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Enosburg BRO 1448(40) Bridge 48 on TH 2 Over the Tyler Branch Alternatives Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Enosburg BRO 1448(40) Bridge 48 on TH 2 Over the Tyler Branch Alternatives Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enosburg BRO 1448(40) Bridge 48 on TH 2 Over the Tyler Branch Alternatives Presentation


3 Meeting Outline Purpose of the Meeting Structures Section re-organization Existing bridge deficiencies Alternatives considered Summary and recommendation-

4 Purpose of Meeting Present the alternatives that we have considered Explain the constraints to the project Help you understand our approach to the project Provide you with the chance to ask questions. Provide you with the chance to voice concerns Build consensus for the recommended alternative -

5 Phases of Development Project DefinitionProject DesignConstruction Project Funded Project Defined Contract Award Identify resources & constraints Evaluate alternatives Public Participation Build Consensus Quantify areas of impact Environmental permits Right-of-Way Process Utility Coordination Develop plans, estimate and specifications

6 Accelerated Bridge Program Began in January 2012 Bridges are deteriorating faster than we can fix them Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) is key Impacts to property and resources is minimized Standard details repeated on many projects Shift from individual projects to programmatic approach Accelerated Project Delivery Goal of 2 year design phase for ABP (5 years conventional) Goal of 25% of projects into Accelerated Bridge Program-

7 Project Initiation & Innovation Team Part of re-organization in January 2012 Currently team of 5 All projects will begin in the PIIT Very efficient process Look for innovative solutions whenever possible Involved until Project Scope is defined Hand off to PM to continue Project Design phase -

8 Project Background Priority 20 in the Town Highway Bridge Program The structure is owned and maintained by the Town TH 2 is a Class 2 Town Highway Existing bridge is a single-span steel beam bridge with a concrete deck (replaced with temporary Mabey bridge) Span of 47 feet and width of 18 feet The bridge was built in 1924 Bridge is structurally deficient and has a Federal sufficiency rating of 9.0 (out of 100) -

9 Project Background (Cont) Traffic Data 20152035 AADT690740 DHV100110 ADTT4555 %T5.86.9 Design speed = 50 mph (Note: 4 way stop proposed)

10 Description of Terms Used Beams (Superstructure) Deck Abutment (Substructure) Bridge Rail

11 EXISTING BRIDGE DEFICIENCIES Deficiencies The deck, superstructure and substructure are in critical to poor condition The bridge width does not meet the current standard. Inspection Report Information (Based on a scale of 9) Deck Rating3 Critical Superstructure Rating4 Poor Substructure Rating4 Poor Channel Rating5 Fair

12 18’ Width of Bridge

13 Bridge Side View

14 Existing Site Conditions Bridge Width (Face-Face Rail) = 18’-0” Design Speed Limit = 50 mph (Note: 4 way stop) No Postings for Weight Restriction Overhead Utilities present (cross over bridge)-

15 Layout Showing Constraints

16 Proposed Project Complete bridge replacement warranted Use 10’ lanes w/ 2’ shoulders (24’ rail-rail width) Approximately 48’ span Improved intersection w/ 4 way stop -

17 Alternatives 1.Full replacement w/ abutments on bedrock

18 Proposed Bridge Typical

19 Alternative 1

20 Alternative 1 Profile

21 Bridge Closure Details 4 week closure specified in contract Timing of closure will be made w/ input from Town (to minimize community impacts) Town responsible for detour route (location, signing, installing, maintaining) One route adds 3 miles and is 11 miles end-end Local share cut in half w/ closure-

22 Alternatives Matrix Alt 1 Construction Cost$640,000 Construction w/ Construction Engineering & Contingencies$864,000 Preliminary Engineering$160,000 Right of Way$0 Total Cost$1,024,000 Town Share (5% w/ closure)$51,200 Project Development Duration2 years Construction Duration 3 months Mobility Impact Duration4 weeks

23 Questions

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