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APA Formatting: Preparing for Final Review

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1 APA Formatting: Preparing for Final Review

2 FSE Resources Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) APA help / tutorials: (Academic Resources)

3 Disable Auto-Formatting in Word
Before you type a word: Go to Format Lines and Page Breaks Uncheck first 4 boxes It is OK to turn off Widow/Orphan control.

4 In Word 2007, 1) select No Spacing, 2) adjust font & size
1. 2. . In Word 2003, the font size default is already set to Times New Roman 12

5 Margins 1½ inch left margin for dissertation.
For the final dissertation report, use a ruler Tip: Try setting bottom margin at 0.95 inches. Tables and appendices MUST have correct margins! Margins 2 See ARC document, Tips for Correct Margins

6 An Applied Dissertation Submitted to the
What Students Need to Know About APA Laura Lucio Ramirez An Applied Dissertation Submitted to the Fischler School of Education in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Use the most recent version of the ARC template! Nova Southeastern University 2012

7 Pagination Use roman numerals in first section for Acknowledgments, Abstract, and TOC – at bottom in the middle of the page

8 Pagination in Body of Paper
Page numbers go in upper right-hand corner Use a section break to divide the paper into sections to change from roman numerals at bottom to numbers in upper right

9 Pagination in Word 2007 Page numbers go in upper right-hand corner
Use a section break to divide the paper into sections to change from roman numerals at bottom to numbers in upper right

10 Abstract page is single-spaced

11 Table of Contents Do NOT use a row of periods in the TOC! Need to use a “dot leader”. Use the FSE template!

12 No running headers Page #s Double spaced Indented Left justified
1 APA Formatting for NSU Class Assignments Page #s Double spaced Indented Left justified No underlining Bolding for some headings. Use double-spacing throughout the paper including the title page, abstract, body of the document, reference list, appendixes, tables, and figure captions.  APA does permit single spacing within references but double spacing between references (see Publication Manual, p. 323). Major headings are centered. The first word of the heading is capitalized as well as all major words. Articles, short prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions, however, are not capitalized (Falcao, 2005). Other issues also need to be considered. Students and teachers alike need to pay attention to using subheadings. For example,

13 Headings --APA (6th ed.) , p. 62
Use Level 1 Headings Level 2 – Flush Left, Bold, Upper and Lower Case Side Heading Level 3 is indented, italicized, uses lowercase, and ends with a period.

14 APA Headings Title Level 1 Level 2 1
APA Formatting for NSU Class Assignments Use double-spacing throughout the paper including the title page, abstract, body of the document, reference list, appendixes, tables, and figure captions.  APA does permit single spacing within references but double spacing between references. (See p. 326 of the Publication Manual.) Issues to Consider Major headings require specific formatting: (a) The first word of the heading is capitalized as well as all major words; (b) articles, short prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions are not capitalized; and (c) the heading is not italicized. Formatting of Paper There are exceptions for dissertation. Other issues also need to be considered. Students and teachers need to know how to use Level 1 Issues to Consider Formatting of Paper Level 2

15 APA headings should not be confused with Word’s formatting levels.
1 Title Level 2 APA Formatting for NSU Class Assignments Use double-spacing throughout the paper including the title page, abstract, body of the document, reference list, appendixes, tables, and figure captions.  APA does permit single spacing within references but double spacing between references. (See p. 326 of the Publication Manual.) Issues to Consider Major headings require specific formatting: (a) The first word of the heading is capitalized as well as all major words; (b) articles, short prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions are not capitalized; and (c) the heading is not italicized. Formatting of Paper There are exceptions for dissertation. Other issues also need to be considered. Students and teachers need to know how to use Level 1 Issues to Consider Formatting of Paper

16 Formatting definitions
Level 2 This is not numbered so do not use a colon. Definition of Terms For the purposes of this study, the following terms are defined. Information literacy. This phrase refers to a set of standards approved by … Outcomes. For the purposes of this applied dissertation, outcome refers to …. Assessment. This term refers to … Formatting definitions Level 3 Italicized -- APA, p. 91 Note bolding and period after word or phrase being defined when using Level 3 format. Use complete sentence(s) for the definition of the term or phrase.

17 Appendices Must have correct margins and all pages in appendices must be numbered Each appendix must have an individual cover page Do not include any appendices that are not mentioned in the text. Appendices are numbered chronologically in the same order as they are first mentioned in the dissertations. Do not include IRB information If there is only one appendix, just use Appendix, not Appendix A

18 Repeated References to a Specific Source
Citing author’s name in the narrative and when used in parenthetical text citations: Long (2009) conducted a correlational study. Long found a relation between media specialists with a transformational leadership style and a collaborative instructional relationship with teachers. The findings supported .... (Long, 2009). APA manual, pp

19 When Citing a Source With Several Authors
List all 2-5 authors first time in paper. Example: Bhatt, Jenson, Casey, and Vandenputty (2011) found…. Bhatt et al. (2011) concluded that…. However, Bhatt et al. experienced some problems with…. The findings were statistically significant (Bhatt, et al., 2011). Bhatt et al. (2011) checked for…. Bhatt et al. challenged previous findings on…. Triangulation of data confirmed… (Bhatt et al., 2011). Use et al, and include the year. Do not include year. Always include date in parenthetical citations. Include month the first time in the next paragraph. APA manual, pp

20 When Citing Source With Several Authors
Cite all the authors the first time in text. Use et al. thereafter. Include year in all parenthetical text citations and in the first text citation in the paragraph. For subsequent citations in text within the same paragraph, leave off the year. APA manual, pp

21 Citing Two Group Studies When First Author Has Same Last Name
Two sources with same first name and same year of publication: Rice, Batson-George, and Ramdial (2010) Rice, Hutchens, and Seiler (2010) Rice, Batson-George, et al. (2010) Rice, Hutchens, et al. (2010) Rice et al. (2008) No comma when there is only one surname with et al. Use as many surnames as needed to distinguish the studies: Additional surnames are not needed for other years: Notice the commas used when there is more than one surname with et al. APA manual, p. 175

22 Authors With Last Surname
When two authors have same surname, cite the initials in the text even if the years of publication are different. R. Jones (2008) and M. Jones (2011) found that…. … as the tweets demonstrated (Obama, B., 2011; Obama, M., 2012). APA manual, Sec , p. 176

23 Personal Communication
Text and reference citation for retrievable content: (Jones, 2012) Jones, E. (2012). Fast track findings. Retrieved from Text citation used for unretrievable content: (E. Jones, personal communication, June 23, 2012) APA manual, Sec , p. 176

24 Numbers: See APA pp Use figures for numbers 10 and above: students in 26 classes The numbers between one and nine should be spelled out: A total of six experiments went awry. Exceptions Numbers above and below 10 grouped for comparison: 3 of 15 students The school needs 4 teachers and 11 staff people.

25 Numbers: See APA pp Use figures for all times – years, months, days, hours, minutes The teachers take 3 hours to complete the work months ago weeks later :30 a.m. Numbers representing dates, age, exact sums of money April 16, year-olds reimbursed $5 Exception --Use word when a number is the first word in the sentence Two hours is more than enough time.

26 Numbers, cont. More exceptions:
Numbers denoting a specific place in a series, book, or table Table Session Grade 7 Percentages, fractions, ratios, percentiles, quartiles Twenty-four percent replied but 76% did not. APA manual, pp

27 In Grade 1, the students … (APA, p. 112f)

28 In Grade 1, the students … (APA, p. 112f)
In first grade, the students… (APA, p. 113, 4.34) but In 12th grade, the students … (APA, p. 111, 4.31)

29 In Grade 1, the students … (APA, p.112f)
In first grade, the students… (APA, p. 113, 4.34) but In 12th grade, the students … (APA, p. 111, 4.31) (Note: Do NOT use superscript -- 12th grade)

30 In Grade 1, the students … (APA, p. 112f)
In first grade, the students… (APA, p. 113, 4.34 ) but In 12th grade, the students … (APA, p. 111, 4.31) (Note: Do NOT use superscript -- 12th grade) Twelfth grade presents….

31 In Grade 1, the students … (APA, p. 112f)
In first grade, the students… (APA, p. 113, 434) but In 12th grade, the students … (APA, p. 113, 4.31) (Note: Do NOT use superscript -- 12th grade) Twelfth grade presents…. The first-grade students … (hyphenated compound adjective APA, p. 98) but The 12th-grade students

32    Tenth-grade students ate in the cafeteria. or
The seventh grade went on a field trip. or 2. The 7th grade went on a field trip. Students in Grades 4 and 5 took the test. or Students in grades 4 and 5 took the test. 3. Students in grades four and five took the test.

33 Compound-Adjectives Role playing High anxiety Seventh grade
Role-playing technique High-anxiety situations Seventh-grade students but Type II error Post hoc comparisons randomly assigned participants APA manual, pp

34 Commas Use commas: Between independent clauses:
Jane went to school, but Dick stayed home. APA (6th ed.), pp

35 Commas Use commas: Between independent clauses:
Jane went to school, but Dick stayed home. Series of three or more Jane, Dick, and Harry argued about money. APA (6th ed.), pp

36 Commas Use commas: Between independent clauses:
Jane went to school, but Dick stayed home. Series of three or more Jane, Dick, and Harry argued about money. Nonessential or nonrestictive clauses Direct TV, which is available in south Florida, offers some nice features. APA (6th ed.), pp

37 Commas Use commas: Between independent clauses:
Jane went to school, but Dick stayed home. Series of three or more Jane, Dick, and Harry argued about money. Nonessential or nonrestictive clauses Direct TV, which is available in south Florida, offers some nice features. But: Comma are not used to separate a compound predicate Jane baked a cake and worked on her homework. APA (6th ed.), pp

38 Seriation Numbered lists – separate paragraphs
Lowercase letters – within paragraph or sentence FSE does not use: Bulleted lists – separate paragraphs Bulleted lists – within paragraphs or sentence

39 Formatting research questions
Paragraph Seriation Numbered list for conclusions, steps in a process, chronology, or priority. Method The methodology of this applied dissertation followed the following three steps: 1. The sample and participants were identified. …. 2. Assessment measures were selected…. 3. Implementation took place over a period of one school year…. Formatting research questions The arabic numerals followed by a period. Paragraph seriation – Indented. The second line wraps back to margin. APA manual, pp

40 Seriation in paragraph
Seriation for items in a sentence or paragraph APA, p. 64 A colon is not used when the list is not numbered Seriation in paragraph The ACRL Information Literacy Comprehensive Standards address the ability of students (a) to determine the nature and extent of the information need, (b) to access information efficiently and accurately, and (c) to evaluate information critically. Items are not indented. Use lowercase letters in parentheses. Do not italicize.

41 Seriation in paragraph
Seriation for items in a sentence or paragraph APA, p. 64 Seriation in paragraph The ACRL Information Literacy Comprehensive Standards address the ability of students (a) to determine the nature and extent of the information need, (b) to access information efficiently and accurately, and (c) to evaluate information critically. Use commas to separate 3 or more elements. If there are no internal commas, use commas. If there are internal commas, use semicolons.

42 Slang vs Key or Linguistic Term
Use quotation marks for slang, coined, or ironic terms. p. 91 The students felt “slammed” by the . The term school media specialist is defined in this study to include only librarians with MLS degrees and state certification. The letter b was used to … Italicize linguistic examples and technical or key terms. p. 91

43 Abbreviations Once defined, you must use the abbreviation throughout
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Fischler School of Education (FSE) Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Once defined, you must use the abbreviation throughout the rest of your paper. NOTE: If possible, do not start a sentence with an abbreviation or acronym. Parenthetical Nonparenthetical (in the text) Use Latin Use English (e.g., ) for example, (i.e., ) that is, (, etc. ) , and so forth APA manual, pp ,

44 Statistical Abbreviations and Symbols
Italicize letters used as statistical symbols: f – frequency Mdn – median n – number in a subsample N – number in a sample p – probability P – percentage, percentile t – computed value for t test Symbols for vectors and matrices are bolded. V, ∑ APA manual, pp

45 Capitalizing Proper Names of School/ University Departments and Courses
Department of Education, Valparaiso University Doctoral Studies Orientation 8000 Educational Assessment 101 Proper names APA manual, pp

46 Capitalizing Proper Names of School/ University Departments and Courses
Department of Education, Valparaiso University Doctoral Studies Orientation 8000 Educational Assessment 101 but an education department a doctoral orientation an educational assessment course Trade names APA manual, p. 102

47 Other Proper Names In the third week, the class will be… but
In Week 3, the class will be … In the second chapter, read the section … but In Chapter 2, read the section on ….

48 Only One Space after Most Punctuation
Between initials in citation in reference list Brown, J. D. (2003, March 8). Periods at the end of a sentence: (Fischler style guide) Students’ scores improved. The study demonstrated that … Exceptions Internal periods in abbreviations i.e., e.g., 9 a.m., U.S.A. APA (6th ed.), pp

49 Checklist Follow FSE formatting and checklist rules. Use current template! Check margins – exactly one inch at the bottom. Seriation and APA headings formatted correctly Search and replace Check spacing Correct use of the word data Check that statistical symbol is italicized Compound adjectives Acronyms Match between text and reference citations, TOC and pages, and references to appendices and order of the appendices. Remove hyperlinks and superscript -- for example: 3rd ed. Formatting of tables and figures Reference citations correctly formatted

50 Ahah! What about using citation software?
References Citation format?

51 No Short Cut for Learning the APA Rules

52 EndNote X2 See

53 Recommendation: Hire an Editor for Final Review

54 Considerations for Selecting an Editor:
The university does not assume responsibility for a student's contractual agreement with a private editor or typist or for the quality of the editor's or typist's work. Fully communicate with editor about the services included, turn-around time, and costs. Don’t send your only copy of manuscript to the editor.

55 Refer to the APA Style Library Guide
Still confused? Refer to the APA Style Library Guide or Schedule a library consultation in person or by phone

56 Thanks!

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