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Dual Enrollment Meeting Students and Parents.  Mr. Ron Barker 386-487-0487  Ms. Linda Williams 386-754-4443.

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Presentation on theme: "Dual Enrollment Meeting Students and Parents.  Mr. Ron Barker 386-487-0487  Ms. Linda Williams 386-754-4443."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dual Enrollment Meeting Students and Parents

2  Mr. Ron Barker 386-487-0487  Ms. Linda Williams 386-754-4443

3  3.0 cumulative high school GPA for AA or AS programs  2.0 cumulative high school GPA for vocational programs  College ready test scores on PERT, ACT, and/or SAT  TABE test scores for vocational programs

4  PERT ◦ Writing – 103+ ◦ Reading – 106+ ◦ Math – 114+  ACT ◦ English – 17+ ◦ Reading – 19+ ◦ Math – 19+  SAT ◦ Verbal – 440+ ◦ Math – 440+ ◦ *S cores are combined to best benefit the student.

5  Students must test ‘college ready’ in Reading & English to take any dual enrollment course, except Student Success (SLS 1501)  Test ‘college ready’ in Math prior to taking specific Science and Math dual enrollment courses ◦ Recommendation: PERT Math taken after HS Algebra II ◦ Within completion of 12 credit hours of college course work.

6  All Associate Degree students must declare a meta major.  No tuition costs or lab fees for the student.  No textbook costs for the student.

7  No wait listing for college courses.  Students are eligible and responsible for all high school activities and deadlines.  Grades and course withdrawals are a permanent part of a student’s academic record.

8  Any class that fits into the major chosen by the student.  Classes on the FGC campus, the Belmont Academy campus, online classes, evening classes, summer classes (6-week courses).  Vocational courses must earn Industrial Certification.  Remedial classes are not allowed.  PE classes are not allowed.  Duplicate classes are not allowed. (ex: AP Psychology and PSY2012)

9  College classes:  2-3 hrs of homework per class meeting  More independent learning, less teacher directed  No credit for D  College level material and discussion  Firm deadlines  High School classes:  More work done in the classroom, not as much homework  Teacher directed, more help from teacher  Credit for D  Geared toward high school age students  More flexible deadlines at times due to extra-curricular activities and other school events

10  SLS 1501 – The College Experience is now required for all beginning college students seeking an AA degree.  This course is designed to facilitate the development of skills necessary to be successful in the college environment.  Belmont Academy students beginning Dual Enrollment must take this course during their first semester of participation in DE.


12  Check your cumulative GPA. See your Guidance Counselor or if you’re not sure. You must have an eligible GPA before PERT testing or registering for DE classes.  Attend a mandatory DE meeting with a parent or guardian.  Take one or more college entrance tests to determine test score eligibility.  See your Guidance Counselor to complete your application and register for Dual Enrollment classes.

13  Books are distributed through Belmont Academy.  All books must be picked up before the first day of classes.  Books must be returned or paid for before new books can be picked up for the following semester.  Failure to return books results in the student being put on the Belmont Academy obligation list.

14 Applications for SUMMER due April 29th Summer 2015 registration begins April 8 th  Applications for FALL due August 10 th  Fall 2015 registration begins May 18 th

15  Any schedule changes will originate at Belmont Academy.  All drop/adds must occur before the deadline.  Withdrawals from college courses have a negative impact on a college transcript.

16 Questions?

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