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VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) NAVPA June 2013 Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) NAVPA June 2013 Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) NAVPA June 2013 Conference

2 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Agenda VRAP Overview Eligibility & Entitlement Approved Programs & Schools Certification & Training Time Payments Terminations & Reductions Application Process 1

3 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VRAP Overview On November 21, 2011, President Obama signed Public Law 112-56, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, which includes the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) for unemployed veterans. Purpose: To offer 12 months of training assistance to unemployed veterans as of the date of application. Applications: The Department of Labor (DoL) will make the initial determination of eligibility for VRAP. VA will make further eligibility determinations and issue payments. Participant Limitations: » 45,000 participants during FY 2012 » 54,000 participants during 10/01/12 – 03/31/14 2

4 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Overview of DoL Eligibility The Department of Labor (DoL) will make the initial determination of eligibility for VRAP. In order to be eligible, at the time of application a Veteran: Must be at least 35, but no more than 60 years of age as of the date of application; Must be unemployed as of the date of application; Must not have been enrolled in a Federal or State job training program at any time during the 180 days prior to the application date; and Must submit an application no later than October 1, 2013.

5 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Overview Of Eligibility Applicants who meet all of the DoL requirements will continue to the VA portion of the VA Online Application (VONAPP). Applicants who DO NOT meet the DoL requirements will be notified by DoL of their ineligibility and appellate rights. Disallowed applications will not be forwarded to VA. VA will make further eligibility determinations and issue payments. Upon completion or termination of VRAP, participants will be contacted by DoL to provide additional employment assistance.

6 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Overview of VA Eligibility To establish eligibility for VRAP, Veterans: Must have an other than dishonorable discharge; Must not be eligible to receive assistance under chapters 30, 31, 32, 35, 1606, 1607 and Post-911 GI Bill (including TOE and FRY) at the time of application for VRAP; and Must not be in receipt of compensation for a service-connected disability due to unemployability.

7 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Overview of VA Eligibility Other Than Dishonorable discharges : Before awarding or denying VRAP benefits, a Character of Discharge determination must be completed for all VRAP applicants who received one of following discharges from their final period of active duty: Other Than Honorable Bad Conduct Undesirable

8 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Entitlement – Veterans are entitled to 12 months of VRAP. The 48 month rule does NOT apply, so even if a veteran used 48 months of benefits prior, they are still entitled to 12 months under VRAP. VRAP benefits used will count toward the 48 month limit should the veteran become eligible for other chapters in the future however. – Individuals will be charged one day of entitlement for each day of training (because only paying Full Time) – Entitlement will end effective the earlier of: The program completion date The entitlement exhaust date The VRAP program end date of March 31, 2014 7

9 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Approved Programs Eligible Veterans may pursue a program of training that: – Is approved for VA Benefits; Continuing ed. Follows same rules as for other chapters! Continuing ed. Follows same rules as for other chapters! – Is pursued on a full-time basis; – Is offered by a community college or technical school; – Leads to an associate degree or certificate/diploma; and – Provides training for high-demand occupations as defined by DoL – A list of occupations can be found online at 8

10 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Approved Programs Non College Degree (NCD) programs must be listed in WEAMS in order to be automatically paid or approved by VCEs. If NCD program is not listed in WEAMS, VCEs must contact the ELR with jurisdiction over the school to confirm program approval before proceeding with claim adjudication. 9

11 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Approved Schools In July of 2012, discussions with VA General Counsel resulted in a change to the definition of what constitutes a "community college" for the purposes of VRAP. (PA 6/21/12) The term community college will include those educational institutions listed on the Department of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics’ College Navigator website as 2-year institutions. If the 2 nd digit of a school’s facility code is a 1-3, verification on the College Navigator site is required to see if VRAP is payable at that school. If the 2 nd digit of a school’s facility code is a 4 or higher, no verification is required and VRAP is payable at that school for applicable programs.

12 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Approved Schools College Navigator website: 2) Search for the school using the Name of School, State, or ZIP Code 1) Check the 2-year box under the Institution Type heading 3) If the school is listed, then it meets the definition of community college. 4) If the school is not listed, then it does not meet the definition of a community college.

13 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Term enrollments may be certified for the school year plus the summer term; or for the entire length of the course if the institution operates year-round. Certifications must be submitted to VA electronically no later than January 31, 2014, to ensure all payments are issued before April 1, 2014. Unless VRAP rules specifically address it, all ordinary certification rules apply, such as transcripts/prior credit, prerequisites, dual majors, rounding out etc. Advance payment is available. Work study and Tutorial Assistance are not available. ACCEL pay is not available. Certification

14 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA will make payment to the Veteran only after: VA verifies that the program leads to an approved associate degree or certificate at a community college or technical school; - Continuing education courses are treated the same for VRAP as other chapters, even if you are a “Deemed Approved” school. The institution certifies full-time enrollment; and The individual verifies his/her monthly attendance through WAVE or IVR. Certification

15 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VRAP Enrollment Certification Training Time is a required entry for VRAP

16 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VRAP Training Time For summer and other non standard terms a student may qualify for full time enrollment with less than 12 credits. Pages 55-58 of the SCO Handbook For Semester or quarter hour schools: VA will calculate "equivalent credit hours." Pages 55-58 of the SCO Handbook explains how and provides a chart you can use. VA has also provided a calculator and the charts online at: If the student has more than one session within a term you must calculate and certify each one separately. VA will add them together where they overlap to determine training time. NOTE: You must remember to add one day to the end date of the term/session or your calculation may be off. NOTE: An easy rule of thumb is if the number of weeks in the session is equal to or less than the number of credits its full time. For ex, 3 credits over 3 weeks is full time.

17 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VRAP Training Time Example A VRAP student is enrolled in 11 SH as follows: 2 semester hours: 1/7/13–5/8/13 9 semester hours: 1/7/13-3/7/13 The first session above is a standard length term so you don’t need to input it into the calculator. At 2 semester hours over a standard term the session is 1/4 time, by it self. The student would not be eligible for VRAP based on the first session alone.

18 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VRAP Training Time Example Input the 2 nd session: 1/7/13 - 3/8/13 (adding one day) & 9 credits The calculator tells you it is equivalent to 18 credits &Full time. 17 Remember to add one day to the end date of the term or session

19 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VRAP Training Time Example 11 total semester hours: 2 semester hours: 1/7/13–5/8/13 9 semester hours: 1/7/13-3/7/13 So if the first session is a standard term with 2 credits or 1/4 time and The 2 nd session is equivalent to 18 credits/full time What would the SCO certify and is the student VRAP eligible? The SCO would certify: 1/7/13–5/8/13 2 SH ¼ time 1/7/13-3/7/13 9 SH full time VA would pay: From 1/7/13 - 3/7/13 for 11 total credits, as the student is full time during the over lapping period. The student would not be eligible for payment from 3/8/13 – 5/8/13, as they are only 1/4 time

20 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VRAP participants will receive a monthly amount equal to the MGIB (ch30) 3 year full-time rate. The rate is subject to the annual COLA increase. Rate from 10/1/12 to 9/30/13 is $1564/month. All benefits are paid directly to the Veteran. Veterans will be responsible for all expenses including tuition, fees, and books. NOTE: VA will not make any payments for training after March 31, 2014. Payments

21 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Terminations VA will terminate VRAP payments the earlier of the training discontinuance date (including completion or Graduation), or the VRAP end date of March 31, 2014. NOTE: Mitigating circumstances and 6 Credit exclusion do not apply. Students will be paid through their last date of attendance. Unsatisfactory Attendance, Conduct, or Progress You will follow your normal guidelines for Standards of Progress. Reductions Individuals who reduce their training below full-time will no longer be eligible to receive assistance under VRAP. Benefits will be terminated on the date of reduction. Note: VA will re-establish benefits if an individual increases his/her training time back to full-time. Terminations/Reductions

22 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION To ensure individuals receive job placement assistance by DoL all completions and terminations must be certified using the appropriate termination reason in VA Once. Termination : 22-1999b Graduation or completion

23 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Non-duplication Veterans who are receiving VRAP benefits and subsequently become eligible for another education program (e.g. ch30, 31, 32, 33, 35, etc.) may not receive benefits concurrently. Incarcerated Veterans Veterans who are incarcerated due to a felony conviction are not eligible for benefits under VRAP. Non-Payment

24 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Change of program Changes of program are now allowed under VRAP, however, the program is still limited to 12 months. Individuals may change his or her program of education as long as the program of education meets the approval requirements for VRAP. Individuals who change their program and/or school must complete a VA Form 22-1990R through VONAPP on the GI Bill website. They cannot complete a VA Form 22-1995, due to high demand occupation affirmations they must make. If unable to complete a supplemental VA Form 22-1990R through the GI Bill Website because of DoL denial reasons (i.e. age and unemployment), the Veteran should request a paper VA Form 22-1990R. All original applications for VRAP must be completed through VONAPP on the GI Bill website. Change of Program

25 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Application Process Step 1: – Veterans interested in applying for VRAP should visit for additional information and/or access to VONAPP. Step 2: – Veterans should select the VRAP application (22-1990R) from the available options. Step 3: – Veterans should complete the initial questions for DoL to determine their eligibility. 24

26 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Application Process Step 4: – If the Veteran is not eligible based on DoL’s initial questions, a denial letter will be generated (with an option to print) that includes appellate rights, and instructions. At this point, the application process will terminate. Step 5: – If the Veteran is eligible based on DoL’s initial questions, the Veteran will continue completion of the VONAPP (1990R) application for submission to VA. 25


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