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2 SAMUEL Chapter 23 DAVID’S MIGHTY MEN I.INTRODUCTION A.Tonight 2Samuel 23. 1. Subject, “David’s Mighty Men”.

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Presentation on theme: "2 SAMUEL Chapter 23 DAVID’S MIGHTY MEN I.INTRODUCTION A.Tonight 2Samuel 23. 1. Subject, “David’s Mighty Men”."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 SAMUEL Chapter 23 DAVID’S MIGHTY MEN I.INTRODUCTION A.Tonight 2Samuel 23. 1. Subject, “David’s Mighty Men”.

2 a) The world remembers the super-stars. b) Not many remember Blake Lewis. c) Runner-up Miss- America was last year. d) Or second at the Daytona 500. (1) Everyone remembers the star!

3 (2) Not often anyone gets to the top without help from others. (a) Michael Jordon had many mentors. (b) Tiger Woods’ dad started him in golf! (c) David Archuleta’s dad involved in his song selections.

4 e) No one gets to the top without help. (1) Tonight a list of his best men. (2) Men the Lord allowed to be in David’s life. (3) Men of integrity and honor.

5 B.A couple of questions: 1. Have anyone like that in your life? a) Any “mighty men” or women in your life? b) Anyone to help you to be the best you can be? 2. Are you that for anyone else?

6 a) Anyone that can count on you? b) Are you a person that tries to help others? II.2SAMUEL 23:1 A.2Samuel 23:1

7 1. David never forgot his humble beginning. 2. He never forgot who he was and how he began! III.2SAMUEL 23:2-7 A.Verse 3

8 1. Men and women committed to Ruling in the fear of God! a) What the Lord told David! B.Verse 4 1. But, David admits:

9 C.Verse 5 1. God’s blessing has more to do with the Lord’s faithfulness that his own! a) The list of David’s mighty men. (1) This list might seem a little strange.

10 (2) Transfer it to Memorial Day. (a) Remember heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice. IV.2SAMUEL 23:8 A.In war survival depends on death of the enemy.

11 1. Anyone like this on your side? V.2SAMUEL 23:9-10 A. “Israel had retreated”? 1. David and 3 mighty men to fight Philistines alone!

12 a) Eleazar’s hand stuck to the sword! (1) Speaks of great commitment! (2) When everyone ran – Eleazar fought. (3) Had to pry his hand off his sword. (a) Blessed if we have ONE like these!

13 (i) Often have folks offer to “lend a hand”. (ii) Do I count cost and realize sacrifice is part of the gift?” VI.2SAMUEL 23:11-12 A.Another stood his ground and brought about victory.

14 VII.2SAMUEL 23:13-17 A.David “musing” about a drink from well of Bethlehem! 1. They considered it an honor to do this for him. 2. All 3 risked their lives to do this!

15 a) David could not drink it b) David could give it as an offering to the Lord. c) Equated with the blood of these 3 men. (1) Any wonder David became the man he was? VIII.CONCLUSION

16 A.2Samuel 23:18-39 1. David saw Uriah as his enemy. 2. He lists Uriah among his mighty men! B.John Donne said “no man is an island…”

17 1. The Lord surrounded him with great people. 2. Proverbs 27:5 3. Proverbs 18:24 a) Blessed of the Lord if we have friends that will stand beside us.

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