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U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation Safety, Infrastructure Security and Water Quality Chaired by Senator.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation Safety, Infrastructure Security and Water Quality Chaired by Senator."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation Safety, Infrastructure Security and Water Quality Chaired by Senator Frank R. Lautenberg

2 “Quality and Environmental Impacts of Bottled Water” Purpose of the hearing: to explore the quality and environmental impacts of bottled water, and the public’s right to know about the origin and quality of the bottled water they are drinking.

3 The “Bottled Water Right –to-Know Act” S. 3475 Referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works on September 11, 2008 Co-sponsored by Senator Barbara Boxer

4 Bottled Water Right to Know Act Manufactures submit annual report on 1.The source of the water purveyed 2.The type of treatment to the water and whether such treatment meets the criteria of the Secretary 3.The quantity and range of any regulated contaminant detected in the water during the reporting year 4.The quantity and range of any unregulated contaminant detected in the water during the reporting year Labels Required on Bottles 1.The maximum contaminant level goal or lowest health advisory level 2.Quantity and range of any unregulated contaminant detected in the water during the preceding reporting year 3.The source of the water 4.The type of treatment of the water 5.The internet address containing the report 6.The toll-free telephone number containing the report

5 Single Panel 5 Witnesses Emily Lloyd, Commissioner, New York City Department of Environmental Protection Mae Wu, Staff Attorney, Healthy and Environment Program, Natural Resources Defense Council Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food and Water Watch Dr. Stephen Edberg, Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Internal Medicine and Chemical Engineering, Yale University School of Medicine. Joseph Doss, President and CEO, International Bottled Water Association

6 New York City Department of Environmental Protection NYCDEP and the NYC DOHMH conducted a public campaign on the benefits of drinking tap water NYCDEP and sister agencies are preparing a renewed campaign to expand awareness of NYC Water

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