All? Best global research shows that board exam systems are a key to success for many of world’s best performing systems for ALL students Why? Because they provide the support teachers need to teach well and students must have to succeed Crucially important for low-performing schools and students 6

7 How the Excellence for All System Would Work Upper Div’n (AP, IB, ACT, CTE, A Levels) Upper Div’n (AP, IB, ACT, CTE, A Levels) Add’l time to meet Comps. Add’l time to meet Comps. 2 Yr Open Admissions Institutions (OAI) 2 Yr Open Admissions Institutions (OAI) Work 14 16 18 Lower Division Exam System Core Curriculum, Syllabi, Exams, Teacher Training, All Set to Int’l Standards 4 Year Selective Institutions 22 4 Yr OAI 4 Yr OAI Graduate Education Approximate Student Age Educational Pathway 7

8 Move Up When Ready State Consortium on Excellence for All Options Public Open Admission Colleges  2-year  4-year Public Open Admission Colleges  2-year  4-year Lower Division Board Examination System High School Diploma Program (exams can be taken/diplomas awarded as early as end of 10 th grade) Lower Division Board Examination System High School Diploma Program (exams can be taken/diplomas awarded as early as end of 10 th grade) Move on When Ready Accredited Career and Technical Programs Upper Division Board Examination System High School Diploma Program  STEM focused  CTE focused  Purely College Prep Focused (exams can be taken/diplomas awarded as early as end of 12 th grade) Upper Division Board Examination System High School Diploma Program  STEM focused  CTE focused  Purely College Prep Focused (exams can be taken/diplomas awarded as early as end of 12 th grade)  Public Open Admission 4-year College  Selective 4-year College  Public Open Admission 4-year College  Selective 4-year College  Public Open Admission 4-year College  Selective 4-year College  Public Open Admission 4-year College  Selective 4-year College Workplace Public Open Admission  2-year College  4-year College Public Open Admission  2-year College  4-year College Age 14 - 17 (approx)Age 16 – 19 (approx)Age 17 – 23 (approx) 8

9 Excellence for All: The Best College Board APs Cambridge International Exams ACT QualityCore International Baccalaureate 9

10 Lower Division Ready Now ACT QualityCore Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Exams 10

11 Lower Division: A Closer Look Not elite programs… But designed to prepare students for elite programs Many bright students are dropping out because they are bored Can get students college-ready by 16… But give less-prepared students until 18 Assistance targeted to students’ weak points in grades 11 and 12 can make all the difference 11

12 Upper Division Ready Now ACT QualityCore Cambridge AICE Exams College Board Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate 12

13 Key Benefits Students motivated to take tough courses and study hard A very strong curriculum and teachers trained to teach it for schools and students with weak instructional resources A strong system for preparing the most able students for selective colleges A way to identify students not college-ready by the end of their sophomore year and to provide focused instruction on the things they must do to succeed Trading a time-in-the-seat system for one that rewards performance College entrants ready to do college-level work 13

14 Application Review Process Board approval and funds awarded District Interview process Proposal review and scoring Applications submitted Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric 14

15 Timeline August 12 Application is released August 22 Plan to submit intention form due August 23 RFP Webinar for Excellence for All September 17 Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric September 18-19 September 25-27 District interview process October 18-19 State Board of Education grant awards October 23 Grant Applications due to Procurement by 3:30 p.m. Scoring of grant applications Face-to-Face meeting for award districts 15

16 Application Cover Page Identifying information Award Request Signatures Checklist Cover page Standard terms and conditions Assurances and certifications Description of needs Evidence of support Budget narrative CD Assurances Standards terms and conditions Signatures required Description of Needs Program Goals Description of proposed project Course offering Course Requirements Testing Dates Project Outcomes Method of Evaluating Progress Implementation Timelines Budget Personnel Administration Fringe Benefits Travel Equipment Supplies Contractual Other Total $50,000 Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric 16

17 Cover Page The cover page asks for identifying information and award amount. Very similar in format to previous applications. Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric 17

18 Checklist Use the checklist to ensure you include all required information. Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric CHECKLIST 18

19 Assurances By signing this statement, the Grantee hereby certifies and assures that the school district submitting this application shall comply with Standard Terms and Conditions and Assurances and Certifications in accordance with state and federal regulations requirements, and MDE policy and requirements pertaining to this program. The applicant certifies further that the information submitted on this application is true and correct. _____________________________ _______________ Superintendent Signature Date ____________________________ _______________ Business Manager Signature Date Certain terms and conditions are required. Therefore, the grantee shall assure agreement and compliance with Standard Terms and conditions. Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric 19

20 Description of Needs What are your program goals? How will this grant allow you to implement your Excellence for All program? How will the following be involved- Leadership, Teachers, Community, Parents, Students, School Board? How will you monitor implementation? How will you sustain Excellence for All once grant funds are no longer available? Key Issues to address Program Goals Project description course offerings, coursework requirements, testing dates, project outcomes, method of evaluating progress, implementation timelines Evidence of Broad-Based Support Budget Narrative Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric 20

21 Budget Pages Detailed Remember to think about how to sustain program when funds are no longer available Total award $50,000 for one year One time legislative funds Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric 21

22 Rubric Grants will be awarded in order of highest point value earned. An interview process will be used to determine final grant awards Basic Facts Grant Review ApplicationRubric 22

23 FY2012 EXCELLENCE FOR ALL GRANT APPLICATION RUBRIC Instructions: Applications will be rated according the rubric found in the following pages. After ratings are tallied, applications will be ranked by score from highest to lowest. The Mississippi Department of Education will award funds beginning with the highest ranked application and concluding when all allocated funds have been awarded. Note: Not all applicants will receive funds and applicants may receive less money than originally requested. 23 Snapshot of Rubric ApplicationBudgetTOTAL 75 Points available25Points available100Points Available Points earned RANKING:____________________________REQUEST STATUS APPROVAL AMOUNT:___________________  APPROVED Signature:____________________________  NOT APPROVED

24 Interview Process Who must attend the interview session? – Superintendent – Lead principal(s) only from the school(s) that will be involved with the grant implementation – School Board President/or a school board representative – Parent Representative When will interviews be conducted? – September 25 – 27, 2012 – In order to receive a grant, district team must participate in interview process – Only positions listed may serve on interview team 24

25 Tips and Reminders Submission process: 1 written application and an electronic copy saved to a CD in “read only” format 3:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time Monday, September 17, 2012—Not a minute LATE! Include all information on the checklist.Read the rubric. Make sure you provide the information necessary to earn a good score. Check for signatures on all pages. Multiple pages with signature blanks for superintendent and business manager. 25

26 Questions 26 Kim S. Benton, Ed.D Interim Deputy State Superintendent Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations 601.359.3077 Jean Massey Associate State Superintendent Career and Technical Education 601.359.3564 NCEE:

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