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New Chairs/Administrators Orientation: July 9, 2015 Academic Affairs Signature Programs Policy Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "New Chairs/Administrators Orientation: July 9, 2015 Academic Affairs Signature Programs Policy Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Chairs/Administrators Orientation: July 9, 2015 Academic Affairs Signature Programs Policy Framework

2 University Targets Retention 4- & 6-Year Graduation 4-year Transfer Graduation Unit Actions

3 One University

4  New Student Induction (Get ‘em in)  Graduation Initiative (Get ‘em out)

5 Context  LOTS of new students  ~ 3500 New Freshmen each Fall  ~ 2800 New Transfer students each Fall  ~ 1200 New Transfer students each Spring  Mixed educational experience  High first-year attrition  Students in flux

6 Guiding Principles  Articulate common messages  Create clear expectations  Hold students to expectations  Hold faculty/staff to expectations  Facilitate transition  Meet students where they are

7 1. Day of Convocation 2. Prospect for Success 3. Top 40 Expectations 4. Seamless Transfer 5. Communications 6. General Education and Integration

8 1. New Student «Day of Convocation»  Monday, August 24th until 5PM  New Student Convocation event in Halton Arena: 11:00-12:00  Afternoon events in colleges and departments  Kick-off for academic Week Of Welcome (WOW)

9 2. Prospect for Success  SACS Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)  Academic Engagement for New Freshmen  College-Specific Curricula ▪Intentional ▪Curious ▪Aware

10 3. Top 40 – Expectations  Top 40 Courses  Top 40 Expectations Document  Starfish for early alert (and mid-term grades) 4. Seamless Transfer  Comprehensive Articulation Agreement  Analysis of transfer student needs and challenges

11 5. Communications  Between admission and matriculation  GPS Guide 6. General Education and Integration  General Education redesign  Communication across the Curriculum/ e-Portfolio

12 Context  50% Transfer students  Competitive programs (Donor/Acceptor)  Students in flux initiatives/graduation-initiative

13 Guiding Principles:  Guide students into the right major early  Avoid late attrition from majors  Monitor student progress toward timely degree completion  Mitigate unnecessary barriers to student persistence and graduation  Enable greater student self-guidance and accountability  Ensure faculty oversight of curriculum

14 1. Auditable Degree Analysis 2. Barriers Analysis 3. Degree Analytics and Mapping

15 1. Auditable Degree Analysis  Acalog/Curriculog: Online Course, Program and Catalog System  DegreeWorks: Online Degree Audit

16 2. Barriers Analysis  All students  Seamless transfer 3. Degree Analytics and Mapping  EAB’s Student Success Collaborative ▪“Success Markers” ▪Advising Campaigns  Degree Maps  4 th Semester Advising


18 University of North Carolina General Administration Policy: The Code/Policy Manual Responsible: UNC General Administration University Policy Responsible: Office of Legal Affairs Policies most often originate via UNC General Administration, state or federal legislation, or other administrative action Academic Policy Responsible: Faculty Council and/or Office of Academic Affairs Policies most often originate via UNC Charlotte faculty and administration

19  Withdrawals  “Undergraduate students may receive a grade of W for no more than 16 credit hours over their academic careers.”  Readmission of Former Students  Includes single Forgiveness Policy (replaces former Two-Year Rule and Associates Degree Rule)  Student Complaint Resolution Log  Units that receive complaints from currently enrolled students related to the mission must log the complaint and its resolution  Submission of Final Grades  Faculty Council: “Support the Provost in directing Department Chairs to include chronic failure to turn in course grades or chronic lateness in grade reporting in faculty annual evaluations.”

20  Academic Probation and Suspension  Satisfactory academic progress rules (financial aid) will be used in some capacity for academic progress in the future (date TBD)  Implementation planning in progress  Course Numbering and Cross Listing  To require enforcement at the department/college level  Course and Curriculum Management: Acalog/Curriculog  Electronic academic program and course approval system for creating, modifying, and accessing degree programs, courses, and catalog information  Live Fall 2015

21 John Smail, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies Leslie R. Zenk, Assistant Provost,

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