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B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 1 The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory History and process The science Infrastructure requirement Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 1 The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory History and process The science Infrastructure requirement Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 1 The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory History and process The science Infrastructure requirement Implementation Bernard Sadoulet Dept. of Physics /LBNL UC Berkeley UC Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (INPAC)

2 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 2 The DUSEL Process Motivations Early 1980’s first investigation (Nevada, San Jancinto) 2000 Renewed interest in a US Deep Underground Science Laboratory ÜRapid expansion of Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics ÜPotential availability of Homestake on a short time scale Strong scientific support. A number of reports. Recent realization that such a facility would bring tremendous opportunities to earth sciences, biology and engineering: DUSEL March 2004: New process put in place by NSF Solicitation 1: Community wide study of Scientific roadmap: from Nuclear/Particle/Astro Physics to Geo Physics/Chemistry/Microbiology/Engineering Generic infrastructure requirements Solicitation 2 : Pre-selection of 3-5 sites Proposals due February 28 2005 Solicitation 3  Selection of initial site(s)  MRE and Presidential Budget (optimistically in 09)

3 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 3 Site Independent Goals The best scientific case for DUSEL The big questions Roadmaps of class A+ experiments Long term needs Implementation parameters Infrastructure requirements  Modules (set of experiments sharing same infrastructure needs) Generic management structure Integration of science and education and involvement of local population International context Identify strategic aspects of a U.S. facility Estimation of the space needs for first two decades =>Build up common language, consensus and synergies clearly happening already (3 workshops) Deliverables by summer 05 Printed report directed at generalists Agencies OMB/OSTP/Congress cf. Quantum Universe +Web based reports with technical facts for scientists and programs monitors

4 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 4 Process 6 PI’s responsible for the study in particular scientific quality/ objectivity Bernard Sadoulet, UC Berkeley, Astrophysics/Cosmology Hamish Robertson, U. Washington, Nuclear Physics Eugene Beie,r U. of Pennsylvania, Particle Physics Charles Fairhurst, U. of Minnesota, geology/engineering Tullis Onstott, Princeton, geomicrobiology James Tiedje, Michigan State, microbiology 14 working groups + Workshops Infrastructure requirements/management Education and outreach 2 consultation groups The site consultation group (Solicitation 2 sites) Endorsement of the PI’s and general approach Input on scientific/technical questions important to the sites Competition between sites The initiative coordination group: major stakeholders (e.g. National Labs) Coordination with other major initiatives Major facilitator of involvement of other agencies External review à la NRC

5 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 5 Status/Plans See 3 workshops Berkeley Aug 04: mutual discovery of Physics and Earth Sciences Blacksburg Nov 04: big questions in Earth Sciences Boulder Jan 05: fundamental biology, international aspects common language, modules, schedule Methodology Infrastructure matrices Survey of the demand for DUSEL 1st decade and 2nd decade Rescaling for likely evolution of community and budgets  Start real work from working groups after Feb 28  Final workshop in DC area ≈July 15 General discussion of a draft of overall report Information of agency people  August-September Convergence on wording External review  Glossy report fall 05

6 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 6 Major Questions in Physics (1) What are the properties of the neutrinos? Are neutrinos their own antiparticle? The answer to this question is a key ingredient in the formulation of a new ``Standard Model'', and can only be obtained by the study of neutrinoless double beta decay. What is the remaining, and presently unknown, mixing angle  13 between neutrino mass eigenstates? What is the hierarchy of masses? Is there significant violation of the CP symmetry among the neutrinos?

7 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 7 Double beta decay Many new experiments gearing up to test this claim and go beyond it… Major US efforts Majorana expt- 500 kg Ge76 (86%) EXO - 1-ton LXe TPC Majorana Experiment

8 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 8 Major Questions in Physics (1) What are the properties of the neutrinos? Are neutrinos their own antiparticle? The answer to this question is a key ingredient in the formulation of a new ``Standard Model'', and can only be obtained by the study of neutrinoless double beta decay. What is the remaining, and presently unknown, mixing angle  13 between neutrino mass eigenstates? What is the hierarchy of masses? Is there significant violation of the CP symmetry among the neutrinos? Do protons decay? It is expected that baryonic matter is unstable at some level and the lifetime for proton decay is a hallmark of theories beyond the Standard Model. These questions relate immediately to the completion of our understanding of particle and nuclear physics, and to the mystery of why the universe contains much more matter than antimatter.

9 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 9 Nucleon decay & long-baseline Large multipurpose detectors Long-baseline neutrinos Proton decay Supernova observatory UNO: ~20 SuperK (fid.) Water cherenkov LANNDD - Liquid Argon Neutrino and Nucleon Decay Detector

10 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 10 Major Questions in Physics (2) What is the nature of the dark matter in the universe? Is it comprised of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) of a type not presently known, but predicted by theories such as Supersymmetry? Goal: observe both in the cosmos and the laboratory (LHC,ILC).

11 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 11 Large mass WIMP detectors Cryogenic Detectors CDMS II, EDELWEISS II, CRESST II Similar reach with complementary assets Xenon Low pressure TPC

12 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 12 Major Questions in Physics (2) What is the nature of the dark matter in the universe? Is it comprised of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) of a type not presently known, but predicted by theories such as Supersymmetry? Goal: observe both in the cosmos and the laboratory (LHC,ILC). What is the low-energy spectrum of neutrinos from the sun? Solar neutrinos have been important in providing new information not only about the sun but also about the fundamental properties of neutrinos.

13 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 13 Solar neutrinos Possible future US Program: Heron - rotons in LHe Clean - scintillation in LNe LENS - liquid scintillator

14 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 14 Physics needs low cosmic- ray rates

15 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 15 Subsurface Geoscience How are the Underground Processes Changing the Earth How does the rock flows and cracks at depth? Fundamental Processes at Depth How are the coupled Hydro-Thermal-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological (HTMCB) processes in fractured rock masses vary as function of the physical and time scales involved. Cannot be done in laboratory! Transparent Earth Can progress in geophysical sensing methods and computational advances be applied to make the earth transparent, i.e. to ‘see’ real-time interaction of processes and their consequences in the solid earth? Relationships between surface measurements and subsurface deformations and stresses How does the Earth Crust Move? –What controls the onset and propagation of seismic slip on a fault? –How are surface deformations and stresses related to their subsurface counterparts, and to tectonic plate motions? – Can earthquake slip be predicted; can it be controlled? Need for long term access as deep as possible Observatories in particular at largest depth Laboratories where we can act on the rock

16 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 16 Rock Mass Strength-Unknown

17 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 17 Correlation Surface -Underground

18 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 18 Induced Fracture Processes Laboratory Evaluate and refine models of fracture initiation and propagation Resource recovery CO2 sequestration Waste isolation Examine effects on proximal fluid flow and transport including proppants Wellbore interaction effects Pressure solution in fractures Examine roles of different propellants Examine roles of fractures in bacterial colonization Examine the long-term stability and durability of underground openings Courtesy of Derek Ellsworth

19 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 19 Deep Coupled Processes Laboratory Characterize coupled-processes that affect critical environmental engineering, and complex subsurface Earth processes CO2 sequestration Waste isolation In situ mining Mineralization and ore body formation Characterize coupled processes under ambient conditions Chemical fate and transport including dissolution/precipitation and modification of mechanical and transport parameters Multiphase flow and transport Microbial colonization Courtesy of Derek Ellsworth

20 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 20 Subsurface GeoEngineering Importance for a number of applications –groundwater flow; –contaminant transport; –long-term isolation of hazardous and toxic wastes, carbon sequestration and hydrocarbon storage underground –ore forming processes; –energetic slip on faults and fractures; stability of underground excavations; Mastery of the rock What are the limits to large stable excavations at depth? Currently: Petroleum boreholes; 0.1m Ø. at 10km Mine shafts 5m Ø at 4km. DUSEL physics excavations 10-40m Ø at 1-3km Resources Origin Discovery Exploitation Sequestration Need for long term access as deep as possible DUSEL nearly unique in the world

21 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 21 Resource Recovery Locate resource Access quickly and at low cost Recover 100% resource at chosen timescale No negative environmental effect Waste Containment/Disposal Characterize host at high resolution Access and inter quickly at low cost Inter completely or define fugitive concentration output with time Underground Construction Characterize inexpensively at high resolution Excavate quickly and inexpensively Provide minimum support for maximum design life ……………… What will we need to do better in 20 years? Grand Challenges ….. Courtesy of Derek Ellsworth

22 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 22 Major Questions in Geomicrobiology How does the interplay between biology and geology shape the subsurface? Role of microbes in HTMCB How deeply does life extend into the Earth? What are the lower limits of life in the biosphere? What is the temperature barrier, the influence of pressure, the interplay of energy restrictions with the above? The subsurface biomass may be the most extensive on earth but samples so far are too few. What fuels the deep biosphere? Do deep microbial ecosystems exist that are dependent upon geochemically generated energy sources ("geogas": H2, CH4, etc.) and independent from photosynthesis. How do such systems function, their members interact to sustain the livelihood? Need for long term access as deep as possible In many cases need horizontal probes (pressure) Deeper bores

23 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 23 Variation of Life with Depth Cells/ml or Cells/g Depth (km) 10 7 10 5 10 3 10 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? Fig. 2 of Earthlab report S. African data + Onstott et al. 1998

24 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 24 Major Questions in Biology What can we learn on evolution and genome dynamics? Microbes may have been isolated from the surface gene pool for very long periods of time. Can we observe ancient life? How different are this dark life from microbes on the surface? Unexpected and biotechnologically useful enzymes? How do they evolve with very low population density, extremely low metabolism rate and high longevity? Role of Phages Did life on the earth's surface come from underground? Does the deep subsurface harbor primitive life processes today? Has the subsurface acted as refuge during extinctions. What "signs of subsurface life" should we search for on Mars? Is there dark life as we don't know it? Does unique biochemistry, e.g. non-nucleic acid based, and molecular signatures exist in isolated subsurface niches? Requires systematic sampling at various depths Attention to contamination issues Long term observation in their own environment

25 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 25 Answers require DUSEL (1) Very Deep: 6000 mwe (meters water equivalent, about the same as feet of rock): –Double beta decay –Solar neutrinos –Dark matter detectors (may be 4000 mwe) -Construction technology for deep waste sequestration -Monitor and relate surface deformations and stresses to their subsurface counterparts. –Determine processes controlling maximum depth of subsurface biosphere and perhaps discover life not as we know it. –Access to high ambient temperature and stress similar to seismogenic zone for in situ HTCMB experiments. + Intermediate depths: automatic –Some solar neutrinos –Radioactive screening/prototyping –Fabrication+ Assembly area –Construction technology for modest depth applications –Monitor and relate surface deformations and stresses to their subsurface counterparts.

26 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 26 Answers require DUSEL (2) Very Large Caverns (1,000,000 m 3 ) at 2000-4000 mwe –Proton decay –Long-baseline neutrino physics (  13, masses, CP) - 3D +time monitoring of deformation at space and time scale intermediate between bench-tops and tectonic plates. Very Large Block Experiments: (100x100x100 m 3 ) spanning the whole depth range –HTCMB experiments under in situ conditions in pristine environment over multiple correlation lengths with mass and energy balance. –‘See’ real-time interaction of HTCMB processes using geophysical and computational advances and MINE–BACK to validate imaging. –Perform sequestration studies and observe interaction with surface bio-, hydro- and atmosphere

27 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 27 Exciting Science and Engineering Compelling questions: A snap shot Neutrinos, Dark Matter, Stability of Matter The Ever Changing Earth: Fundamental Processes and Tectonics Transparent Earth, Mastery of the Rock, Resources The exploration of subsurface biosphere: limits, metabolism, role in geological processes New questions on origins, evolution and biochemistry diversity Multidisciplinary Not just a juxtaposition for political convenience Clarity about differences: e.g. earth scientists prefer variety of sites including hard rock and sedimentary if possible ≠ physicists Learning how to live together: e.g. tracers in water used for exploratory drilling, rock deformation laboratories far from observatories Overlap of questions: between fields and between fundamental and applied Multidisciplinary approaches: e.g. geo-micro-biologists New Synergies Instrumentation of the rock prior to construction of physics cavities Low radioactivity methods, instrumentation, data acquisition Marvelous education and outreach opportunity Training of a new generation of multidiciplinary scientists and engineers Exciting the imagination of K-12 students (Bio+Earth+Physics+Astronomy) Involvement of local population (often Native Americans)

28 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 28 Science-Methods-Applications Overlap is testimony of the richness of the field Opportunity for multiple advocacy NSF-DOE- Congress - Industry Experts-other scientists- Public at large Resources Origin Discovery Exploitation Transparent Earth Remote Characterization Surface-> subsurface Ever Changing Earth Fundamental processes Role of microbes Tectonics/Seismology

29 B.Sadoulet DUSEL seminar 3/4/05 29 International Aspects International Science and Engineering ! Not only in physics and astronomy But also: geo sciences (relationships with URL) geo-microbiology is a new frontier Strategic advantage of a U.S. DUSEL A premier facility on U.S. soil will more readily put U.S. teams at core of major projects attract the most exciting projects maximize impact on training of scientists and engineers + public However we should check our intuition that there is enough demand DUSEL complementary to other major U.S. initiatives e.g. Earth-Scope, Secure Earth An existing infrastructure could be a major asset in competition for proton decay/neutrino detector At same time, considerable flexibility available in implementation To conform with evolution of science, budget realities, and international Mega-Science coordination Excavate as we go (≠ Gran Sasso) Single site or multiple sites (in which case common management) Modules which can be deployed independently (in time or space) e.g. Deep vs Large cavity

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