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RHYTHM Rhythm is the beat and the pace of words in a piece of writing.

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Presentation on theme: "RHYTHM Rhythm is the beat and the pace of words in a piece of writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 RHYTHM Rhythm is the beat and the pace of words in a piece of writing.

2 The ordinary form of written language. (Poetry, drama and songs are not considered forms of prose.) Unlikely to have a regular pattern, but sometimes it contains a recognizable tempo. PROSE

3 RHYTHM  Poetry has rhythm called the metric pattern.  The metric pattern is similar to the beat of music in that it uses the syllables in the words falling at regular intervals.  Rhythm is established in a few different ways by using tools.

4 FOOT  There are different types of feet within poetry.  Each foot contains a set number of stressed and unstressed syllables.  Feet combine together to create a line of poetry.

5 FEET  The different feet create different paces because unaccented syllables do not take as long to say as accented syllables.  A line of poetry containing mostly unaccented syllables would have a faster pace.  A line of poetry containing mostly accented syllables would have a slower pace.

6 TYPES OF FEET NameIambicTrochaicDactylicAnapestic Pronunciation Eye AMBTRO keyDACK tilan uh PEST Sounds like Ocean waves Muffled drums Horses galloping Number and type of sounds 1 heavy; 1 light 2 light; 1 heavy Used for LighterGriefHumor and adventure Accents de DUMDUM deDUM de dede de DUM Symbols u // u/ u uu u /

7 EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT FEET IambicTrochaicAnapesticDactylic de DUMDUM dede de DUMDUM de de u / to DAY / u COM ing u u / un a WARE / u u VIC tor ies u / a WAY / u BASE ball u u / lem on ADE / u u BEAU ti ful

8 DETERMINING METER  Once you have determined what type of foot is being used, you will then be able to determine the meter of the poem.  After every foot, place a vertical line and then count the number of feet listed within the line.  The number of feet within each line will determine the meter of the poem

9 METERMETER Number of feetNamePronunciation 1 footMonometermo NOM e ter 2 feetDimeterDIM e ter 3 feetTrimeterTRIM e ter 4 feetTetrameterte TRAM e ter 5 feetPentameterpen TAM e ter 6 feetHexameterhex AM e ter 7 feetHeptameterhep TAM e ter 8 feetOctameteroc TAM e ter 9 feetNonameterno NAM e ter

10 HOW TO REMEMBER THE METER  Mono- means one. For example a monologue has only one speaker  Di- means two. Remember when you cut something in two you are dissecting.  Tri- means three. A tricycle has three wheels and a triangle has three sides.  Penta- means five. The Pentagon in Washington has five sides.  Oct- means eight. An octopus has eight legs.

11  Inversion occurs when the beat within a line may change or vary.  Inversion occurs for 2 reasons: 1. The poet was unable to find a word that fit with the meter and foot 2. They changed the meter and foot for emphasized effect  If inversion is used to often, it loses all effect. INVERSION

12 CAESURA  A short pause which can take the place of an unaccented syllable.  It CANNOT be used in the place of an accented syllable because the pause would be too long.  Pausing at a comma or end of the sentence is normal, and when it occurs within a line, it is called a Caesura.  Ex: Oh CAN’T you STAY ? STAY and PLAY. U / U / U / U /

13 DETERMINE THE METER It’s Christmas Eve and there in splendor bright U / U / U / U / U /

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