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1 Barron’s Regents Review. 2 Agrarian revolution Change in farming method in England - 1600’s –increased farm production.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Barron’s Regents Review. 2 Agrarian revolution Change in farming method in England - 1600’s –increased farm production."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Barron’s Regents Review

2 2 Agrarian revolution Change in farming method in England - 1600’s –increased farm production

3 3 Absolute monarchy Ruler has complete authority

4 4 Age of exploration European monarchs sent explorers to Asia, Africa, and the Americas – 1400-1600

5 5 Agrarian economy Economic system that focuses on agriculture as chief source of wealth

6 6 astrolabe Instrument that determines latitude by the position of the stars

7 7 appeasement Giving in to an aggressor to avoid war

8 8 armistice Temporary agreement to stop fighting

9 9 Anti-Semitism Prejudice against the Jewish people

10 10 Aristocracy Government ruled by nobles or, the upper class

11 11 apartheid Strict segregation of the races – especially in South Africa from 1945-1991

12 12 archipelago A chain or group of islands – Japan….the Philippines

13 13 animism Traditional African (& Japanese) belief that the spirit dwells in all living & non- living things

14 14 archaeologist Scientist who studies past human life by studying relics or, artifacts left by ancient people

15 15 alliance Agreement between two or more countries that provides for their shared defense & protection

16 16 anthropologist Scientist that studies the origins and cultures of human beings

17 17 acid rain Toxic (deadly) pollution produced by the burning of fossil fuels

18 18 Gupta Indian empire that first developed what are now called Arabic numerals

19 19 clan Extended family or groups of families that have a common ancestor or family ties

20 20 Buddhism Major religion of eastern & central Asia based on teaching of Siddhartha Gautama who believed in self-denial & meditation

21 21 civilization Advanced form of society with a complex social system – some form of writing & advances in science & technology

22 22 bushido Traditional code of the Japanese warrior (samurai) – emphasizes loyalty to the local warlord rather than allegiance to the emperor

23 23 civil disodbedience Nonviolent or passive resistance; refusal to obey unjust laws

24 24 city-state Small, independent state that consists of a city & the territory surrounding it - ancient Greece: Athens, Sparta…

25 25 balance of power Attempt to set up things so that one nation does not have more power than its neighbors or, other nations

26 26 bourgeoisie Middle-class – term used by Marx & Engels to describe the capitalists or, factory owners, who exploit the workers (proletariat).

27 27 citizen Member of a state or country

28 28 balance of trade Difference in value between a nation’s imports & exports over time

29 29 Byzantine Empire Eastern part of the Roman Empire; preserved the culture of ancient Greece - saved Roman texts from destruction after the fall of the western Roman Empire in 476 A.D.

30 30 Black Death Bubonic plague – contagious disease during the 1300’s where possibly over 100 million people died in Europe, Asia, and Africa

31 31 caliph Title for the successor to Muhammad as the political & religious leader of Islam

32 32 Bolsheviks Left-wing group in Russia – leader was Lenin – seized control of the government in 1917. They were later called communists

33 33 christianity Belief system based on the teachings of Jesus that began in the Middle East about 2000 years ago & was rooted in the monotheistic religion of Judaism

34 34 class system Social division of society based on wealth, birth, education, occupation, or race

35 35 caste system Division of society into 4 major groups based on occupation or birth; a rigid social system of traditional Hindu society in India

36 36 Classical period Refers to the artistic style of ancient Greece & Rome; it was considered their Golden Age

37 37 capitalism Economic system where the means of production & wealth are controlled by individuals for profit. Opposite of communism where the government controls these things.

38 38 calligraphy Fancy handwriting that Chinese & Arab scholars turned into an art form; characters & symbols represent words or ideas.

39 39 cultural diffusion Spread of ideas, customs, & technology from one group or region to another culture.

40 40 Cultural Revolution Program by Mao Zedong in China (1960’s) against those who opposed the communist government. Mao used the Red Guards (youths) to purge China of anyone who disagreed with his ideas or policies.

41 41 Commercial Revolution Changes in the economies of Europe in the Middle Ages – led to a growth of towns, banks, & trade among nations.

42 42 consumer goods Tangible economic products used to satisfy the wants & needs of a society.

43 43 deforestation Destruction of a forest.

44 44 cuneiform Ancient Sumerian form of writing. Characters were formed by pressing a stick into wet clay.

45 45 czar Title of the Russian emperor; also spelled tsar.

46 46 culture People’s way of life – language, customs, religion, traditions, and institutions.

47 47 de-colonization Process by which European colonies in Asia & Africa became independent countries after World War II ended.

48 48 containment Policy of the U.S. toward the Soviet Union during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism in the world.

49 49 communism Form of socialism proposed by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels – a “classless” society – supports a common ownership & equal distribution of the products of society; no class struggle & the government will wither away.

50 50 constitutional monarchy Government in which the king or queen’s power is limited or defined by the legislature or parliament body.

51 51 coup d`etat (French term) – swift overthrow of the government by force or by a small group of people.

52 52 conquistadors Spanish explorers who conquered land in the Americas for Spain during the 1500’s & 1600’s.

53 53 command economy Economic system where the central authority makes all the production decisions on what & how to produce goods. ie: communist states

54 54 crusades Religious wars between Christian Europe & the Muslims for control of the Holy Lands, lasting from 1096 A.D. until 1246 A.D.

55 55 collectivization System under communism in which many small farms were combined into large farms owned & operated by the govt. & worked by the peasants; started by Stalin in the late 1920’s.

56 56 Cold War Period of tension & hostility between the U.S. & Soviet Union after 1945 because of their different political & economic systems; worldwide struggle without actual fighting between the two powers; “ended” in 1991 with the collapse of the U.S.S.R. (Soviet Union).

57 57 codified law Organized and written set of rules or laws.

58 58 famine Drastic shortage of food that results in severe starvation and hunger.

59 59 ethics Standards or rules that guide human behavior.

60 60 ethnic group Group of people sharing a common language, religion, history, and cultural heritage.

61 61 ethnic cleansing Term used to describe the forcible removal or murder of Muslims from former Yugoslav provinces of Bosnia & Herzegovina by the Serbian majority during the years 1992-1995.

62 62 Estates-General Legislative assembly of France composed of clergy, nobles, and commoners during the Old Regime.

63 63 fossil fuels Fuel such as oil, coal, wood, and natural gas.

64 64 Five Pillars of Wisdom Basic beliefs of Islam that include: one God (Allah), praying 5 times a day, fasting during the month of Ramadan, making a pilgrimage to Mecca and giving alms to the poor.

65 65 Five Year Plan Series of economic goals started by Joseph Stalin in Russia (1927) to build up industry & improve farm production.

66 66 Euro or Eurodollar Uniform currency (money) introduced in Europe in 1999.

67 67 fascism Political philosophy that puts the nation over the individual. A dictator has complete control, suppresses all opposition, and has no regard for democracy. – Mussolini (Italy) in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

68 68 enlightened despot Absolute ruler who bases decisions on the ideas of the Enlightenment; uses absolute power to begin social changes.

69 69 feudalism political, economic, and social system in Europe & Japan during the 1100’s in which land is controlled by the local lord, who owed allegiance to a higher lord or monarch. The lord allowed serfs to work the land in exchange for protection.

70 70 expansionism Policy of increasing a nation’s territory at the expense of another nation.

71 71 Fertile Crescent Large arc of land in the Middle East between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers (modern-day Iraq), mostly desert or semi-arid (dry) land, called the “Cradle of Civilization”.

72 72 factory system System that brought workers & machines together to produce goods in large quantities; it began in the British textile (fabric) industry during the Industrial Revolution.

73 73 extraterritoriality Special right of foreign citizens to be tried for a crime by the laws and courts of their own nation; this applied to Westerners in China during the 19 th and 20 th centuries.

74 74 exploitation Term used to describe how the mother countries took advantage of their colonies to insure that their own economies grew. (also – mercantilism).

75 75 extended family Family made up of grandparents, parents, children, aunts, uncles, and cousins whose members may live in the same household or area; this type exists mainly in a traditional society. *** Opposite – is a “nuclear family”.

76 76 ethnocentrism Prejudicial belief that one’s culture or standards are superior to those of other societies.

77 77 The Enlightenment Period known as the Age of Reason in 18 th Century Europe. Enlightenment thinkers believed that one could use reason to understand the universe; they rejected traditional ideas based on authority.

78 78 Confucianism Belief system of the Chinese philosopher Confucius –emphasizes traditional values such as obedience. respect for elders, education, leaders, and the importance of the family!

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