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 A British economic policy  This was a common economic practice of the 18 th century  Effect: colonies were losing money.

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Presentation on theme: " A British economic policy  This was a common economic practice of the 18 th century  Effect: colonies were losing money."— Presentation transcript:

1  A British economic policy  This was a common economic practice of the 18 th century  Effect: colonies were losing money

2  1. Had to export to England first  2. Only use British/Colonial ships

3  Britain and France fought over control of the Ohio River Valley; British won  Because Britain won they expected the colonies to help pay for the war  Now the colonist will start getting TAXED

4 TThe land west of the Appalachian Mountains belongs to the NA’s so you can not settle there IIt angered the colonists who saw it as an unjustified intrusion into their affairs TThey believed it was a British attempt to control colonial Affairs

5  The Very First Tax placed on the Colonist  Was a Tax on Molasses

6  England controlled colonial currency system

7  Taxed on all sorts of printed material  Effect: Rioting broke out, boycott of British goods Was repealed

8  Refusing to buy a from certain seller.  Purpose: to protest “taxation without representation”

9  Legal document permitting searches  Blank search Warrants  This enabled British Officers to search the homes for Smuggled goods

10  Colonists had to house and feed British soldiers

11  Taxed basic items such as lead, glass, tea and paper

12  They Protested the Townshend Acts  They urged Americans to buy only goods only from the colonies such as homemade fabrics

13  Deadly riot where 5 colonists were killed  Crispus Attucks 1 st to be killed  Used as propaganda  Effect: colonist formed The Committees of Correspondence”

14  Could only buy tea from British East India Company  Gave England a monopoly over tea

15  A group of protesters who would meet to discuss their dislike of British rule

16 SSons of Liberty dressed as Indians and drumped342 crates of tea into the Boston Harbor IIn response the British Parliament passed the Intolerable acts, leading to the American Revolution

17  An organization amongst the colonies that took place in response to the intolerable acts.  In this meeting they ◦ made requests for peace and fairness ◦ Gathered a list of grievances  told the militias to start preparing to fight  Scheduled their next meeting time

18  They were punishment for the Boston Tea Party and did 4 things: ◦ Closed port at Boston ◦ Strengthened Quartering Act ◦ No Town Hall Meetings

19  First shots of the American Revolution  Britain was after the Arsenal the colonist had in Concord

20  He rode to warn the militia in Lexington that “The British are coming, The British are coming”  “The regulars are out “  He was a silversmith  He was a Minuteman  Lived in Boston

21  Colonist way to ask King George III for peace  He declined

22  Advocate of woman's rights  Wife of John Adams  Encouraged her husband to “Remember the ladies”

23  Patriot leader at Bunker Hill  “don’t shoot until you see the whites in their eyes”

24  Redcott Leader

25  Patriot from Massachusetts who attended both Continental Congresses  Becomes the 2 nd president

26  Leader of Sons of Liberty and Committees of Correspondence

27  First African American double spy  He was a slave that spied on British troops and reported the information to American troops

28  First person to be killed in the American Revolution.  Killed during Boston Massacre  Considered a martyr

29 AAfrican American rider during the Am. Rev. who was responsible for relaying information HHe made a warning ride that the British are coming

30  He started the Enlightenment movement in colonial America  Ambassador to France  On committee to write D of I

31  Led Spanish forces against Britain by protecting American Ships from the British in New Orleans

32  King of England during Am. Rev.

33  Patriot who said “Give me Liberty or Give me Death”

34  Main author of D of I

35  French officer who helped train the troops at Valley Forge

36  He was a writer who advocated the independence of colonies  He wrote pamphlet Common Sense

37  Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine  It persuaded ordinary people to support independence from Great Britain

38  A Jewish merchant who made loans to help finance the colonial government and Revolutionary War

39 AAuthor who wrote in favor of Independence

40  Commander in Chief of the Continental Army

41  American Naval officer who said “I have not yet begun to fight”

42  Patriot and President of 2 nd Continental Congress  First to sign D of I

43  Revival of evangelical religion that spread through the colonies

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