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BOX Deployment McCann Worldgroup Technology. BOX is a new type of content sharing platform and document repository for a global workforce.

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Presentation on theme: "BOX Deployment McCann Worldgroup Technology. BOX is a new type of content sharing platform and document repository for a global workforce."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOX Deployment McCann Worldgroup Technology

2 BOX is a new type of content sharing platform and document repository for a global workforce McCann Worldgroup “AssetShare” offers… –Simplicity: keep all assets organized in one place with version tracking –Collaboration: share files quickly, easily and securely –Accessibility: Anytime, anywhere, on-the-go access –Usability: Quickly find and contact colleagues; manage notifications –Continuity: Ensuring your ability to work under a range of circumstances 2

3 Features and Uses Collaboration –Invite users to collaborate within a folder or share via a web link –Tasks, Approvals and Notes available around document management –Manage permissions of each contributor by user –Ability to share content externally via links which auto-expire Accessibility –Optimized for mobile devices; iPhone, Android, and tablets –Single Sign-On allowing access to files from internal and external computers Directory Structure –Access to create and share files and folders is open by design –For consistency, an example folder hierarchy is proposed separately Folder and Asset Tagging –Free form tagging exists on assets and folders –Suggestion: Introduce standardized tags to your team to provide consistency 3

4 Treatment of Data It is important to consider the types of information and data stored on Box –It is OK to store assets relating to accounts, projects, process, or other collaborative documents, as long as they do not contain Confidential Information or Personal Data –Confidential Information and/or Personal Data should NEVER be stored on Box “Confidential Information” is any information of the agency, its clients, suppliers or other parties that are understood to be confidential. Examples include: –Information about agency or client business plans –HR-related employee information –Information about a pitch –Staffing plans with agency employee names, titles and salary rates –Client contract or Supplier pricing information “Personal Data” is data that identifies an individual, or that, in combination with other data, can be used to identify an individual. “John” on its own is not Personal Data, but “John” plus John’s email is personal. Other examples: –Research data containing lists of user names and addresses –Focus group participant lists –A release signed by someone who appeared in a shoot –CRM collection of customer data as sales references General Rule: if you wouldn’t email it, don’t share it on Box! –If you are unsure if something is appropriate, please ASK 4

5 5 GMI: Sample Folder Structure

6 HELP! Enterprise Service Desk can route any issues to the appropriate tech – Your Business Contact can help with folder setup and policy questions –Rich Whalen The Worldgroup team is here to help if you get stuck… –Lauren Heckler – Account liaison 6

7 BOX Quick Start: Creating an Account 1.Go to to create an AssetShare account: Click “Continue” 2.This should take you to a McCANN single sign on page: use your network email and password to log in –See screen shots below –Trouble logging in? Email Rich Whalen or Ed Recinto 3.Once you have logged in, email Rich Whalen to get added to the GMI folder structure 4.You will receive a notification with a link to the folder, then you are good to go! –Once you are in, you will automatically have access to a folder called "Box Resources" where you can find more info and tricks for using Box 7 2. Log-in with your everyday Network credentials (SSO) 1. Click “Continue”

8 BOX Quick Start: Create, Share, Collaborate 8

9 BOX Quick Start: Training and Resources User Documentation (Hyperlinked) –Box Resources Box Quick Start Guide: VERY quick guide to show you how to create a folder, upload and share files and manage your account’s settings.Box Quick Start Guide Box User Guide: Quick guide to show you how to share, access and manage your content from anywhere.Box User Guide Box Everyday Collaboration: How to best configure sharing and collaboration to fit the needs of your team, company and client base.Box Everyday Collaboration Training Video(s) –“5 Skills to Get Started Fast”5 Skills to Get Started Fast Note: the correct login link for Box is “” Tips and Tricks –Yammer “BOX Forum” is an area to ask general questions and will be updated with tips and tricks you can use in the applicationBOX Forum 9

10 APPENDIX Global Project Roles Worldgroup Single-Instance Strategy Controls and Governance IPG Risk and Legal 10

11 BOX Global Deployment – Project Roles 11 ResourceRoleEmail Jeff BalancioProgram Management; Deployment Planning Jim BrennanTechnical Lead; Global policy and security Ed RecintoGlobal Account Admin Lauren HecklerAccount Team Liaison

12 Worldgroup Single-Instance Strategy One Worldgroup Instance –Simplified Governance: Data and user accounts can be centrally managed in one Worldgroup instance –Simplified Collaborators: Easier to find people using ‘type ahead’ functionality within a single instance Asset Security –A single Worldgroup instance will allow us to identify all Worldgroup users as Managed users –All External collaborators will expire after specified amount of time, if not specifically extended by the folder owner –‘Persistent’ External collaborators can be accommodated using a ‘Multi client’ Worldgroup instance Group Management A single instance will allow us to maintain all Box groups in AD using the Account Management application, enabling re-use across multiple applications 12

13 Controls and Governance In order to ensure proper usage of BOX, we are planning to implement central oversight tools to help govern the application Following controls are being planed: Central Audit –Admin ability to email individual folder owners in order to notify them about active collaborators External Collaborators –Controls put in place to remove collaboration link for external users after 90-days, unless extended by folder owner Communication and Acceptance –Education of policies and procedures via web application with active acceptance of terms of use 13

14 Risk and Legal IPG Risk Review –During the review, two potential risks identified: POTENTIAL RISK: The use of temporary employees may be a concern particularly when confidential data is involved. (Medium Risk) POTENTIAL RISK: RPO is 4 hours and RTO is 48 hours. These requirements must be evaluated on a client-by-client or program-by-program basis. (Low Risk) –Conclusion: BOX has demonstrated that they effectively meet IPG’s requirements regarding information security Full Document HERE IPG Legal Review –Internal SP&P data regulations (client contracts supersede SP&P) SP&P 625 — Data Treatment Guide published to govern data storage SP&P 301 — Governs data retention by content type –IPG Legal review exposed concerns around cloud storage and transfer of “Personal Data,” defined as data that identifies an individual, or that, in combination with other data, can be used to identify an individual Agencies must educate and train users on data that should not be stored/shared 14

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