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Grade 7 School changing camps The Provincial management of the Freestate will with your help hold this lifechanging school changing camp for pupils, where.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 7 School changing camps The Provincial management of the Freestate will with your help hold this lifechanging school changing camp for pupils, where."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 7 School changing camps The Provincial management of the Freestate will with your help hold this lifechanging school changing camp for pupils, where they will receive practical leading and information for their future.

2 Help with challenges in High School Leading in spiritual growth Chance to make a choice to accept Christ Praise and worship Involvment of churches and UCSA Good and healthy relaxation What are we going to do?? There are 3 camps: 1.Retief camp site, Maselspoort 14-16 Oct ’11 (Afrikaanse camp) Closing date: 11 Oct ’11 2. Retief camp site, Maselspoort 4-6 Nov ‘11 (English camp) Closing date: 31 Oct’11 3. Kollegeplaas, 20 km from Villiers 4-6 Nov ‘11 (English and Afrikaanse camp) Closing date: 31 Oct ‘11 REGISTRATION: Take place at 15:30 and camp begin at 17:00 Depart Sunday at 12:00

3 For any enquiries contact Lulu van der Berg 082 959 4547 The entry form bust be handed in by the parent/guardian with registration. A Summary form must be completed by the teacher and faxed before the closing date. Each school must have a teacher/guardian which are direct involved with the children.This person must be prepared to form part of the program.They play an important role in the relationships after the camp. The teachers input and spiritual state are important to us. What must I take? Bible, notepad and pen Cozzy, sunblock, towel and hat Spending money Bedding Rainjacket Comfortable shoes and clothes Cutlery Own medication (UVSA are not allowed to give any medication) No mp3 players / radio’s Payment: Banking details: VCSV kampe, ABSA, Cheque account, 490 141 324 Reference: Name of pupil and school. Cost R260 Please fax your entry form with the deposit slip as soon as possible to: 086 604 4278 for a ensured place on the camp.

4 ENTRY FORM Complete the form in full PERSONAL INFORMATION OF CAMPER SURNAME:NAME: GRADE:BOY/GIRL: SCHOOL:TOWN/CITY: UVSA TEACHER:E-MAIL: HAVE YOU BEEN AT A CAMP BEFORE (Yes/No) WHICH CAMP: TELEPHONE SCHOOL:FAX: HOME:STUDENTS PESONAL CELL: PERSONAL INFORMATION OF PARENTS/GUARDIAN: TITLE AND INITIALS:SURNAME: POSTAL ADDRESS:OCCUPATION: POSTAL CODE:E-MAIL: TELEPHONE NUMBERS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: PARENTS:CELL: HOME:WORK: FAX:CLOSE FAMILY MEMBER: MEDICAL FUND INFORMATION:: NAME OF FUND:NUMBER: ALLERGIC/MEDICAL PROBLEMS: Hereby I ____________________________________ parent/guardian from __________________________________________________gives permission that he/she may attend the UVSA camp. I realise that the VCSV/UCSA will as far as possible insure my childs safety, but they can not be held responsible for any injuries, sickness orf accident what so ever. REMARKS: ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN: ____________________________________

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