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Academic Synchronous eLearning vs. vs. Traditional Frontal Teaching - Students’ Achievements and Attitudes Academic Synchronous eLearning vs. vs. Traditional.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Synchronous eLearning vs. vs. Traditional Frontal Teaching - Students’ Achievements and Attitudes Academic Synchronous eLearning vs. vs. Traditional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Synchronous eLearning vs. vs. Traditional Frontal Teaching - Students’ Achievements and Attitudes Academic Synchronous eLearning vs. vs. Traditional Frontal Teaching - Students’ Achievements and Attitudes Business School College of Management-Academic Studies D. Bregman, G. Keinan, A. Korman, Y. Raanan


3 Preface and Objectives  Introduction:  Our Digital World  Simulation and Business Games  “Business Game” Course  eLearning  Methodology  Results  Conclusions

4 Objectives  Assess achievements and perceptions of students who attended the “Business Game” course in a traditional classroom, compared with students who attended it via a synchronous distance learning system.  Expand advanced teaching and learning methodologies at COMAS’ School of Business  Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of technology-based communication, from students’ point of view.

5 Our Digital World


7 Ubiquitouscomputing Ubiquitous computing Virtual Worlds

8 8 Ubiquitouscomputing Ubiquitous computing Ubiquitous Webster: -- existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered

9 9 Mark Weiser: the father of ubiquitous computing Researcher in the Computer Science Lab at Xerox’s PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) First articulated the idea of ubiquitous computing in 1998 Has called UC “…highest ideal is to make a computer so imbedded, so fitting, so natural, that we use it without even thinking about it.”





14 Ubiquitouscomputing Ubiquitous computing Virtual Worlds

15 15Dudi Bregman, PhD Virtual Reality

16 Virtual Worlds

17 Management and Decision-Making

18 Simulation Systems

19 Simulation Games HospSim HospSim Simcity Simcity …

20 Serious Games Business Business Management Management War War … (Simulators)

21 Reality and Models RealityModelReality

22  Training, Instructions and Education  Performance Evaluation  Operations Research  Alternative Evaluation  Feasibility Study of Future Systems SimulationSimulation

23 Better understanding of systems Better understanding of systems Early identification of potential problems Alternative Evaluation using Sensitivity Analysis Early identification of potential problems Alternative Evaluation using Sensitivity Analysis Performance improvement and assurance Performance improvement and assurance Understanding and Dealing with Complex Systems Understanding and Dealing with Complex Systems Simulation - Advantages 23

24  Lack of optimization capabilities  Accuracy of data input is crucial for reliable results  No “Out of the box” solutions  Provides Information rather than Answers  Unable to simplify complex systems Simulation - Challenges

25 Trainee and computer Trainee and computer Teams and computer Trainees, instructors and computer Simulation in Training and Education


27 "Business Game " Course

28  An interdisciplinary course, obligatory for undergraduate students at the school of Business, elective for MBA students.  Student-teams simulate a management group of a commercial Hi-Tech firm.  Decisions address the diverse operation of a business: accounting, marketing, finance, HRM, manufacturing, resource planning, International activity and more.  8 periods (weeks) represent four years in a company’s life.  The game simulates reaction of a competitive market to different prices and perceived value of goods and services offered by the competing teams. "Business Game " Course

29  Each team (representing a firm) is a group of 3 – 5 members.  Performance points (reflecting 40% of the grade) are based on a few factors:  Profitability  Matching supply to market demand  Financial ratios  Consistency between decisions and strategy  Business ethics  The way each firm is evaluated by different stakeholders. "Business Game " Course

30 Encounters of all kinds… 30

31  Plenary Sessions  Introduction, game rules, assignments, materials  Strategic management  Alternative evaluation  Financial Management  Decision Domains, alternatives and consequences  Performance evaluation and market research studies  Consultation meetings with staff members  Team meetings – decision making and assignments Encounters of all kinds… 31

32 Technology-Intensive Course

33 eLearningeLearning


35 eLearning – Teaching Methodologies

36  Abolishes the location (and even time) boundaries  Ancient (Asynchronous), recently rejuvenated by the Internet  Allows different teaching methods – Synchronous, Asynchronous and blended.  Asynchronous Learning – materials are accessible 24×7, using LCMS (Learning Content Management Systems)  Synchronous Learning – Online sessions, both lecturer and students are online using dedicated applications. eLearningeLearning

37  Students and staff are connected online.  Students hear the lecture, and watch the course’s materials on their computer screen.  The eLearning application allows students to ask questions, send notes, and record the session.  Application sharing mode is used to demonstrate almost anything.  “Over the shoulder” mode allows the moderator to remotely access a student’s computer for assistance and demonstration. eLearning – Synchronous sessions


39  Developed by Interwise in Israel (later acquired by AT&T)  Frequently used for intra-organizational communications  Video support  Features various level of communication:  One-to-one (meeting)  Extended meeting  Class sessions  Mass audience  Session may be recorded on a central server, as well as on participants’ computers for future use. eLearning application in use

40 Research Methodology  Two teaching methodologies: Traditional and eLearning.  eLearning classes were taught by the same staff, in order to prevent interference.  Students were allowed to use the Interwise application for their intra-team communication.  Teams’ performance and grades were compared.  Students were asked to fill a weekly questionnaire, addressing their meetings (how many meetings, meeting method, duration, members’ attendance, etc.).








48 Findings - Teaching All mean differences are significant at a=0.05 or better

49 Findings - Performance

50 Findings - Satisfaction

51 Courses with unique characteristics may also be successfully taught using eLearning methods! ConclusionsConclusions  eLearning had no adverse impact on students’ achievements.  eLearning was accepted by students as a better teaching method.  Students’ satisfaction was equal in the two groups.


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