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The GNWT Action Plan – The Levelton Report Jan 18, 2011 Yellowknife 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The GNWT Action Plan – The Levelton Report Jan 18, 2011 Yellowknife 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GNWT Action Plan – The Levelton Report Jan 18, 2011 Yellowknife 1

2 Presentation - Aim To present the Project Team’s plan of action in response to the recently completed Levelton Report which was an audit on the Phase 1 works. 2

3 Presentation Agenda Background Aim of the Report Scope Findings Recommendations Actions Planned Conclusion Questions 3

4 Audit Background Phase 1 all works completed prior to 31 March 2010 under the DCBC Phase 2 all works under the GNWT Technical issues (design), fabrication, construction Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) Due diligence dictated the GNWT review and understand what had taken place in Phase 1 Levelton Consultants assigned the role and commenced April/May 2010 and completed 30 Nov 2010 Audit employed interviews/documentation review/inspections to complete the audit. 4

5 Aim/Scope of the Audit Aim : To assure the GNWT that the “in place” works were constructed to standard and that all phase 2 works would be based on quality works. Scope: Confirm continuity of design responsibility; Confirm all issues raised in Ph 1 addressed; Confirm fabrication and construction QC/QA followed and certified Confirm general compliance with the contract and specs Identify issues required to close off the Phase 1 works 5

6 Findings and Recommendations (1) Findings divided into 6 main categories Section 6 of the Report details the formal recommendations. Some further notes in the main body of the report which are germane to the Project. GNWT has grouped the recommendations where they make sense and where one has a direct impact on the other. Due to the audit process- the GNWT has taken action concurrently to the review and has already completed some recommendations, with others well underway. 6

7 Findings and Recommendations (2) Nothing found in Phase 1 that impacts the safety of the work to date or that would affect construction of Phase 2 Deficiencies were found in Phase 1 document control which, given further time and research, may be remedied Recommendation that Phase 1 works be accepted upon completion of the recommendations GWNT has accepted the Levelton Report and has the resources and time available to address all the recommendations. Our main priority remains to complete the project safely and to a high standard. 7

8 Action Plan 8

9 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 1Phase 1 QC/QA Develop, implement and monitor a QA/QC and document control program In place and operating On going monitoring with regular meetings and checks 9

10 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 2aDesignEnsure proper design responsibility established Design continuity review in progress Initial report due end Jan 2011. Complete by end Feb 2011 10

11 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 2bDesignInfinity to confirm all design issues raised by the GNWT addressed Infinity will confirm this Initial report due end Jan 2011. Complete by end Feb 2011 11

12 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 2cDesignFracture critical and dimensional tolerances Confirm documents Completed in Phase 2 works 12

13 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 3aAlignment of piers Outstanding issues to alignment be addressed Independent survey of the piers confirm they are in the exact location they should be Completed by Sub Arctic Survey summer of 2010 13

14 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 3bPier 3 STop of footing to be examined in the area of the suspected depression Expert firms who have this expertise are being contacted. Work to be tendered. Must be done in ice free time. Can be done concurrent to already planned works. 14

15 15

16 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 3cConstr Pier 2S Resolved - Infinity to confirm this issue does not impact future works GNWT will include this into the design review Draft report due end Jan 2011. Final report due end Feb 2011 16

17 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 3dConcrete Elms Concrete Elems for Piers 1-4 N accepted No action required Completed 17

18 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 4aComplete QC gaps at the AIS Plant The turnover packages produced by AIS to be reviewed Current QC team to review the packages Ongoing. Review due end Feb 2011 18

19 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 4bReview Geocon’s Reports (55) Current QC team to review these QC documents to determine further action required Current QC Team to review and provide comment Ongoing. Review due by end Fen 2011 19

20 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 4dSteel Elms- QC gaps Qualified firm to conduct further review and testing to allow them to extend their certification Ensure testing and reviews of components that were not fully documented in the QCprocess Testing to take place in Mar 2011 and completed by end Apr 2011 20

21 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 5cScour RockScour rock materials and placement be reviewed by a qualified consultant Review completed and plan in place to remediate the situation Review took place in Oct 2010. Plan submitted in Oct 2010. Work to commence summer of 2011 completed by 2012. 21

22 Actions Planned SerElementRecommendationActionNotes 6EarthworkContinue with remediation works currently underway with EBA certification Phase 1 works corrected and approaches ready for launch. Phase 1 completed. Phase 2 to commence spring 2011. 22

23 Summary of Conclusions Levelton and Associated Engineering recommend the GNWT accept the works of Phase 1 provided recommendations are followed. The GNWT and the Project Team accepts the report and will actively pursue all the recommendations to their successful completion. There are sufficient resources to successfully address all the recommendations 23

24 Questions 24

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