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Hybrid Cloud Experiments with GENI for Multi-site Opt-in Use Cases Prasad Calyam (PI) Collaborators: Ray Leto (TotalSim), Rob Kopp (Metro Data Center)

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Presentation on theme: "Hybrid Cloud Experiments with GENI for Multi-site Opt-in Use Cases Prasad Calyam (PI) Collaborators: Ray Leto (TotalSim), Rob Kopp (Metro Data Center)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hybrid Cloud Experiments with GENI for Multi-site Opt-in Use Cases Prasad Calyam (PI) Collaborators: Ray Leto (TotalSim), Rob Kopp (Metro Data Center) GEC18 Talk in Session on Shakedown Experiments, October 2013

2 City-supported Hybrid Computing Infrastructure Smart Cities have the potential to provide computing and broadband “utility” services that have a transformative economic impact 2

3 Project Purpose We want to transform how professionals and students can make and learn-about advanced manufacturing components through a "simulation-as-a-service" app based on cloud resource and software/platform access rentals in US Ignite cities… Credit: TotalSim 3

4 Advanced manufacturing design today requires iterative and collaborative work among multi-site engineering experts… Collect requirements Reverse engineer physical component (e.g., scans) Build CAD model for virtual component(s) Model Collaborate with customer via conferences Ship VMs back-and-forth Iterate and improve component (i.e., Parameters, Geometry) Simulate Apps for vertical E.g., PipeFlow, CarPredictor, EduApp Manufacture physical improvements Delivery New Component 4

5 Life of a small-business… (in advanced manufacturing) Today: Local/home- grown Screen capture/Email –Asynchronous collaboration, physical Win7 PC access required Lots of data copies –Mail DVDs, SCP Slow data transfer –Public Internet Local cluster procurement –Time consuming, overprovision Future : Cloud/apps/GENI WebEx on virtual desktop Synchronous collaboration, Cross- platform/device operation Cloud storage OSC storage, Data security and control Fast data transfer Extended VLANs over Dublink, OARnet, GENI Elastic compute access Can handle demand bursts Traditional development lifecycle: several delays for delivery, increased cost, and overhead for productivity Agile development lifecycle: quicker delivery, reduced cost and increased productivity 5

6 SMaaS App in GENI Infrastructure 6 GENI experiments in this project will include multi-site opt-in users and studies on user productivity, performance and experiences using SMaaS apps

7 Activities Planned and Challenges Setup Hybrid Cloud testbed with GENI Rack connected over the City of Dublin network to the GENI infrastructure –Last-mile infrastructure build-out to TotalSim –High-bandwidth connectivity –Long-running service Demonstration of a simple simulation-as-a-service app –Intellectual Property issues –VMware Horizon Broker hosting within GENI Rack Plan for recruiting opt-in users for the hybrid-cloud services –IRB protocol for opt-in user recruitment and usability studies Report on experiences implementing simple app services –Suggestions for improving GENI tools and services –Publish conference/journal papers 7

8 Thank you for your attention! 8

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