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EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20071 EaTIS Training for Vendors – Process Overview EaTIS Version 3.01 Last Modified on April 5, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20071 EaTIS Training for Vendors – Process Overview EaTIS Version 3.01 Last Modified on April 5, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20071 EaTIS Training for Vendors – Process Overview EaTIS Version 3.01 Last Modified on April 5, 2007

2 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20072 Training Agenda Process Overview for New & Existing EaTIS Vendors Step-by-Step Overview –Obtain an eAuthentication account –Log into EaTIS –Create / Update Company Information & Add / Edit / Delete Equipment, Employees & Training Records –Submitting an Offer –Inspection of Equipment / Employee Training Records –Completing the Agreement Award Process –Printing an EERA –Viewing Performance Evaluations Helpful Resources

3 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20073 Process Overview: New EaTIS Vendors Go to Create & verify your Level 1 eAuthentication account Log in at using your eAuthentication user name and Follow the EaTIS system prompts to enter your company information, and click submit –This will generate your EaTIS secret Personal Identification Number (PIN). Keep this PIN secure, as you will need it to accept your agreement later. Follow the instructions in the EaTIS training modules (located at to enter the required information, including equipment, employee, & training records.

4 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20074 Process Overview: Existing EaTIS Vendors Log in at using your eAuthentication user name and Review & update your company information Update FY 2006 Equipment / Training Records –Click on “Equipment / Crews” You should see the equipment that you entered last year in the equipment list. Please click on each record to verify the accuracy of the information. NOTE: Your equipment is not automatically attached to a solicitation. You must click “Attach to a Solicitation” and follow the prompts to attach your equipment to a solicitation –Click on “Maintain Training Records” Review / Edit / Delete last year’s records as necessary. Add new equipment and employees – Follow the instructions in the EaTIS training modules (located at to enter the required information

5 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20075 Process Overview: New & Existing Vendors Carefully read & follow the instructions in the solicitation to ensure that you complete the non-EaTIS portions of the evaluation process: –Registration in CCR –Registration in ORCA –Equipment inspection –Training records inspection –Submittal of required liability insurance information –Other requirements, as defined in the solicitation to which you are responding For example, some Regions require documentation of Worker’s Compensation insurance

6 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20076 = Amendment(s) to the solicitation may or may not occur. If amendments are offered, you MUST accept all of them before an EERA can be awarded to you. If no amendments are offered, disregard the peach shaded area of this diagram.

7 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20077

8 8 Helpful Hints Be sure to keep your email address up-to-date in EaTIS, and to check your email frequently during the solicitation and award process. You may only make changes to your company and equipment information in EaTIS prior to the close of the solicitation. Any changes required after that point should be coordinated with the responsible Contracting Officer. You may print a copy of your EERA at any point during the time period when the agreement is effective. Simply click on “Agreements” on your vendor main menu in EaTIS, then select “Review Award.”

9 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 20079 Step by Step Overview EaTIS Version 3.01

10 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200710 eAuthentication Options to (1) Create an Account, (2) Update Your Account, (3) Change My Password, (4) Reset My Forgotten Password, and (5) Retrieve my Forgotten User ID –Important Note: If you already have an eAuthentication account, please DO NOT create a new one!!! Your company and equipment information is associated with the account that you log in to. If you log in to a new account, the information you previously entered won’t be there!

11 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200711 Log into EaTIS Go to: Enter your USDA eAuthentication user name and password The first EaTIS screen you see should look like the Vendor Main Menu (below), unless this is your first time logging into EaTIS*: *If this is your first time logging into EaTIS, you will be prompted to enter your company information. Upon successful submission of this information, EaTIS will generate a PIN for you. After the PIN is generated, you will be returned to the Vendor Main Menu.

12 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200712 Company Information, Equipment, Employees & Training Records Complete all required fields on the “Equipment / Crews” page, the “Maintain Training Records” page, and the “Change / Delete Company Information” page. –Verify that the information entered is accurate, as this will serve as the basis for your EERA. –Additional instruction on how to Add / Edit / Delete Equipment, Employees, and Training Records is included in the training modules on the EaTIS website:

13 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200713 Submitting an Offer Ensure that your equipment is attached to a solicitation –You want to see a red box on your screen Ensure that you have enough employees with the appropriate training qualifications to operate your equipment Review and accept all solicitation amendments (if applicable) Review the solicitation to make sure you have met all non- EaTIS requirements How to get here: Equipment / Crews > select the equipment type that you want to view > click “Submit” Test Vendor

14 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200714 Inspection / Verification of Inspection for Equipment & Employee Training Records Follow the instructions in the solicitation for getting equipment and employee training records inspected Once the inspection has been completed, you can view the inspection status within EaTIS: –Equipment Inspection From the Vendor Main Menu, select “View All Equipment” > look at the “Pass / Fail” column in the list > either “Passed,” “Failed,” or “Not Insp” will be listed. – Employee Training Records Inspection From the Vendor Main Menu, select “Maintain Training Records” > search by a specific employee or press the “Search” button to generate a list of all employees > look at the second column from the right entitled “Current Status” > either “Passed,” “Failed,” or “Not Inspected” will be listed. You can also generate a list of passed employees by clicking on the “Passed Employees” button on the “Training Record Lookup” screen

15 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200715 Completing the Agreement Award Process (Slide 1 of 2) Once you have met all of the solicitation requirements and the responsible Contracting Officer has completed the evaluation process, you will receive an email letting you know that an agreement has been offered. Log into EaTIS > Click on “Agreements” on the Vendor Main Menu, then click “Accept Award” if you wish to do so.

16 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200716 Completing the Agreement Award Process (Slide 2 of 2) Clicking on “Accept Award” will bring up the screen to the right. You have the option to: 1.View Your Agreement (before acceptance) 2.Accept the agreement by entering your Secret PIN – “Sign Your Agreement” 3.Send a note to the Contracting Officer if you do not wish to accept the agreement – “I Do Not Agree” HELPFUL HINT: If you have forgotten your Secret PIN, you can have it emailed to you by clicking on “email my PIN” on the “Change / Delete Company Information” button on the vendor main menu

17 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200717 Printing an EERA Click on “Agreements” on the Vendor Main Menu Click on “Review Award” (blue box) under the solicitation number for which you want to print your agreements Press the “Click Here to View Your Agreement” button, and your Agreement will open in a new window

18 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200718 Viewing Performance Evaluations Click on “View Performance Evaluations” on the Vendor Main Menu Click on the Evaluation Number in the table for the record you wish to view Your performance evaluation will open in a new window

19 EaTIS Vendor Training - FY 200719 Helpful Resources Self-help is available on the EaTIS website, located at: For phone-based support, please contact: EaTIS Helpdesk (866) 224-7677, Option #3 Hours are Monday – Saturday, 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm Eastern Time

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