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Конкурс знатоков английского языка 6 класс Учитель английского языка Л.А.Ашикарьян.

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Presentation on theme: "Конкурс знатоков английского языка 6 класс Учитель английского языка Л.А.Ашикарьян."— Presentation transcript:

1 Конкурс знатоков английского языка 6 класс Учитель английского языка Л.А.Ашикарьян

2 Task 1. Answer the questions and introduce yourself.  What is your name?  What is your surname?  What do you do?  What nationality are you?  What’s your hobby?  What’s your favourite sport/subject/lucky number/happy day of the week?  Where are you from?

3 Task 2. You can help children if you use the correct form.  SOS!  Help us!  We … in the sea.  My name … Susan.  I … in a boat.  John … in the sea.  It … very, very cold.  We … from England.  SOS! Help us.

4 Task 3. Translate into English.  Аня- моя одноклассница. Ей 11 лет. Она англичанка. Она из Великобритании. Ее фамилия Даф. Ее номер телефона 0713200. Ее хобби – теннис. Меня зовут Тони. Я из Америки. Мне 12 лет. Мой отец из Англии, а мама из Шотландии. Мои дедушка и бабушка находятся в Англии.

5 Task 4. Write the text with full stops (.), capital letters, apostrophes.  My names bob ive got a dog its name is spot my friends have got pets too this is mikes cat its black this is johns cat its white the cats basket is in the room

6 Task 5. Insert some/any.  I’ve got-----books in my bag.  Have you got -----brothers or sisters? Yes, I have got a brother.  Have you got ----- pets, Mike? Yes, I’ve got-----. I’ve got a cat and a dog.

7 Task 6. Дополните следующие предложения указателем времени.  1. He is writing an exercise. a) now  b) every day  2. He writes a lot of exercises. a) every week  b) now  3. He will write a letter. a) now  b) tomorrow

8 Task 7. Игра «Национальности» Are you Are they Is he Is she English Scottish Welsh Irish Russian British

9 Task 8. Make 5 questions to the following sentences.  1.Sandra always gets up early in the morning.  2.He is dancing with his girl-friend at the disco now.

10 Task 9. Complete the sentences with time expressions from the list:  at the moment, every day, always, tonight, never, now.  1.She … eats meat. She is a vegetarian.  2.Mother is baking a cake ….  3.They’re going to a party ….  4.She goes to the swimming pool ….  5.He cycles to his friend ….  6.He is playing the drums ….

11 Task 10. Make as many words as you can out of the word  SPORTSMAN

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