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Mathematics Leadership Communities- Matamata Term One 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics Leadership Communities- Matamata Term One 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics Leadership Communities- Matamata Term One 2014

2 A quick warm-up I have 23 ones and 4 tens. Who am I?
I have 4 hundreds, 12 tens and 6 ones. Who am I? I have 13 tens, 2 hundreds and 21 ones. Who am I? I have 17 ones. I am between 40 and 50. Who am I? If you put 3 more tens with me, I would be 115. Who am I?

3 not to stop questioning.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert Einstein

4 Agenda What's new Making OTJs Measurement and Number Whats on top?
Personally’ What question do have to ask about today?

5 A reminder for you

6 Check out nzmaths Links worth looking at PLC
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7 Show connected series at this stage


9 Making OTJ’s

10 Mathematics Standards
Pages 10 and 12 of the Mathematics Standards. Identify key messages Solve problems and model situations in meaningful contexts Just demonstrating knowledge is not sufficient to meet a standard Multiple sources of evidence Thinking mathematically Independently and most of the time Review this Then make an OTJ with what you have. Pretend it’s the end of the year. Use the A4 sheets for best fit. Did you have multiple sources of evidence? Was it relevant, current, display mathematical thinking, ? Was it just knowledge?

11 Multiple sources of evidence from:
Classroom interactions and observation Modelling books Student behaviours Written recording Think boards Students work books Assessment Tools e.g. GloSS, IKAN, NumPA (part or all of it.) PAT, ARBs, asTTLe This is what we need to collect. What Practical ideas do we have for collecting this evidence What can we do so its not a big extra but part of what we are doing? Using modelling books effectively Hand out copies of Amandas book. What has she done ? Capturing conversations and talk Learning Conversations Group, individual, Student voice: Questioning, Explaining, Discussing

12 Recording student thinking:
There are thirty two children in Room 3. If seven children have forgotten their togs today how many children can go swimming? Lisa Patrick = = = = = 30 = 25 Accurate recording of student thinking is a must!!!! In the modelling book and in their work books

13 Formative Assessment:
The recording of children’s contributions and learning is one of the most important and powerful aspects of using a modelling book. Develop a coding system 56, 55, 54…47 Caren 56 - 9 56 - 6 = Alix Whats happened here ? It is useful when using a modelling book for the first time to develop a system that works for you. Student initials or first name next to students thinking. Develop a coding system to avoid the tick and cross system when recording children’s answers and developing something that does not have negative connotations e.g a 3 point triangle, one part of the triangle if the student is on the way to understanding the LI, 2 points of the triangle when they are developing some accuracy and 3 points of the triangle when they have developed mastery and independence Alix, Sam, Bob - PW Caren, Tim, Sione - AC AJ - AC but incorrect

14 Independently and most of the time (p12 Mathematics Standards book)
Solving problems and modelling situations (at top of every Mathematics standard) Independently and most of the time (p12 Mathematics Standards book) The farmer had 28 calves one morning and the next morning there were sixty three. How many calves were born overnight? +2 +30 +3 But it can be as simple as this…. Solving problems and modelling situations requires there to be manipulatives for the students to be using. This may be equipment or drawings. A number sentence alone will not convey sufficient information. A drawing as above will convey how the students are solving this problem and if they are doing this “independently and most of the time” they are meeting the Standard. Discuss what standard is this meeting? End of year 6 - inverse for addition and subtraction Stage 6 Could be multiplicative 9 x x 7 = 5 x 7 and therefore stage 7 = 63 or = 28

15 Capturing student voice
How might we do this? Share and brainstorm ways of doing this?

16 A process of moderation.
So its important to have a process in place, Not event ! What do you have in your school? What is happening as part of your assessment schedule

17 Teaching Measurement and Number Together.
Take you through how it could look . How I would advocate Moderation begins from the beginning Key ideas before teaching Integration of number with measurement Coverage – “Can’t fit it all in” % number in junior school how do we cover other strands – consider the co

18 Know your learning area and the goals for your students.
NZC -and mathematics standards Key mathematical ideas Progressions Know the big idea! I think Im pretty good with Number but am I as good with measurement? So I went to the AOs what's the difference between the year levels.? Go into nzmaths and locate where these are The elaborations Key ideas Give handout . Jigsaw. What's the difference on the levels. What would be the difference in relation to number in the levels Share back record on Measurement progression sheets

19 Level 1 Key Ideas Develop awareness of attribute and the necessary language Measurement is fundamentally about making comparisons. Students can compare an attribute of an object with another object that has the same attribute (length, mass). Students use non standard measures Students can compare object ‘size’ directly and indirectly. (volume and capacity) Counting

20 Level 2 Key Ideas Students understand that units can be used to measure objects (length), non-standard and standard units. Estimation skills can be developed during measurement tasks. Students are able to create their own scales and measuring tools Partitioning and combining Number facts

21 Level 3 Key Ideas Students can measure against a standard scale, specifically the metric system. Students can estimate Using number strategies to solve measurement problems

22 Level 4 Key Ideas Students can convert between SI (Standard International) scales including use of decimal system. Use of multiplicative thinking when converting. Students apply multiplicative thinking when measuring 3D

23 Open Ended Measurement Tasks
Working independently, answer the nine questions on the sheet. Discuss with others your responses and justify your thinking. From which questions and subsequent answers would you get some diagnostic information in regards to Number level We know the big ideas so now what? Lets try some open ended tasks Why are they good Not any one answer is correct Encourages talk Which ones would give you an idea of number progressions?

24 Worthwhile Tasks An example of a task that could contribute to an OTJ.
Choosing an appropriate task. Not an “extra” but part of the natural progression of the unit of work. Meaningful contexts Not a test! Look for complexity in the task and determining the different responses children may give. We need to look for Ones that will give us some number and measurement.

25 Anticipating Responses
What challenges does this type of task present? What might they say and do that would help you gather evidence towards your OTJ? What are you looking for? And anticipate….What will kids do See 5 practices for orchestrating productive mathematical discussions – facilitators to have book available Refer to - Asking effective questions This is some of the stuff I m entioned last year to you

26 Where can we find ….. worthwhile tasks Illustrations Figure it Out ARBs Using literacy Same slide from last year when I was talking about tasks that will allow for problem solving and modelling situations… Using the planning sheet Jigsaw levels appropriate to you. What is the progression? In groups record the knowledge and skills for your curriculum level onto the unit plan under the headings big mathematical ideas language links with number and also what will you see that you know the progressions/standards key competencies (highlight) Aim is to share findings to gain an appreciation of the progression across the curriculum. I will get it scan and to all or post….

27 What are the key messages?
Integration of number with measurement Coverage – “Can’t fit it all in” % number in junior school how do we cover other strands – consider the co 10 principles for effective pedagogy- Worthwhile tasks Resource 7 under Accelerated learning on nzmaths Know your learning areas NZC standards key ideas Anticipate what you might get from a task. Is it worthwhile? Collect evidence towards your OTJ

28 Reflection and Forward Planning
What have you found useful? What ideas will you implement in your school? What would you like to know more about? Survey Monkey Next date Feedback Sheet- me around the measurement section of today A Survey monkey link for evaluating the workshop will be sent within the next two weeks.

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