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1. Be Converted - Turn away from sin. 2. Be Humble - Humble yourself as little children. 3. Receive Christ - Welcome Christ into your life. 4. Do Not Offend.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Be Converted - Turn away from sin. 2. Be Humble - Humble yourself as little children. 3. Receive Christ - Welcome Christ into your life. 4. Do Not Offend."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Be Converted - Turn away from sin. 2. Be Humble - Humble yourself as little children. 3. Receive Christ - Welcome Christ into your life. 4. Do Not Offend - Do not discourage, encourage. 5. Do Not Despise - Do not look down on any man, unless you are looking down to pick him up. 6. Confront - Discuss faults with your brother. 7. Agree 8. Forgive -. Seventy times seven! Matthews 18:1-22 Sermon of Elder Robert J. Peggs 08/02/98

2 1. Be Strong in the Lord. 2. Put on the Whole Armor of God. 3. Stand Fast. 4. Walk Speedy in your preparation to Witness the Good News of Peace. 5. Put Faith in your Shield. 6. Put on the Helmet of Salvation. 7. Put on the Sword of the Spirit. 8. Pray earnestly at all times. Sermon of Elder Robert J. Peggs 03/01/98 Ephesians 6:10-18

3 1. Be Humble & Gentle 2. Be Patient. 3. Make allowances for each other’s Faults 4. Be led by the Spirit 5. Be in Peace with one another 6. Listen, Speak Little & Restrain from Anger - James 1:19 7. Get rid of all that is Wrong in your Life - James 1:21 8. Obey - James 1:22 Ephesians 4:1-3 James 1:19-22 Sermon of Elder Robert J. Peggs 10/03/99

4 1. See it with your own eyes. 2. Know what you are talking about. 3. Be Honest. 4. Have the ability to Tell It Right. Sermon of Elder Robert J. Peggs 02/20/00

5 1. Never Repay Evil for Evil. 2. Don’t Quarrel with anyone, be at Peace with everyone. 3. Never Avenge yourself, because the Lord said, “vengeance is mines, I will repay”. 4. Feed your Enemy if he is hungry. 5. Conquer Evil by doing good. Roman 12:17-21 Sermon of Elder Robert J. Peggs 11/07/99

6 1. Don’t Serve God and Mammon (Money) - Matthew 6:24 (You cannot Love God, If You Love Money) 2. Don’t Lust After Worldly Things - Matthew 6:24 (Let Go & Let God, Because God Will Bless You With The Best) 3. Don’t Worry About Tomorrow, Today’s Troubles Are Enough. (Trust in God for Your Tomorrows) - Matthew 6:25-32 4. Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God - Matthew 6:33 (Let God Rule And Govern Your Life) 5. Seek God’s Righteousness - Matthew 6:33 (Live Holy & Righteous And God Will Grant You The Desires Of Your Heart) 6. Live One Day At A Time - Matthew 6:34 (God Will Take Care of Your Tomorrows)

7 1. Think of things that are True. 2. Think of things that are Honest. 3. Think of things that are Just. 4. Think of things that are Pure. 5. Think of things that are Lovely. 6. Think of things that are of Good Report. Philippians 4:8

8 1. Kindness - Love in spite of, not because of. 2. Encouragement - Exhibit friendship love (PHILER Love). 3. Complimentary - Let your words be few, seasoned with Grace. 4. Recognition - Recognize the personal growth of each other. 5. Forgiving - Do not bring up past variables. 6. Attitude - Do not degrade or humiliate each other. (Death & Life are in the power of the tongue; Proverbs 18:21) Sermon of Elder Robert J. Peggs 02/06/00 Who so ever findeth a wife, findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord. Proverbs 18: 22

9 T he Lord is by your side, even through the dark path of the life that you must follow. O ften times, your trails and tribulations will seem to be over- whelming. W ith this in mind, your faith may seem to weaken, your strength may appear to falter. A lways know that if you seek him, the LORD will restore your strength. H e will remind you that he is with you always, even during your times of trouble. H e will walk with you through danger seen and unseen. H e will protect you in the presence of your enemies. R egardless of the obstacles, God’s Grace & Mercy will bring you through. T herefore, do not be afraid to walk through this violent world. J ust remember, that when you walk “you do not walk alone”. THE BEAUTY OF THE 23RD PALSM Author: Mary Coleman

10 1. Self-Respect -We are made in the image of God which is our foundation to self-respect. 2. Devotional Life - We need to cultivate our relationship with God. 3. Passion To Do The Right Thing - Integrate your faith to where you work and live, let people know you by your deeds. 4. Exert Moral Leadership - Let your Christianity show, exhibit Christianity in everything that you do. 5. Be A Godly Model for The Next Generation - Give the next generation a good respective of life.

11 Author: Mary Coleman 02/15/00

12 Author: Mary Coleman 02/15/00

13 Author: Mary Coleman 02/15/00

14 Colossians 2:1-7 1. Ministers who struggles in prayer (verse 1) 2. They posses -confident and assurance (verse 2) 3. They posses - wisdom and knowledge (verse 3). 4. They maintain military discipline (verse 5). 5. They walk in the Lord and/or they let the Lord order their steps. (verse 6 & &) Sermon of Elder Robert J. Peggs 02/18/01

15 1. Salt is Destructive - be of the world, but not in it. You are the light of the world, let your good deeds show. 2. Salt Preserves -love one another with a pure heart. 3. Salt Penetrates - brings new life to Christians 4. Salt Adds Flavor - the spirit of Love, Joy, Peace, long- suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. 5. Salt Spreads it flavor - make disciples of the world, teach them and give them instructions. Sermon of Elder Robert J. Peggs 12/02/200

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