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WELCOME CLASS OF 2019. Recommendations for Success Attend 9 th grade orientation Attend open house (schedule) Get a book bag and get organized Get involved.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME CLASS OF 2019. Recommendations for Success Attend 9 th grade orientation Attend open house (schedule) Get a book bag and get organized Get involved."— Presentation transcript:


2 Recommendations for Success Attend 9 th grade orientation Attend open house (schedule) Get a book bag and get organized Get involved Ask for help when needed Leave the electronic devices at home Attend school Do the work Know where to find information –

3 T.C.H.S. by the Numbers 8:20 School begins @ 8:20 3:05 School ends @ 3:05 7 period day plus Advisory/RTI time 7 period day plus Advisory/RTI time 4 4 minutes passing time 25 25 minutes for lunch 50 50 minute classes 2 2 students per locker for freshman (book bag) 11 11 1 1 1 counselor, 1 assistant principal, 1 principal, 1 nurse, 1 attendance clerk, 1 school secretary 27 27 adults instructing students each period 400ish Current enrollment – 400ish 24 24 credits to graduate

4 T.C.H.S. Grading Scale A – 90 to 100 B – 80 to 89 C – 70 to 79 F – 69 and below, does not earn credit for the course

5 Credits Earned when you pass a course. Year long courses = 1 credit; semester courses = ½ credit. Promotion to the next grade level is based on credits. If you do not earn the required 24 credits in 4 years, you will not graduate on time with your class. REMEMBER…if you do not have a 69.5 in a course at the end of the year, you WILL NOT earn credit for the course. Period. No exceptions, no extra credit, no packets of work, etc. Summer school, online credit recovery courses, and repeating the class the following year are options.

6 Credits for Promotion 6 credits earned = promoted to10 th grade 12 credits earned = promoted to11 th grade 18 credits earned = promoted to 12 th grade 24 credits earned = student will graduate on time with the class in cap and gown Students are NOT promoted based upon age, special needs, etc. Passing classes and earning credits are the only ways to be promoted and graduate with a diploma. Online courses and summer school can be used to obtain lost credit. Students must be on “grade level” to compete in athletics and must pass 6 of their 7 classes each week of the athletic season.

7 Credits Needed to Graduate ENGLISH (4): English I (CP or Honors) English II (CP or Honors) English III (CP or Honors) English IV (CP, Honors, AP) MATH (3): Algebra I (CP or Honors) Geometry (CP or Honors) Algebra II (CP or Honors) Other math elective: Algebra III, College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, or A.P. Calculus TAKESTUDENTS MUST TAKE MATH ALL FOUR YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL! Even if taking Algebra I in 8 th grade. SCIENCE (3): Integrated Earth/Space Science (CP or Honors) Biology (CP or Honors) Physical Science (CP or Honors) A student may choose to take Chemistry AND Physics in place of Physical Science. SOCIAL STUDIES (3): World History (CP Honors) Integrated Social Studies (CP or Honors) U.S. History (CP, Honors)

8 Arts/Humanities Elective (1)Arts/Humanities Elective (1) Health & P.E. (1/2 credit of each)Health & P.E. (1/2 credit of each) Electives (13)Electives (13) 24 credits are required for graduation from T.C.H.S. You have 28 opportunities to earn 24 credits.

9 College Prep vs. Honors class? Honors course:Honors course: –Challenging, fast paced, rigorous coursework; a “college-like” atmosphere –Can improve your weighted class grade point average because these courses are “weighted” –Might be the first “B” you will ever be glad to make! College Prep course:College Prep course: –Moves at a more manageable pace; still has difficult coursework and homework –Suitable for a student who wishes to attend the Area Tech Center; will prepare students for both college and career opportunities –Impact on your “weighted” grade point average – it will be lower than someone who took Honors courses and received A’s.

10 Calculating a Grade Point Average Determined by the courses you take and the grades you make in those courses. The more difficult the class and the better the grade…the higher the grade point average, both weighted (can be above a 4.0) and unweighted (max of a 4.0). Is reported on scholarships and college admissions applications in the future; will be on your permanent transcript in the guidance office. KEES money is figured on the “unweighted grade point average”

11 Weighted Grade Point Average Example Honors Courses: English I Honors: A = 5 Algebra I Honors: A = 5 Integrated Science Hon.: A = 5 Integrated Soc. St. Hon.: A = 5 PE/Health: A = 4 Band: A = 4 Spanish I: A = 4 G.P.A. = 32/7 = 4.57 C.P. Courses: English I CP: A = 4 Algebra I CP:A = 4 Integrated Science CP: A = 4 Integrated Soc. St. CP: A = 4 PE/Health: A = 4 Band: A = 4 Spanish I: A = 4 G.P.A. = 28/7 = 4.0

12 Weighted Grade Point Average Example Honors Courses English I Honors: A = 5 Algebra I Honors: C = 3 Integrated Sci. Honors: B = 4 Integrated Soc. St. Hon: A = 5 PE/Health: A = 4 Digital Literacy: A = 4 Spanish I: A = 4 G.P.A. weighted = 29/7 = 4.14 G.P.A. unweighted=3.57 C.P. Courses English I CP: A = 4 Algebra I CP:A = 4 Integrated Sci. CP: A = 4 Integrated Soc. St. CP: A = 4 PE/Health: A = 4 Digital Literacy: A= 4 Spanish I: A = 4 G.P.A. = 28/7 = 4.0

13 Typical 9 th Grade Schedule Grade 9:Grade 9: –English I: CP or Honors –World History: CP or Honors –Integrated Earth/Space Science: CP or Honors –Math Course: Algebra I CP or Honors (or Geometry Honors if you took Algebra I at TCMS) –Health/PE –Elective #1 –Elective #2 –Drama, Music, Vocal Music, Dance, Art, Foreign Language, Digital Literacy, Principles of Agriculture, Technology Design

14 So…what if I am in the band? STAY IN THE BAND!!STAY IN THE BAND!! The opportunities for marching band, pep band, pep rallies, parades, tournament games, concerts, and festivals, etc. are too fun to give up on or miss out! Your schedule will look something like this:Your schedule will look something like this: –English I –World History –Integrated Earth/Space Science –Algebra I (or Geometry if you had Algebra I at TCMS) –PE/Health –Elective of your choice (BAND) – this counts as your A/H requirement –Elective of your choice

15 Can I “double up” on math? YES! It is possible to take both Geometry and Algebra II in the freshman year but only with teacher approval and appropriate placement scores. Elective classes may be impacted though so be prepared for alternatives. Remember, this will have you in Pre Calculus as a sophomore, A.P. Calculus as a junior, and you will still be required to take a math class your senior year. This may be an online course.

16 iLead Academy Is Kentucky’s first regional career academy. Students from Trimble, Carroll, Gallatin, Owen, and Henry Counties will attend. Purpose is to recruit and train future employees in Kentucky’s Golden Triangle region. Follows the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum. Strong emphasis in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers. Learn by doing – project based.

17 iLead Academy Students will travel to/from Carrollton by TC bus. They will follow the TC Schools calendar. Much of the coursework will be completed online; one course will be at the Area Tech Center each day (blended learning). Lunch will be in the CCHS cafeteria. Students will enter JCTC Carrollton Campus as a junior and begin work towards a two-year Associates Degree; dual credit opportunity. Are still considered TCHS students and may participate in all extra curricular activities. If interested, please check the box on the front of the schedule card. Applications and information will be forwarded to those who are interested.

18 What if I want to play ball in college? Become familiar with the NCAA and NAIA websites. and PASS YOUR CLASSES! Your GPA combined with your ACT score determine eligibility. Be aware of the “NCAA Core Courses” that are acceptable for the required 16 credits that determine your NCAA g.p.a. Examples of classes that do not count: vocational school, career and technical, arts/humanities/music, physical education/health, journalism/media CHOOSE YOUR COURSES WISELY!

19 Next steps… 1.Obtain suggestions from teachers and your counselor concerning the appropriate courses for next year. 2.Return the scheduling form to Mrs. Marsh before March 20 signed by a parent.

20 Questions… Contact information and websites: Brigette Kunselman, T.C.H.S. Counselor, 255-5100, ext. 2003 is the easiest way to reach Ms. K. The Trimble County High School webpage will have a link to the curricular guide, this presentation, and all scheduling materials.

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