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UM Research Board. UM Research Board Overview Grant application deadline: October 4, 2010 See

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Presentation on theme: "UM Research Board. UM Research Board Overview Grant application deadline: October 4, 2010 See"— Presentation transcript:

1 UM Research Board

2 UM Research Board Overview Grant application deadline: October 4, 2010 See Materials need to be submitted: 1. Online application by PI 2. Printed copy of application from the system 3. PI, Co-PI, department chair signed signature sheet

3 Guidelines Read the guidelines!!! http://www.umsystem. edu/ums/departments/ aa/research/guideline s /http://www.umsystem. edu/ums/departments/ aa/research/guideline s /

4 URLS For User Accout Request ents/aa/ ents/aa/ (click on the right side box) CreateNewAccount.aspx

5 Request User Account Use email address (use whole Email address) and create password(Activate the account in 24 hours) Co-PIs and Department Assistants need to register for user accounts in order to be able to log into the web application Security: timed out after 1 hour of inactivity.

6 Log In

7 Information Need to Fill out Personal InformationLog In Information

8 Start Application Current Proposal Create Award List

9 Suggested Font and Size Use normal capitalization, 1" margins and 12-15 font size throughout the application. Convert files to PDF prior to upload Suggested fonts and sizes: Word files: Times New Roman 12 and 14 Arial 12 and 14 PDF files: Times New Roman 14 Arial 12 and 14

10 Application Form Complete all required information Name: Last name and first name Project Title: is limited to 55 characters which includes spaces Start Date: should be within 6 months after Research Board decisions

11 Summary and Support Information A response is required for each block. Space is limited to within text box. Proposal Summary: Be as descriptive, yet brief, as possible Support: (section 2&3) List by role in project (i.e. P.I., Co-PI, Consultant/collaborator, & if not applicant, name the P.I.) Previous Research Board Applications submitted (P.I and as Co-P.I.) Provide awards information within last 5 years

12 Summary and Support Information (Cont.) Award Reports Primary applicant attach a copy of Award Report in the last 5 years Possible Reviewers 1. List at least three (appropriate) reviewers 2. Note: past & present collaborators and members of your primary department(s) are not appropriate 3. External reviewers (non-UM, industry) may be listed and are encouraged

13 Create Award Report

14 Biographical Sketch 2-page maximum, for each applicant Can include bio for non-university consultants, but no other information should be included All the Co-PIs need to go in and create their own Bio. Sketch, otherwise the proposal cannot be submitted.

15 Create Biography Sketch

16 Budget Rate Fringe benefits: Benefit-eligible employees: 30% Part-time employees: 8% Students: 0% No F&A (indirect) charged on UMRB proposals

17 Budget Justification Provide an explanation for each category ALL Personnel Departmental Operating Costs categories: give detailed cost breakdown for: –supplies –equipment –travel/meals/lodging (allowed ONLY to research sites) –other expenses (i.e. lab animals, housing or lab fees, participant costs)

18 Narrative Number the pages Double-spaced Brief, yet consistent with critical peer review Minimum of two pages, no more than 10 pages "Revised Proposal" The first page must include an explanation section that explains how the proposal has been changed Images/graphics -- convert to.jpg file before inserting

19 Bibliography No more than 2 pages Single-spaced 12-15 size font 1" margins Include complete reference(name, title, journal, etc)

20 Submission One Business Day Prior the UM Deadline 1.Online application (review the entire proposal before submit, all required forms must be valid before submission) 2.Print out the whole application package from the system, along with the MU Campus Signature Sheet. Send to: 202 Centennial Hall Research Board Signature Routing Sheet is located on OSP webpage UM Research Board Process link ( research_board.html) research_board.html

21 Submission Once the PI submits the proposal, PI will receive an email from the UMRB system. OSP office will review the proposal, either accept or reject it. If it is accepted, PI will receive an email and the proposal status will change to accepted by campus. (If it is rejected, comments will be sent to the PI.) After OSP accepted the proposal and send to Sam Kanatzar (Columbia UM research assistant), for final decision When proposal is accepted, PI will receive an email and the status will change to “Accepted by RB Office”

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