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Blended Assessment Authentic Technology-Driven Strategies in Student Assessment.

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2 Blended Assessment Authentic Technology-Driven Strategies in Student Assessment

3 Linda Orozco, Ph.D. Professor, Educational Leadership California State University, Fullerton President, Leadership Innovation

4 Guiding Questions  How can instructors develop authentic assessment techniques to enhance student learning utilizing the power of information and communication technology?  How are new technologies inspiring innovative assessment practices to create student-driven learning, enhance critical thinking, and life-long learning?

5 Presentation  Authentic Assessment  Faculty & Technology  Blended Assessment  Technology in Authentic Assessment  Recommendations

6 Authentic Assessment "...Engaging and worthy problems or questions of importance, in which students must use knowledge to fashion performances effectively and creatively. The tasks are either replicas of or analogous to the kinds of problems faced by adult citizens and consumers or professionals in the field" -Wiggins, 1993, p. 229

7 Authentic Assessment “…from intellectual understanding to enactment in practice” -Kennedy, 1999

8 Seven (7) Characteristics of Authentic Assessment 1.Examines student performance in real life on the worthy intellectual tasks desired 2.Integrates multiple levels of knowledge and skills that mirror the priorities and challenges found in the real world & professional practice 3.Utilizes ill-structured challenges that help students rehearse for the complex ambiguities of professional life 4.Requires students to craft & ‘make visible’ polished, thorough and justifiable answers, performances or products 5.Requires students to demonstrate measures of ‘judgment’ 6.Evaluates assessment evidence with relevant expertise against criteria that matter for performance in the field 7.Includes student reflection & self-evaluation of performance


10 Benefits of Authentic Assessment 1.Students are more active in the assessment process 2.Reduced test anxiety and enhancing self-esteem 3.Effective with students from various cultural backgrounds, learning styles, and academic ability 4.Authentic assessment tasks are more interesting and reflective of daily life 5.Creates a positive attitude toward school and learning 6.Authentic assessment requires a shift to teaching in a more student- centered environment 7.Faculty must be more active in authentic assessment which assures that the evaluation process will align with course goals and objectives 8.Authentic assessment provides valuable information to the teacher on student progress as well as the success of instruction 9.Students understand the relevancy of authentic assessments rather than the abstract grades on quizzes, term papers, and finals

11 “The person who has had a bull by the tail once, has learned 60 or 70 times as much as a person who hasn’t.” -Mark Twain

12 Faculty & Technology in the Classroom Changing assessment practices from traditional to authentic using technology requires knowledge, creativity, and courage on the part of faculty. Using technology in front of, and in combination with, students involves even a larger risk on the part of faculty. (For example, students are usually more familiar with the technology than faculty; it is difficult for faculty to keep pace with new updates of existing technology/software or new technologies themselves. The fear of operator-error or technology malfunction is never far from the mind of an instructor. Technologies have been narrowly applied for their original purpose, with little creative thought considered to any expanded uses. There is little to no support from universities/colleges for faculty to shift some assessments to technology delivery. Junior faculty hesitate using technology in the classroom, as tenure and promotion decisions do not encourage nor necessarily reward it. Finally, there appears little support, encouragement, mentoring or modeling to infuse authentic assessment practices with technology.

13 Blended Instruction & Assessment  Technology-mediated  Technology-enhanced  Computer-mediated  Hybrid  E-learning  Brick & Click

14 Benefits of Blended Assessment Higher student motivation Personalizes the learning experience for all students Increases critical thinking and supports inquiry-based learning Provides immediate and complex student feedback to faculty Illustrates individual student needs to allow instructors to adapt instruction Faculty focused on high level activities such as critical thinking, assessment analysis instead of low value, manual tasks Student assessment data can be used to support faculty by informing their professional development efforts Fosters an environment of collective learning excellence

15 Technology- Top 10 1.Email 2.PowerPoint 3.Video & YouTube 4.Blog 5.Podcast 6.Conference Call 7.Web Conferencing 8.Webpage/Website 9.Electronic Portfolio 10.Internet Data-Mining for Primary Sources

16 Email Request for data or information Well organized directions or information written with clarity for external audience Communications to clients, staff, community Communications with guest experts in the field Guest experts to evaluate student emails communications Response to supervisor, subordinate, other Email responding to a prompt Email response to a problem, issue, complaint

17 PowerPoint Prepare and deliver to authentic audience Prepare and deliver to authentic audience ‘virtually’

18 Video Showcasing worksite, programs or jobs/responsibilities Role-playing Job shadowing Interview with practitioners or leaders in the field Examples or demonstrations of critical issues or conflict Professional development


20 YouTube YouTube is a video sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005, on which users can upload, share and view videos. Commentary/critique on existing videos Post videos

21 Blog A blog is an abbreviated term for ‘web log’. It is text-based, and is an ongoing chronicle of information, comments and commentary. Blog information is displayed in reverse chronological order -most recent information first.

22 Blog

23 Leading a discussion topic Responses to a prompt Data collections Shared reflections Posing a professional challenge and inviting collaborative solutions Progressive questions/answers from text in class Blog host- guest expert Peer review and critiques Announcements Reports

24 Blog

25 Podcast A podcast is ‘audio content’ made available to users on the Internet. Listeners can use their computers, and/or other devices including iPods and MP3 players. Listeners can access the audio content at times most convenient to their schedules.

26 Podcasting

27 Podcast Audio communication to clients, staff and community Standard messages, directions or welcome announcements Short staff development audio trainings Audio summary of procedures, new laws, or new information

28 Conference Call or Audio Conference Conference calls or audio conferences allow a number of people to share a single telephone line. Much like telephone party lines over 50 years ago, conference calls allow synchronous audio communications from a number of participants. Popular in business and medicine, conference calls are used for professional development and communications without incurring travel costs.

29 Conference Call or Audio Conference Invite, introduce, provide background information, and host guest speakers Set agendas and chair simulated meetings Lead team activity or project Simulate calls to clients, vendors, colleagues, or community members on key issues Simulate to calls to superiors regarding difficult topics Guest experts as speakers and/or reviewers Interview experts in the field

30 Web/Video Conference Web or videoconferencing allows synchronous communication with both voice and video data. This advanced technology is available free for computer users with access to a microphone, video camera, and Internet.

31 Web/Video Conference Conduct a personnel interview Conduct team collaboration across two work sites Host a remote guest speaker Interview a leader in a remote location Be a guest speaker via web conferencing Guest experts to evaluate student role- playing live in-class

32 Webpage/Website Creating a webpage or a website for a simulated job, project, or professional activity provides candidates an excellent opportunity for authentic assessment. A number of free Internet sites will provide students with electronic space.

33 Webpage/Website


35 E-Portfolio With a wide range of authentic products created by students, electronic portfolios provide the best option for storage, editing, retrieval and sharing. Electronic portfolios can be stored on CDs, as well as on Internet servers provided for such a purpose.

36 Internet Data-Mining of Primary Sources There is a wealth of primary and raw data online from government agencies, to research institution, to private agencies and organizations. This rich virtual warehouse of resources provides a fertile learning landscape for higher education students. Faculty can create authentic assessment challenges for students to tap into these resources, create reports and summaries, and critically analyze data, etc.

37 “We learn to walk by stumbling.” -Bulgarian proverb


39 Linda Orozco, Ph.D. Professor, Educational Leadership California State University, Fullerton President, Leadership Innovation USA Telephohe: (562) 368-4844

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