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Metric System. International System of Measurement Base Units – from which all other units are derived Meter – length – m - one ten millionth of the distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Metric System. International System of Measurement Base Units – from which all other units are derived Meter – length – m - one ten millionth of the distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metric System

2 International System of Measurement Base Units – from which all other units are derived Meter – length – m - one ten millionth of the distance from the equator to the pole

3 Mass – kilogram – kg - amount of matter in an object - not the same as weight (which is a measure of gravity)

4 Derived Unit Volume – liter – L - combination of three length units 1 cm 3 = 1 ml 1000 cm 3 = 1 L

5 Prefixes 3.65 dam = ________cm 2587 mm = ________hm.0087 hl = _________cl

6 More Prefixes Mega- M 10 6 Micro- u10 -6 Nano - n10 -9 Pico- p10 -12

7 Use the appropriate prefixes 3 x 10 6 L 15 x 10 -9 g 8 x 10 8 m 3.5 x 10 -6 A 1.46 x 10 10 J

8 Conversion Factors Equality used to make conversions from one unit to another

9 Practice There are 3.5 lb of NaCl, how many kg are there? You have 2.0 yd 3 of concrete, what is this in m 3 ? You are driving at 40 km/hr, what is this in m/sec?

10 Temperature Metric unit – Kelvin – not used for measurement Measured in  C (celsius) – K =  C + 273.15 Old system is  F (farenheit) – C = 5/9 (F -32) What is 69  F in  C and K?

11 Temperature is an intensive property- does not depend on the amount Extensive properties so depend on the amount In the statement “a yellow sample is solid at 25 C. It weighs 6.0g and has a density of 2.3g/cm 3 ” what are the intensive and extensive properties?

12 Conversions Often the units must be changed in order to do a problem Conversion factor method Is utilized

13 Examples 1)If 2.54 cm are in one inch, how many cm in 118 in? 2)If there are.24L in one cup, how many liters in 26 cups? 3)If 3.8 L = 1 gal, how many L in 6.5 gal?

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