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9th ADULT EDUCATION COLLOQUIUM Education and Learning for Promoting Active Citizenship Ljubljana, 14-15 October 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "9th ADULT EDUCATION COLLOQUIUM Education and Learning for Promoting Active Citizenship Ljubljana, 14-15 October 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 9th ADULT EDUCATION COLLOQUIUM Education and Learning for Promoting Active Citizenship Ljubljana, 14-15 October 2005

2 Grundtvig – Adult Education in the future EU Integrated Programme for Lifelong Learning Mónika Képe DG Education & Culture, European Commission Grundtvig Team

3 Grundtvig – The Past

4 Grundtvig in Brussels Member States European Council Education Council European Commission TAO (to end 2005) Executive Agency G1 (European Cooperation Projects) G4 (Networks) National Agencies G2 (Learning Partnerships) G3 (In-service training grants) Grundtvig Working Group Ministries, stakeholders, institutions

5 Grundtvig – The Present European cooperation projects and training courses (Grundtvig 1) Learning partnerships (Grundtvig 2) Mobility for further training of adult education staff (Grundtvig 3) Networks and Thematic Seminars (Grundtvig 4)

6 Impacts External evaluation 2003-2004 ▼ ▼ ▼ European dimension of adult education organisations European networks of adult educators Increasing quality through sharing of experience Enhancing training of adult educators Beginnings of impact at system / policy level Assisting in EU enlargement

7 Grundtvig: looking forward… Adult education in Europe: between the rhetoric and hype of LLL policy discourse … … and the reality of budgetary curtailment and penury – Need to redefine / re-position – Relationship between general and vocational – Move to a more learner-centred approach – Need for innovative pedagogy – Need to enhance the professional profile of adult educators – Need for private investment in adult education – Yet need to retain strong sense of public commitment – Need for greater cooperation between all ‘players’

8 The new generation of education and training programmes The Commission Proposal Integrated programme for LLL – structure Integrated Programme Comenius School education Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Leonardo da Vinci Initial and continuing VET Grundtvig Adult education Transversal programme 4 key activities – Policy development; Language learning; ICT; Dissemination Jean Monnet programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European Associations

9 History: adult education in the EU education programmes Increasing importance, reflecting the growing emphasis on LLL throughout Europe: Pre-1995:Non-existent 1995-1999:Sub-Action within Chapter 3 of Socrates I (<3% of total Socrates budget) 2000-2006:Full Action within Socrates II (>7% of total Socrates budget) 2007-2013:Full Sectoral programme within Integrated Programme for Lifelong Learning (>3% of total Integrated Programme budget = ?)

10 Adult education in EU context : some typical unfounded prejudices  Marginality: « Adult education is superfluous or at best marginal, of minor importance »  Overlap: « Adult education is not a discrete educational sector, but is totally intertwined with vocational training for adults »  Irrelevance for EU: « Even if adult education is admitted to be a discrete sector, it is not something the EU should bother about ( ‘ why should Brussels pay for Thai cooking or violin classes for rich pensioners? ’ ) »  Low absorption capacity: « No point allocating large resources to this sector, as it will not be able to use them. »

11 Grundtvig: Objectives I  General: to promote in the sector of adult education, within the overall integrated programme:  Quality, innovation & the European dimension  Accessibility and attractiveness of learning  Personal fulfilment, social cohesion, active citizenship, gender equality, particip.of learners with special needs  Creativity & employability  Increasing learning participation at all ages  Language learning & linguistic diversity  European citizenship, intercultural tolerance  Quality assurance  Dissemination & exchange of good practice

12 Grundtvig: Objectives II  Specific overall objectives of Grundtvig:  Respond to educational challenge of ageing population  Alternative pathways to knowledge and competence  Operational objectives of Grundtvig:  Increase mobility of staff and learners (2013: 25,000)  Increase volume and quality of European cooperation between adult education organisations  Facilitate development and transfer of innovation  Promote alternative learning access routes for socially disadvantaged and reluctant learners  Improve pedagogical approaches and management

13 Programme design: Continuity + Innovation  Continuity  Individual training grants for adult education staff  Learning Partnerships  Multilateral cooperation projects  Thematic Networks  Accompanying measures  Innovation (mostly from 2009)  Individual mobility of adult learners  European assistantships for young adult educators  Teaching visits and exchanges for adult education staff  Large-scale innovation projects  European events within Learning Partnerships  Decentralisation: 60%+ for mobility & partnerships

14 Grundtvig: Features  Simplification  Proportionality  Integration of education and training  Increased imp. of LLL  increased budget?

15 Grundtvig Actions I  Mobility (decentralised)  Adult education staff o Participation in further training courses o Study visits and job-shadowing o Teaching visits o European assistantships in adult education ?  Adult learners o European study circles ? - residential seminars - focusing on topics of common interest - priority: European themes &/or disadvantaged o European adult volunteers scheme ?  Individual ? Via Learning partnerships?

16 Grundtvig Actions II  Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (decentralised)  Basic activities  Exchanges o Staff visits and exchanges o Learner visits and exchanges  European events

17 Grundtvig Actions III  Multilateral Cooperation Projects (centralised)  Cooperation projects (existing Grundtvig 1) o Smaller scale o Adaptation, transfer, dissemination, sharing experience and good practice o Bottom-up o Larger numbers  Innovation projects (new) o Larger-scale (systemic impact) o Europe-wide o Top-down o Limited in number

18 Grundtvig Actions IV  Networks (centralised) o All participating countries o Forum, needs analysis o Dissemination, ‘clustering’  Accompanying measures (centralised) o Varying in scale, mostly small o Activities ineligible under main action lines o Mostly one-off and annual o Conferences and seminars, prizes and awards, publications, small-scale surveys, awareness-raising campaigns etc.

19 Timetable Formal Decision  ?:Decision on Financial Perspectives  Aut.-Winter 2006:Formal decision (Council + Parliament) Implementation  From Oct.2005:Field Consultation: Stakeholder groups  Summer 2006:Completion of Guidelines for Applicants  Autumn 2006:Pre-Committee convened Draft 2007 Call for proposals published  Winter 2006:Committee  1 March 2007:First submission deadline


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