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Jose Marti and the rise of the industrial age in the USA Professor Hilda Torres Beltran (Ph.D)

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Presentation on theme: "Jose Marti and the rise of the industrial age in the USA Professor Hilda Torres Beltran (Ph.D)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jose Marti and the rise of the industrial age in the USA Professor Hilda Torres Beltran (Ph.D)

2 Class Objectives:  Marti’s appraisal of US life and culture at the end of the 19th century.  Marti’s work in the USA for Cuban independence  Academic skills: Summarizing information and organizing an oral interview.

3 Contents: Historical antecedents of second half of the 19th Century Marti’s appraisal of some of the major events in 19th century USA Interview : Luis Toledo Sande ( Ph D) ”Marti in the USA: his work for Cuban Independence”

4 Find equivalent /opposite proverbs in English for the following Cuban proverbs. “En la unión está la fuerza.” “United we stand, divided we fall” “Los hechos valen más que las palabras.” “ Actions speak louder than words.” “Quien siembra viento recoge tempestades.” “As you make your bed, so you must lie.” “Los amigos no están sólo para reírse.” “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.” “Nunca es tarde para aprender.” “It is never too late to learn”

5 Most important changes in the 19th century The expansion to the West The Industrial Revolution Successive immigration waves

6 Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Transcendentalist writer who broke free from the traditional rhyme schemes and poetic rhythms of his epoch. The content of his poetry was radical as well. Most important poems: ¨Song of Myself” ( 1855) “Leaves of Grass” ( 1855) “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” “Democratic Vistas” (1871)

7 About the content of Whitman’s poetry these three statements have been made: a) He placed his romantic self at the center of the universe and proclaimed the unity and vital force of all creation. b) But he was also a suffering individual

8 In each of the following excerpts taken from “ Song of Myself” say which of these two characteristics are present, a or b? 1.(…)“The mother of old, condemn’d for a witch, burnt with dry wood, her children gazing on.... I am the hounded slave, I wince at the bite of the dogs.... I am the mash’d fireman with breast-bone broken....” 2. (...) “I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you” 3.(…) “My ties and ballasts leave me I skirt sierras, my palms cover continents I am afoot with my vision.”

9 (b)………………(a) 1.(…)“The mother of old, condemn’d for a witch, burnt with dry wood, her children gazing on.... I am the hounded slave, I wince at the bite of the dogs.... I am the mash’d fireman with breast-bone broken....” (...) “I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you” 3.(…) “My ties and ballasts leave me I skirt sierras, my palms cover continents I am afoot with my vision.”


11 Fill in the blanks using the following words where appropriate:(events, low, many, century, was, rights expansion, immigrants, country, Industrial, cities, men, In the 19th ______(1)in the USA there were three important ________(2)that led to the unprecedented growth of the cities. These were: the ________(3) to the West, the arrival of many__________(4) from all over the world and the ___________ (5) Revolution. New industrial cities emerged, particularly in the Northwest of the _______(6); in _________(7) like N. York, Philadelphia, and Boston. Massive groups of ________,( 8) women, and children were working for________ (9) hours in the factories and they were paid very ________ (10) salaries.There ______(11) no protection of labor or regard for their lives. Trade unions started to struggle for their_________(12).

12 In the 19th century (1)in the USA there were three important events (2)that led to the unprecedented growth of the cities. These were: the expansion (3) to the West, the arrival of many immigrants (4) from all over the world and the Industrial (5) Revolution. New industrial cities emerged, particularly in the Northwest of the country (6); in cities(7) like New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. Massive groups of immigrant men (8), women, and children were working for many (9) hours in the factories and they were paid very low (10) salaries.There was (11) no protection of labor or regard for their lives. Trade unions started to struggle for their rights (12).

13 Use the imperative form to fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs from the list : (be (twice), show, select, ask, not-interrupt, ) First, (you must) learn something about the topic of the interview. Then: ______ a good setting to make the interviewee comfortable. ______open-ended questions to encourage the interviewee to add more information. ______polite. _______ your interest with a nod or a smile. ______uncritical in your manner and __________ so that the interviewee’s ideas and opinions can flow without pressure. You can ask for clarification later.

14 Rules for an oral interview. First, (you must ) learn something about the topic of the interview. Select a good setting to make the interviewee comfortable. Ask open-ended questions to encourage the interviewee to add more information. Be polite. Show your interest with a nod or a smile. Be uncritical in your manner and don’t interrupt so that the interviewee´s ideas and opinions can flow without pressure. You can ask for clarification later.

15 While listening answer the following questions: 1.What prestigious Cuban intellectual did Dr. Toledo mention as his mentor? 2. Mention three or four places visited by J. Marti in USA other than New York and Philadelphia. 3.What does the contrast between the figures of Lincoln and Cutting symbolize ? 4. In the interview Dr. Toledo emphasized that for J. Marti it was essential to keep the preparations for the war in silence. That he stressed the importance of surprising the enemy. Why do you think it was so?

16 Answers 1. Dr. Jose Antonio Portuondo 2. Ocala, San Agustín, Jacksonville, New Orleans, Atlanta, Tampa and Key West. 3. Lincoln represented: justice, the unity of the country, the best traditions of the War of Independence Cutting: violence, greed, expansionism. 4. To make the war quick and prevent suffering, to impede American intervention in the war.

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