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STUDENT EMAIL How to properly use your student email account.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT EMAIL How to properly use your student email account."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT EMAIL How to properly use your student email account.

2 Why Do We Have Email?  APS has provided all students with a district email account.  This account will be used for educational purposes via the student portal. “MY BACKPACK”  The next slides will provide ways to use your email.


4 Communicate with teachers about assignments-1

5 Teachers will communicate with Students-2  Some of your teachers will email you about:  Grade Reports  Classroom Newsletters  Makeup Work  Test Reminders  Paper Edits  And many other topics!

6 Communicating with Professionals-3  Email your school business partners.  Connect with a professional in a field you are interested in studying.  Share information with city officials about needs in your community or school.  Students must have teacher/parent consent to contact professionals

7 Collaborate with other students on assignments-4

8 Communicating with Students-5  You can email your peers about:  Class activities  School clubs  Projects and Presentations  You should not use your email for:  Wasting time  Gossiping  Spamming This email is for school use, it is not for personal/social use.

9 6- Other reasons for using email A part of the technology curriculum LEARNING.COM A component of STEM Initiative at Atlanta Public Schools


11 Personal Accounts School Account  Hotmail, Yahoo!, etc.  Teachers will not email personal accounts  Accessible anywhere, anytime  School-related use only  Should look professional  Teachers will use for communication Protocols for Teachers and Students Using Email

12 Email Protocol-1  District email accounts WILL NOT BE PRIVATE. Teachers and administrators have the right to monitor all school email accounts.  The content and use of email must always follow all school rules.  Breaking school rules with email will include consequences such as:  Loss of computer privileges  Alternative assignments  Detention  ISS  OSS

13 Email Protocol-2  You can change your signature  Your signature should have  Name  School  “Every girl has a dream with her name on it.” “ I am Poised, Polished,, Professional and Prepared”  DO NOT INCLUDE  Quotes  Nicknames  Pictures or Symbols  Slang  Unprofessional Material

14 Email Protocol-3 Your Email should not be used:  As a timely way to contact your family or have them contact you during the day.  For forwarding “e-junk” including chain letters, urban myths, free offers, jokes, spam, etc.  For registering on unapproved websites (game sites, social networking sites, etc)

15 Protocol-4 Communication on district email should:  Use standard English instead of short cuts and abbreviations used in I.M. and text messaging.  Use standard spelling.  Follow rules of grammar for punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure.

16 Acceptable Use Policy Requirements  You will not use computers to harm other people or their work.  Do not violate copyright laws.  Do not access, keep, or send material or email that would not be appropriate for teachers or parents to see.  Do not share your passwords.  Do not trespass in anyone else’s disks, folder, work, files, or email.  Use of district technology to threaten or harass another person or to violate any state or federal law could result in prosecution.

17 Student Discussion  What are the appropriate uses of email?  What are the consequences of breaking rules with email?  Why shouldn’t parents use email as a way to leave important messages for their child?  Why is it important for students to keep their email professional?

18 Where is the Student Portal “MYBackPack” located?  Icon on the desktop machines  The direct link to student email NOTE: You can access “MYBACKPACK” from any computer and mobile device.


20 How to Log Onto the Student Portal “MY BACKPACK”  Using any device, locate the link from the district or school website.

21 Your Credentials  Student’s email addresses are:  Example:  Student user name and passwords are:  username (example: cbrown5567)  password (example: Password! is the default. You will be prompted to enter a secured password when you log in.

22 Features in Your Account

23 Models for Planning Model a lesson using email (paper, setting up tasks, calendar etc.) For the ipads, create the icon and for computers save as Favorite/Bookmark Show teachers how to make a distribution list from IC and place in Outlook


25 Registration Question for Password Reset  All students will need to register their security question BEFORE you access MY BACKPACK.   If you forget your password go to: 

26 Student Activity- Email Assignment Accessing “MY BACKPACK” Student Portal  Click on the email link

27 Student Activity- Email Assignment Accessing “MY BACKPACK” Student Portal Respond to these discussion questions using your student email account. Email answers to your teacher.  How has email changed communications in today’s world?  What are the benefits of email?  What are some of the potential dangers of email use?  How can people keep themselves safe from email dangers?  How can email help you learn?

28 Final Reminders  Enjoy your student email account. Have fun!  School rules do apply to email.  Your email is NOT private.  Use appropriate language and netiquette in your email.  Keep a professional appearance to your email.

29 Contact Info Krasandra Holmes 404-802-2747 ‪ Atlanta Public Schools Internet Safety Policy Atlanta Public Schools Internet Acceptable Use Policy

30 Priority Schools CSK High School Best and CSK Middle ( students) Forrest Hills ( new students) Long Middle School

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