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FamilyNet Parental Access to Student Information.

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1 FamilyNet Parental Access to Student Information

2  During this session, parents will  Understand the purpose of FamilyNet  Create a FamilyNet account  If necessary, first create an email (Gmail) account  Log into FamilyNet  First time login requires password change  Review the FamilyNet resources  Review the StudentNet resources  Learn how to obtain help with FamilyNet Objectives

3 Designed to be used by parents of students in the School District of Philadelphia Obtain information about your child’s report card grades, attendance, graduation information, etc. See class assignments, test scores, etc. (This information depends on teacher use.) Parents can receive notices when grades change (triggers) The Purpose of FamilyNet

4  To log into FamilyNet, you need to have:  An account already set up  Or the information needed to set up an account  Student’s Name  Student’s Date of Birth  Student’s ID number (from report card)  An email account  If you don’t have an email account, we will help you set one up with Gmail Preparing for Log In

5   Click the gmail link  Click Create an Account Gmail Accounts

6  Fill in the required information  WRITE DOWN your Gmail user name and password Gmail Accounts

7  School District of Philadelphia Homepage   Find the “PARENTS” Section (Green Box)  Click “FamilyNet” Website Information

8  First-time Users  Click on “Register for an Account”  Note: You will need to enter your child’s name, date of birth, and Student ID number. The ID number is available on the report card or from the school. Create a FamilyNet Account

9  Fill in the required information and click Submit  Separate accounts have to be set up for each child New Users

10  WRITE DOWN your user name and temporary password  Click on the link to log in or go to  Enter your user name and password to log in New Users

11  After you log into FamilyNet for the first time:  Set a permanent password  Must be at least 6 characters  Must include both numbers and letters New Users

12 Welcome to FamilyNet

13 FamilyNet Sections Information About Your Child Click the name of the section to link to that part of the student profile. Jan Tong

14 FamilyNet Sections Information About Your Child Student Overview tab: Shows personal information, current enrollment and attendance, including whether absences are excused or unexcused. Also shows current year report card marks as well as Reading and Math scores, strengths and weaknesses. Enrollment and Academic Record tab: Shows attendance and report card data for this year and for previous years. Standardized Tests tab: Shows PSSA scores, predictive test scores and other standardized tests.

15  Partial view of Student Overview Tab Student Overview

16 FamilyNet Sections Information About Your Child Benchmark Tests tab: Shows predictive test scores for the current school year and benchmark test scores for previous school years. Programs tab: Shows programs in which your child is enrolled (Gifted, ELL, Special Education, Speech, etc.) ILP – Individual Learning Plan: Shows the learning plan developed and written by the student, with help from the counselor. The plan includes goals, barriers and strategies.

17  Grades Section  Displays Report Card information  Shows current grade during report card cycle if the teacher is using the online gradebook FamilyNet Sections New Sections

18  Assignments Section  Choose Upcoming or Recent Assignments  Select from list of current courses FamilyNet Sections New Sections

19  Triggers Section  Check box to be notified when grades change  Click update to set the triggers  Notifications are sent by email FamilyNet Sections New Sections

20 StudentNet Resources

21  Go to School District of Philadelphia homepage   In the STUDENTS box, click the Quick Link “StudentNet & ILP”  In the new window, click the “About StudentNet” link on the left navigation bar A View of StudentNet (Available without an account)

22  To check or change settings, click “My Account” in the upper right corner of the FamilyNet window  There are 4 tabs with information FamilyNet Your Account Settings

23  Use the Email and Notification tab to change your email address, if necessary  Make other changes as needed FamilyNet Your Account Settings

24  For questions about FamilyNet passwords or log-ins  Call the Schoolnet Help Desk  866-PHILA-HELP (866-744-5243)  Email:  For other FamilyNet problems, contact the School District of Philadelphia Help Desk  215 400-5555  FamilyNet Contact Information

25  Comment from a parent sent to the Schoolnet Help Desk: “I am not experiencing any problems. After years of logging in to FamilyNet I was so pleasantly surprised to see so much up to date information on my child. I look forward to enabling the notification process if my child's grades drop below a certain level. This is a fantastic improvement! As a partner in my child's education I feel like I am armed with information to better work with my child and his teachers. Thank you so much!” FamilyNet A Valuable Resource for Parents

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