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The Ohio Standards for Social Studies Kelly Enright, Beth Gottman, Shayla Poindexter, Carrie Stewart ED 629 Fall 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ohio Standards for Social Studies Kelly Enright, Beth Gottman, Shayla Poindexter, Carrie Stewart ED 629 Fall 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ohio Standards for Social Studies Kelly Enright, Beth Gottman, Shayla Poindexter, Carrie Stewart ED 629 Fall 2004

2 Table of Contents List of Ohio Standards History web-based activity People in Societies web-based activity Geography web-based activities Economics web-based activities Government web-based activities Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities web-based activities Social Studies Skills and Methods web-based activities

3 Ohio Standards History People in Societies Geography Economics Government Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Social Studies Skills and Methods

4 HISTORY 5 th grade activity – American Indians Settlements 6 th grade activity – Understanding BC and AD 6 th grade activity – Arranging Timelines in Ancient Egypt 7 th grade activity – The Crusades 8 th grade activity – The Boston Tea Party

5 American Indian Settlements Click the picture Read the story about the Lakota Culture Review the timeline on the same website. Write a journal entry about the timeline and what information you found interesting about the Native Americans relationship with the new settlers.

6 Understanding BC and AD Click on the top picture Read the article about time and how it works. Arrange these time periods into the correct order. Islamic rule (700 AD to present) Middle Kingdom (2040-1633 BC) Persian rule (525-332 BC) Third Intermediate Period (1085-525 BC) First Intermediate Period (2160-2040 BC) Greek rule (332-30 BC) (also called the Hellenistic) New Kingdom (1558-1085 BC) Roman rule (30 BC-700 AD) Old Kingdom (2686-2160 BC) Second Intermediate Period (1786-1558 BC)

7 Ancient Egypt Click on picture Read about major events in Egyptian history Create a timeline for Egypt –Include at least seven time periods –Include one major event for each time period

8 The Crusades Click the picture of the castle at the bottom right of the page and read about the Crusades. Select a student to play the role of: –Peter the Hermit –The Pope –The Crusaders Have the students so a dramatization led by the teacher of the first crusade.

9 The Boston Tea Party Click on both pictures and read the two different articles. Write a letter to a partner depicting the events in the point of view of the people that were involved such as: –King George, one of the Sons of Liberty, or someone in the crowd watching.

10 People in Societies 4 th grade activity- Cultural Practices of the Amish 6 th grade activity- Comparing two eastern religions (Buddhism & Hinduism) 7 th grade activity- Greek Gods and Goddesses 8 th grade activity- Slavery and The Middle Passage 9 th grade activity- The end of apartheid in South Africa

11 Cultural Practices of the Amish Click on the picture Read the sections –Who are the Amish? –Do Amish children go to school? –Why do they dress like that? Assignment –Describe in a few sentences who the Amish are –Describe in a few sentences what school is like for Amish children –Draw a picture of an Amish person working on the farm

12 Buddhism and Hinduism 1.Click on the top picture –Read about Buddhism –List 10 facts about Buddhism 2.Click on bottom picture –Read about Hinduism –List 10 facts about Hinduism 3.Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two religions

13 Slavery & The Middle Passage Click on picture Read each of the 4 stories Click on bold faced words for more information Write a 1 page report on the injustices of slavery. Use examples from the stories

14 Gods and Goddesses Click on the top picture Under extra topics read about Gods and Heroes Click on the bottom picture Under extra topics read about women and Goddesses Write a paragraph about the artifacts you saw Make your own piece of art that you would like to leave behind for other cultures to see

15 Ending Apartheid Click on top picture and read the BBC article Click on the bottom picture Read the Information Assignment –Write a paper describing apartheid in South Africa. Analyze the events that led to its end.

16 GEOGRAPHY 4 th grade activity- Discover how people adapt to their everyday surroundings 5 th grade activity- What about North America 6 th grade activity- Viewing the relationship between culture and environment 7 th grade activity- Exploring early civilizations on maps 8 th grade- Comparing maps from different time period

17 Surroundings Click on picture: How do people adjust to where they live? How do people, things, and ideas move from one place to another? How can we get a view of everything existing in the world?

18 North America Click on the map and read the article on North America. Locate the countries on the map. What are the rankings of North Americas population? Describe the natural environment of North America. Write two paragraphs on how climate and vegetation of North America relate to each other.

19 Culture and Environment Click on picture and read the article Define culture according to the article. How can cultural societies have an effect on the environment? Read the section on ‘Kinship and Family’, write a two page paper on the similarities and differences of your family and their beliefs.

20 Early Civilizations Click on any picture Click on each one again in the Cleopatra web site Listen to each story for the three regions of each region Explore the site Label your blank map with rivers and cities Choose one word from the glossary to share with the class

21 Comparing Colonial and Present Day Maps Click on both maps Study the maps Describe the similarities and differences of the two maps What are some other types of maps that you could look at in order to visualize the differences between the two time periods?

22 ECONOMICS 4 th grade activity- Uses of income 5 th grade activity- Supply and demand 6 th grade activity- Exports and imports of Africa 7 th grade activity- Pros and Cons of NAFTA 8 th grade activity- Making a budget

23 Income Click on the picture Pick a career and click on it. Next click on the line that says “salary”. Record the average annual salary for your chosen career. List the important things you would use your salary for every month. Remember you have to have a place to live, transportation and food to eat!

24 Supply and Demand Click on the picture. Read the short paragraph. Write down in your own words how supply and demand affect the price of a product.

25 Imports and Exports Click on the picture Pick any country and write down all of that country’s exports and imports. Next write a short paper. Include a description of the country’s imports, exports and geographical location. Also include reasons why they have to import certain products and export certain products.

26 North American Free Trade Agreement Click on the picture. Read the article. Find two reasons NAFTA would be good and explain them. Then find two reasons NAFTA would be bad and explain them.

27 Making a Budget Click on the picture. Pick any career and click on it. Then click on the salary of that career. Record this information. Use the salary for your chosen profession to create a monthly budget. Make sure to include money for transportation, bills, food, shelter and savings.

28 government 4 th grade activity- The Responsibilities of the 3 branches of government 5 th grade activity- Explain basic rights of citizens guaranteed by the Bill of Rights 6 th grade activity- Differences between a democracy and monarchy 7 th grade activity- Differences between representative and direct democracies 8 th grade activity- How a Bill becomes a Law

29 3 branches of government Click on picture Read about the Branches of Government Click on each branch and read more about the responsibilities of the 3 branches When you are done I will assign groups of three to make a poster of the government branches You will be graded on creativity, visual appeal, and Correct information for the responsibilities of each branch.

30 Bill of Rights Click on the picture Read over the Bill of Rights Draw a picture representing one of the first 10 amendments. Include a description of how that amendment protects the rights of the United State’s citizens.

31 Democracy vs. Monarchy Click on the picture to the right Read about what makes a monarchy Write a paper describing the differences and similarities of monarchies and democracies.

32 Democracy Click on the top picture which describes direct democracy and read the page. Click on the bottom picture which describes representative democracy and read the page. Write a letter to the president telling him which form of a democracy the United States is. Include your reasons for choosing that form and examples from the websites.

33 How a Bill becomes a Law Click on Picture Read about the law making process Create your own Bill Trace your bill’s journey to becoming a law

34 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 4 th grade activity- Human rights hero 5 th grade activity- Law making 6 th grade activity- United States government systems 7 th grade activity- Magna Carta and Civil Rights and Liberties 8 th grade activity- Frederick Douglass

35 Human rights Click on the picture and read the article about Mrs. Coretta Scott King. Write a one page paper on her heroism and her positive impact on the world today.

36 Creating Laws Click on the picture and read each bulleted link. What is a law, and who creates them? Who makes up the U.S. Congress and the legislative branch? If you could create one law, what would it be, and why would you make it?

37 U.S. Government Click on the picture and read the article. What are the two major parties existing in the United States? How do the rights and responsibilities of citizens differ in each political party?

38 Magna Carta and Civil Liberties Click on picture and read article on magna carta and civil liberties. Define magna carta and its origin. How do civil rights and civil liberties correspond with magna carta?

39 Frederick Douglass Impact on the Abolitionist Movement Click on the picture and read the article on the abolitionist movement. Write a two page paper on the influence Frederick Douglass had on the abolitionist movement? Who were the early influences on abolitionism?

40 Social Studies Skills and Methods 4 th grade activity – Fact or Opinion: Using the Newspaper 5 th grade activity – Timeline of Events: Independence 6 th grade activity – Group Activity: Religion 8 th grade activity – Position Paper 9 th grade activity – Checking Reliability

41 Fact or Opinion Talk about the difference between fact and fiction as a group. Click on the Dayton Daily News icon above. Read through different current articles that you find interesting. Pick an article or two. Write down three examples of a fact in the article and three of the writer of the article’s opinions. Explain why you think it is important to understand the difference between fact and opinion.

42 United Sates Claims Independence Click on the History Channel icon. Read through the article. Create a timeline of events leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

43 Group Activity: Religion Split the students into five different groups. Have the members of each group select a representative. Pick one of the five main religions of the world. Research on the internet about the religion and culture. Present to the class – Each member will talk about a concept of the religion including traditions, rituals, holidays, etc.

44 Position Paper Click on the icon below. Review the material on the website. Pick an issue that interests you. Read the information provided. Write a paper on if you agree or disagree. Include why you feel this way. Be sure to include a Bibliography page.

45 Checking Reliability Click on the pictures one at a time. Both articles have different perspectives on the same subject. Analyze the facts: Are the facts accurate? Are these sources reliable? Write a journal entry about your findings.

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